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delphi 蜘蛛 纸牌 棋牌 1:面向对象技术能够很好地控制系统的复杂性; 2:面向对象技术很容易维护和修改;


EhLib 9.0 Build 9.0.033 Full Source

Version 9.0 + New type of DropDown calendar with support for entering date and time + Highlight holidays, weekends and current day in TPlannerCalendarPickerEh component + Highlight current day and current time in TPlannerControlEh + AllowedOperations property in TPlannerControlEh + ReadOnly state for TPlannerControlEh and TPlannerDataItemEh + Time divider of 5, 6, 10, 15, 30 and 60 minutes in TPlannerDayViewEh and TPlannerWeekViewEh components + New properties and events in TPlannerXXXViewEh components (TPlannerDayViewEh, TPlannerWeekViewEh …) + CellButtons in columns of DBGridEh and rows DBVertGridEh to create buttons in cells of the grid operating without activation InplaceEditor text editor. + Search in a mode of “Begins with” in SearchPanel + Selecting of rows in DBGridEh.DataGrouping mode by pressing the group row in the indicator section


Overbyte ICS v834

最新版的ics支持d7-xe10.1,还支持OpenSSL-Win32 主要控件请见OverbyteIcsReg.pas uses {$IFDEF FMX} FMX.Types, Ics.Fmx.OverbyteIcsWndControl, Ics.Fmx.OverbyteIcsWSocket, Ics.Fmx.OverbyteIcsDnsQuery, Ics.Fmx.OverbyteIcsFtpCli, Ics.Fmx.OverbyteIcsFtpSrv, Ics.Fmx.OverbyteIcsMultipartFtpDownloader, Ics.Fmx.OverbyteIcsHttpProt, Ics.Fmx.OverbyteIcsHttpSrv, Ics.Fmx.OverbyteIcsMultipartHttpDownloader, Ics.Fmx.OverbyteIcsHttpAppServer, Ics.Fmx.OverbyteIcsCharsetComboBox, Ics.Fmx.OverbyteIcsPop3Prot, Ics.Fmx.OverbyteIcsSmtpProt, Ics.Fmx.OverbyteIcsNntpCli, Ics.Fmx.OverbyteIcsFingCli, Ics.Fmx.OverbyteIcsPing, {$IFDEF USE_SSL} Ics.Fmx.OverbyteIcsSslSessionCache, Ics.Fmx.OverbyteIcsSslThrdLock, {$ENDIF} Ics.Fmx.OverbyteIcsWSocketE, Ics.Fmx.OverbyteIcsWSocketS, {$ENDIF FMX} {$IFDEF VCL} Controls, OverbyteIcsWndControl, OverbyteIcsWSocket, OverbyteIcsDnsQuery, OverbyteIcsFtpCli, OverbyteIcsFtpSrv, OverbyteIcsMultipartFtpDownloader, OverbyteIcsHttpProt, OverbyteIcsHttpSrv, OverbyteIcsMultipartHttpDownloader, OverbyteIcsHttpAppServer, OverbyteIcsCharsetComboBox, OverbyteIcsPop3Prot, OverbyteIcsSmtpProt, OverbyteIcsNntpCli, OverbyteIcsFingCli, OverbyteIcsPing, {$IFDEF USE_SSL} OverbyteIcsSslSessionCache, OverbyteIcsSslThrdLock, {$ENDIF} OverbyteIcsWSocketE, OverbyteIcsWSocketS, OverbyteIcsSysLogClient, OverbyteIcsSysLogServer, OverbyteIcsSnmpCli, OverbyteIcsSmtpSrv, // VCL only OverbyteIcsMultiProgressBar, OverbyteIcsEmulVT, OverbyteIcsTnCnx, OverbyteIcsTnEmulVT, OverbyteIcsTnScript, {$IFNDEF BCB} OverbyteIcsWSocketTS, {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF VCL} {$IFDEF ICS_COMMON} OverbyteIcsMimeDec, OverbyteIcsMimeUtils, OverbyteIcsTimeList, OverbyteIcsLogger, {$IFNDEF BCB} OverbyteIcsCookies, {$ENDIF !BCB} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF RTL_NAMESPACES}System.SysUtils{$ELSE}SysUtils{$ENDIF}, {$IFDEF RTL_NAMESPACES}System.Classes{$ELSE}Classes{$ENDIF}; procedure Register; implementation



unidac459src 最新的源码 一个非常不错的组件



******************************************** * CodeTyphon Studio * * GENERATION II * * Changes Log File * * PilotLogic Software House * * 2008-2011 * ******************************************** ======> 4-11-2011 ver 2.30 ================================================= Note1: New CodeTyphon Installation Philosophy New "ALL in One Directory" structure Note2: New Lazarus "Building" Method: CodeTyphon Center build first Lazarus "Small IDE" and then try to build Lazarus "BIG IDE". --With this new method Lazarus Small IDE always is present... --Solve ALL makefiles problems Note3: FreeBSD 32/64 Layer is in Beta stage now --Debugging with GDB don't work, yet... -ADD pl_ACS (Win32,Win64) -ADD pl_JujiboUtils (Win32,Win64, Linux32,Linux64, FreeBSD32,FreeBSD64) -ADD pl_RichView (Win32,Win64, Linux32,Linux64, FreeBSD32,FreeBSD64) -Update pl_BGRAbitmap (SVN 2-11-2011) -Update pl_BGRAControls (SVN 2-11-2011) -Update pl_Graphics32 (SVN 2-11-2011) -Update pl_GLScene (SVN 2-11-2011) -Update pl_Imaging (SVN 2-11-2011) -Update pl_ZenGL (SVN 2-11-2011) -Update pl_PowerPDF (SVN 2-11-2011) -Update pl_RX (SVN 2-11-2011) NOTE: Lazarus 0.9.31 Source from SVN 3-11-2011 Rev 33300 FreePascal 2.7.1 Source from SVN 17-09-2011 Rev 19464 ======> 01-10-2011 ver 2.20 ================================================= -ADD Support for FreeBSD 9.0 beta2 32/64 (Experimental) -ADD Support for SuSE 11.4 Linux 32/64 (With dual personality for freepascal) -ADD Support for Fedora 15 Linux 32/64 -ADD Support for Debian Linux 32/64 -ADD Support for CentOS 6.0 Linux 32/64 -ADD Support for RedHat 6 Linux 32/64 -ADD Support for Mint 11 Linux 32/64 -Update all Linux/FreeBSD/Unix scripts -Changed linux freepascal and lazarus folders structure -Changed linux freepascal links to executables names (fpc32 and fpc64) -Changed linux lazarus links to executables names -Update pl_GLScene (SVN 9-9-2011) -Update pl_ZenGL (SVN 20-9-2011) -Update pl_RX (SVN 9-9-2011) -Update pl_WST (SVN 11-9-2011) -Update pl_BGRAControls (SVN 25-9-2011) -Update pl_Graphics32 (SVN 9-9-2011) -Update pl_BGRAbitmap (SVN 25-9-2011) -Rename/Update pl_KambiEngine to pl_Castle (SVN 20-9-2011) NOTE: Lazarus 0.9.31 Source from SVN 25-09-2011 Rev 32573 FreePascal 2.7.1 Source from SVN 17-09-2011 Rev 19078 ======> 25-8-2011 ver 2.10 ================================================= Maintenance Release -Rollback to GDB ver 7.0.50 for Win32/64 GDB Ver 7.3.50 exists to CodeTyphon\binGDB\xnewGDB for testing... -Update pl_GLScene (SVN 24-8-2011) -Update pl_ZenGL (SVN 24-8-2011) -Fix some CodeOcean samples NOTE: Lazarus 0.9.31 Source from SVN 19-08-2011 Rev 32047 FreePascal 2.7.1 Source from SVN 19-08-2011 Rev 18872 ======> 23-8-2011 ver 2.00 ================================================= -Update CodeTyphon Center -fixed Show/Hide Component palette to Lazarus IDE -Update GDB for Win32 to Version 7.3.50 10-5-2011 -Update GDB for Win64 to Version 7.3.50 10-5-2011 -ADD pl_KControls (Win32, Win64, Linux32, Linux64) -ADD pl_Orpheus (Win32, Win64, Linux32, Linux64) -ADD pl_LazBarcodes (Win32, Win64, Linux32, Linux64) -ADD pl_Jvcl (partial) (Win32, Win64, Linux32, Linux64) -ADD pl_CHelper (Win32, Win64, Linux32, Linux64) -ADD pl_WST (Web Service Toolkit) (Win32, Win64, Linux32, Linux64) -ADD pl_RX (Win32, Win64, Linux32, Linux64) -ADD pl_ZMSQL (Win32, Win64, Linux32, Linux64) -Update pl_ZenGL (SVN 26-7-2011) -Update pl_BGRAControls (SVN 18-7-2011) -Update pl_Imaging (SVN 14-7-2011) -Update pl_UIB (SVN 26-7-2011) -Update pl_BGRAbitmap (SVN 26-7-2011) -Update pl_OpenWire (SVN 02-8-2011) -Update pl_LNetComp (SVN 02-8-2011) -Update pl_Graphics32 (SVN 08-8-2011) -Update pl_Box2D (SVN 09-8-2011) -Update pl_PasDoc (SVN 09-2-2011) NOTE: Lazarus 0.9.31 Source from SVN 19-08-2011 Rev 32037 FreePascal 2.7.1 Source from SVN 19-08-2011 Rev 18246 ======================================================= ======================================================= END OF CodeTyphon GENERATION I ======================================================= ======================================================= ======> 07-07-2011 ver 1.80 ================================================= -Some Fixes for pl_Indy and Wince (woma1 user) -Update pl_ExSystem (new TplTimer component) -Update pl_ZenGL (SVN 05-6-2011) -Update pl_OpenWire (SVN 17-6-2011) -Update pl_LNetComp (SVN 05-6-2011) -Update pl_Synapse (SVN 01-6-2011) -Update pl_UIB (SVN 28-6-2011) -Update pl_GLScene (SVN 03-7-2011) -Update pl_BGRAbitmap (SVN 03-7-2011) -Update pl_KambiEngine (SVN 05-7-2011) -Update pl_Graphics32 (SVN 05-7-2011) -ADD pl_OpenGL, (Under modification/experimental) -ADD pl_Box2D, (Under modification/experimental) -ADD pl_Graphics32EXT, Extensions for Graphics32 (Win32, Win64, Linux32, Linux64, WinCE) -ADD pl_Cindy (Win32, Win64, Linux32, Linux64, WinCE) -ADD pl_BGRAueControls (Win32, Win64, Linux32, Linux64, WinCE) -ADD pl_PascalScript (Win32, Win64, Linux32, Linux64, WinCE) NOTE: Lazarus 0.9.31 Source from SVN 07-07-2011 Rev 31589 FreePascal 2.5.1 Source from SVN 19-05-2011 Rev 17759 ======> 22-May-2011 ver 1.70 ================================================= -ADD pl_Graphics32VPR ,Vectorial Polygon Rasterizer for Graphics32 (Win32, Win64, WinCE) -ADD pl_BGRAcontrols ,Visual Components for pl_BGRAbitmap library (Win32, Win64, Linux32, Linux64, WinCE) -ADD pl_pl_ZenGLD3D ,ZenGL library for DirectX (Win32, Win64) -Rename/Update pl_mooncomp to pl_GeoGIScomp (Win32, Win64, WinCE, Linux32, Linux64) -Update/Fix pl_freefpider -Update pl_Synapse (SVN 20-5-2011) -Update pl_BGRAbitmap (SVN 20-5-2011) -Update pl_ZenGL (SVN 20-5-2011) -Update pl_GLScene (SVN 22-5-2011) -Update pl_LNetComp (SVN 20-5-2011) -Update pl_KambiEngine (SVN 20-5-2011) -Update pl_LNetComp (SVN 20-5-2011) -Update pl_FortesReport (SVN 20-5-2011) -Update pl_OpenWire (SVN 20-5-2011) -Port pl_Graphics32 to WinCE -Port pl_Synapse to WinCE -Port pl_lNet to WinCE -Port pl_Indy to WinCE -Port pl_VisualPlanIt to WinCE -Port pl_APE to WinCE -Port pl_DCP to WinCE -Port pl_FreeSpider to WinCE -Port pl_PowerPDF to WinCE -Port pl_OpenWire to WinCE -Port pl_GLScene to Linux32 and Linux64 (Manual installation to Lazarus IDE for Linux) -Port pl_KambiEngine to Linux32 and Linux64 (Manual installation to Lazarus IDE for Linux) NOTE: Lazarus 0.9.31 Source from SVN 22-05-2011 Rev 30845 FreePascal 2.5.1 Source from SVN 19-05-2011 Rev 17500 ======> 19-Apr-2011 ver 1.60 ================================================= -ADD pl_UIB -ADD pl_OpenWire -ADD pl_FortesReport -ADD pl_PowerPDF -Update pl_BGRAbitmap (SVN 18-4-2011) -Update pl_ZenGL (SVN 18-4-2011) -Update pl_GLScene (SVN 17-4-2011) -Update pl_LNetComp (SVN 17-4-2011) -Update pl_KambiEngine (SVN 17-3-2011) -Update pl_LNetComp (SVN 17-4-2011) -Fix arm-linux Cross-Element compilation problem NOTE: Lazarus 0.9.31 Source from SVN 18-04-2011 Rev 30371 FreePascal 2.5.1 Source from SVN 01-04-2011 Rev 17212 ======> 16-Mar-2011 ver 1.50 ================================================= -ADD Cross Build Targets: - armeb-Linux (freepascal only) -ADD pl_LNetComp samples to CodeOcean -ADD more pl_GLScene samples to CodeOcean -Update pl_GLScene (SVN 16-3-2011) -Update pl_KambiEngine (SVN 16-3-2011) -Update pl_BGRAbitmap (SVN 16-3-2011) -Update pl_ZenGL (SVN 16-3-2011) -Update pl_LNetComp (SVN 16-3-2011) NOTE: Lazarus 0.9.31 Source from SVN 16-03-2011 Rev 29875 FreePascal 2.5.1 Source from SVN 06-03-2011 Rev 17141 ======> 24-Feb-2011 ver 1.40 ================================================= -ADD TodoListLaz -ADD pl_glscene_winonly -ADD pl_AsphyreSphinx -Update pl_GLScene (SVN 24-2-2011) -Update pl_KambiEngine (SVN 24-2-2011) -Update pl_BGRAbitmap (SVN 24-2-2011) -Update pl_ZenGL (SVN 24-2-2011) NOTE: Lazarus 0.9.31 Source from SVN 24-01-2011 Rev 29208 (Plus) FreePascal 2.5.1 Source from SVN 24-02-2011 Rev 16995 ======> 10-Feb-2011 ver 1.30 ================================================= -ADD pl_ExDesign -ADD pl_ExSystem -ADD pl_freespider -ADD pl_TitanScript -ADD pl_Moon -ADD pl_SynapseVS -ADD pl_KambiEngine -ADD pl_BGRAbitmap -Update pl_Graphics32 (SVN 08-2-2011) -Update pl_Synapse (SVN 08-2-2011) -Update pl_PasDoc (SVN 08-2-2011) -Update pl_GLScene (SVN 08-2-2011) -Update CodeOcean "Clean" procedure for Windows -ADD CodeOcean "Clean" procedure for Linux -Update Cross Build Targets: - arm-Wince - arm-Linux - arm-Embedded (freepascal only) - arm-gba (freepascal only) - arm-nds (freepascal only) - i386-FreeBSD - i386-Haiku (freepascal only) - i386-Linux - i386-Solaris (freepascal only) - powerpc-Linux - powerpc64-Linux - sparc-Solaris (freepascal only) - x86_64-Linux - x86_64-FreeBSD - x86_64-Win64 NOTE: Lazarus 0.9.31 Source from SVN 24-01-2011 Rev 29188 FreePascal 2.5.1 Source from SVN 09-02-2011 Rev 16899 ======> 07-Dec-2010 ver 1.20 ================================================= -Update Win 7-Zip Command line tool to ver 9.20 -Update UPX to Version 3.07 08-Sept-2010 (Win32, Win64, Linux32 and Linux64) -Update pl_ZeosDBO to ver 6.6.6 -Update pl_VirtualTrees to ver 4.8.6 from SVN (with new CodeOcean samples) -Update pl_Graphics32 SVN 07-12-2010 -ADD pl_lclextensions SVN 07-12-2010 -ADD pl_Imaging SVN 07-12-2010 -ADD pl_PasDoc SVN 07-12-2010 -ADD pl_Synapse SVN 07-12-2010 -ADD pl_ZenGL SVN 07-12-2010 (with CodeOcean samples) NOTE: Lazarus 0.9.29 Source from SVN 07-12-2010 Rev 28643 FreePascal 2.5.1 Source from SVN 07-12-2010 Rev 16508 ======> 18-08-2010 ver 1.10 ================================================= -Update Graphics32 -Update Win 7-Zip Command line tool to ver 9.15 NOTE: Lazarus 0.9.29 Source from SVN 18-08-2010 Rev 27130 FreePascal 2.5.1 Source from SVN 18-08-2010 Rev 15838 ======> 18-05-2010 ver 1.000 ================================================= -Update NotePad2 tool to v4.1.24 -Update UPX to Version 3.05 27-4-2010 (Win32, Win64, Linux32 and Linux64) NOTE: Lazarus 0.9.29 Source from SVN 18-05-2010 Rev 25499 FreePascal 2.5.1 Source from SVN 18-05-2010 Rev 15292 ======> 28-02-2010 ver 0.999 ================================================= -Update CTC UPX tool -Update CTC Srtip tool -Update GDB for Win32 to Version 7.0.50 SVN 24-12-2009 -Update GDB for Win64 to Version 7.0.50 SVN 24-12-2009 NOTE: Lazarus 0.9.29 Source from SVN 16-02-2010 Rev 23716 FreePascal 2.5.1 Source from SVN 28-02-2010 Rev 14958 ======> 26-12-2009 ver 0.998 ================================================= -(Cosmic) Update Windows Setup.bat file -(Cosmic) New Lazarus Settings philosophy Lazarus32 now store settings to C:\lazarus\bin32\settings Lazarus64 now store settings to C:\lazarus\bin64\settings -Update/Fix Batch files for New Lazarus Settings philosophy <<We hope to solve CodeTyphon Multilanguage Windows installation problems>> -Add Tools Tab to CTC -Add Single Viewer tool to CTC -Update Win 7-Zip Command line tool to ver 9.10 NOTE: Lazarus Source from SVN 25-12-2009 Revision 23289 FPC Source from SVN 18-11-2009 ======> 19-11-2009 ver 0.994 ================================================= -Start FreePascal Modifications session (MOD) at CodeTyphon\binMOD\pp\ folder -Add Cross Build Target: - i386-solaris (freepascal only) -Update Linux System Install Script to support Ubuntu 9.10 32/64 -Update UPX to Version 3.04 27-10-2009 for Win32, Linux32 and Linux64 -Update Binutils for Win32 to Version 2.19.1 03-02-2009 -Update Binutils for Win64 to Version SVN 15-03-2009 -Update GDB for Win32 to Version 7.0.2 12-10-2009 -Update GDB for Win64 to Version 7.0.50 27-10-2009 -Update GNU Make for Win32 to Version 3.8.1 14-9-2009 -Update GNU Make for Win64 to Version 3.8.1 26-10-2009 -Fix Linux 32/64 permission problems (again ?) -Fix jcf2.lpk problems NOTE: Lazarus Source from SVN 19-11-2009 FPC Source from SVN 02-10-2009 ======> 03-10-2009 ver 0.988 ================================================= -(Cosmic) CodeTyphon Start use FreePascal 2.5.1 -(Cosmic) CodeTyphon Start use Lazarus 0.9.29 beta -Update 7-Zip Command line tool to ver 9.07 -Update/Fix Batch files NOTE: Lazarus Source from SVN 2-10-2009 FPC Source from SVN 2-10-2009 ======> 09-08-2009 ver 0.966 ================================================= -Update Lazarus IDE Icons/Look -Update Cross Build Targets: - arm-Wince - arm-Linux - arm-Embedded (freepascal only) - arm-gba (freepascal only) - arm-nds (freepascal only) - i386-Win32 - i386-Linux - i386-FreeBSD - i386-Haiku (freepascal only) - x86_64-Win64 - x86_64-Linux - x86_64-FreeBSD - powerpc-Linux - powerpc64-Linux (freepascal only) - sparc-Linux - sparc-Solaris (freepascal only) -Update CodeTyphon Cross-Build session -Update pl_VisualPlanItcomp.lpk. ADD TVpFlexDataStore component -Update pl_INet.pkg to SVN_4_8_2009 (win32,Win64,Linux32,Linux64) -Update help files -Update Batch files NOTE: Lazarus Source from : SVN 07-08-2009 FreePascal Source from: SVN 03-08-2009 ======> 22-07-2009 ver 0.944 ================================================= -Fix IDE Page Select button -Add Packages to Lazarus Extent-IDE : pl_ExControls.lpk ver 1.0 (win32,Win64,Linux32,Linux64) with 10 samples pl_ExSystem.lpk Ver 1.0 (win32,Win64,Linux32,Linux64) -Update pl_Shapespak.lpk to ver 1.1 -Update help files -Update Batch files NOTE: Lazarus Source from : SVN 22-07-2009 FreePascal Source from: SVN 05-07-2009 ======> 08-07-2009 ver 0.933 ================================================= -(Cosmic) We start CodeOcean part of CodeTyphon, with a lot pascal free project samples and pascal free code. -Add Packages to Lazarus Extent-IDE : TurboPowerIProDsgn.lpk (win32,Win64,Linux32,Linux64) lazopenglcontext.lpk (win32,Win64,Linux32,Linux64) with 10 samples pl_PAPPE.lpk 3D Physics Engine (win32,Win64,Linux32,Linux64) with 5 samples pl_Win_DirectX.lpk (win32,Win64) with 31 samples -Update pl_INet.pkg to SVN_20_6_2009 (win32,Win64,Linux32,Linux64) -Update pl_zeosdbocomp.pkg to version 6.6.5 (win32,Win64,Linux32,Linux64) -Update pl_GLScene.pkg to version (win32,win64,Linux32) -Fix ln_xCodeTyphon_Remove_FPC Batch file -Update help files -Update Batch files -Cleaup CodeTyphon Directories NOTE: Lazarus Source from : SVN 08-07-2009 FreePascal Source from: SVN 05-07-2009 ======> 08-06-2009 ver 0.922 ================================================= -Add Packages to Lazarus Extent-IDE : pl_GLScene.lpk (OpenGL 3D Components with 30 samples) pl_AGGPas.lpk (2D Graph library with 30 samples) These packages are for Win32 and linux32 you must give your help to make win64 and linux64 ports.. -Small fixes to pl_indycomp.lpk -Add Packages tab to CodeTyphon Center -Update help files -Update/Fix Batch files NOTE: Lazarus Source from SVN 08-06-2009 FPC Source from SVN 20-05-2009 ======> 10-05-2009 ver 0.910 ================================================= -Add Packages to Lazarus Extent-IDE : pl_Win_MIDI.lpk ver 1.0.0 Beta (Windows 32/64bit MIDI Components) -Update/Fix pl_INetcomp.lpk source from svn -Update GoRC.exe 32/64-bit resource compiler to ver 0.90.4 NOTE: Lazarus Source from SVN 07-05-2009 FPC Source from SVN 10-05-2009 ======> 05-04-2009 ver 0.900 ================================================= -(Cosmic) ADD Crossbuild arm-linux element to FreePascal and Lazarus -(Cosmic) ADD all_Demos Directory to hold all CodeTyphon Demos Apllications -ADD Packages to Lazarus Extent-IDE : pl_APElib.lpk ver 1.00 (APE 2D Physics Engine) -Update pl_VisualPlanItcomp.lpk source -Update pl_INetcomp.lpk source -Fix pl_Shapespak.lpk -Update Help System NOTE: Lazarus Source from SVN 04-04-2009 FPC Source from SVN 04-04-2009 ======> 15-03-2009 ver 0.899 ================================================= -(Cosmic) Add Debian base linux with LXDE (Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment) 32/64bit to CodeTyphon Host OS List -Add Packages to Lazarus Extent-IDE : pl_VisualPlanItcomp.lpk ver 1.03 (TurboPower Visual PlanIt) pl_indycomp.lpk ver (Internet Direct) ->All For Win32,Win64,Linux32,Linux64 -Fix Linux permission problems -Update/Fix Batch files NOTE: Lazarus Source from SVN 15-03-2009 FPC Source from SVN 15-03-2009 ======> 15-02-2009 ver 0.888 ================================================= -(Cosmic) Add Windows 7 (Beta) 32/64bit to CodeTyphon Host OS List -Add "Select Component Page" button (with dropdown list) to Extent-IDE -Add more Packages to Lazarus Extent-IDE : jcf2.lpk ver 2.4.2 (JEDI Code Format IDE Plugin for Lazarus) WebLaz.lpk ver 1.0 pl_Shapespak.lpk ver 1.0.0 pl_INetcomp.lpk ver 1.0.0 (Lightweight Networking Library) pl_dcpcomp ver 2.0.3 Beta (DCPcrypt Cryptographic Component Library) pl_extentideman.lpk ver 1.0.0 (Lazarus Extent-IDE managers for docking Source code Window, Messages Window, Object Inspector Window) ->All For Win32,Win64,Linux32,Linux64 -Update 7-Zip Command line tool to ver 4.65 -Update/Fix Batch files NOTE: Lazarus Source from SVN 15-02-2009 FPC Source from SVN 15-02-2009 ======> 29-01-2009 ver 0.855 ================================================= -(Cosmic) Split Scripts files to "ScriptsWin" and "ScriptsLin" directories -(Cosmic) Add FPC Win32 "Cross Compiler Building" sessions -(Cosmic) Add Lazarus Win32 "Cross Compiler Building" sessions -Add ZeosBBO 6.6.4 Components to Lazarus Extent-IDE (works ok to Win32,Win64,Linux32,Linux64) -Add "User" Lazarus Setting Functions -New "Directories" Page -Update "Status" Page -Update/Fix Batch files -Update/Fix All Tools -Fix Linux 64 Identification method NOTE: Lazarus Source from SVN 29-01-2009 FPC Source from SVN 29-01-2009 ======> 13-01-2009 ver 0.822 ================================================= -Update 7-Zip Command line tool to ver 4.64 -Update GoRC.exe 32/64-bit resource compiler to ver 0.90.3f -Add VirtualTrees 4.1 Components to Lazarus Extent-IDE (works ok to Win32,Win64,Linux32,Linux64) -Update/Fix Batch files -Temporary remove jcfidelazarus.lpk from ExtentIDE, because give errors to others Packages installation. NOTE: Lazarus Source from SVN 13-01-2009 FPC Source from SVN 13-01-2009 ======> 02-01-2009 ver 0.810 ================================================= -Update 7-Zip Command line tool to ver 4.63 -Add Double Editor Tools -Fix Setup Error for Windows XP ======> 30-12-2008 ver 0.788 ================================================= -(Cosmic) Lazarus Default Build with option "BigIDE" and Packages: TAChartLazarusPkg RunTimeTypeInfoControls TurboPowerIPro cgiLaz CGILazIDE H2PasWizard lazthread lazdaemon ProjTemplates fpcunitide Printer4Lazarus printers4lazide DBFLaz SQLDBLaz MemDSLaz SDFLaz lazreport lazdbexport -(Cosmic) CodeTyphon can now "build" Cross FreePascal for "Host Win32" and "Targets": arm-Wince x86-64-Win64 i386-linux x86-64-linux i386-FreeBSD x86-64-FreeBSD -Update/Fix Bach files NOTE: Lazarus Source from SVN 30-12-2008 FPC Source from SVN 30-12-2008 ======> 16-12-2008 ver 0.777 ================================================= -Update mingw Win64 utils to ver 23-11-2008 -Update mingw Win32 utils to ver 2.19 (12-12-2008) -Update 7-Zip Command line tool to ver 4.62 NOTE: Lazarus Source from SVN 14-12-2008 FPC Source from SVN 14-12-2008 ======> 30-11-2008 ver 0.755 ================================================= -Update/Fix Bach files NOTE: Lazarus Source from SVN 30-11-2008 FPC Source from SVN 30-11-2008 ======> 15-11-2008 ver 0.744 ================================================= -Rename executable for Linux 32bit (CodeTyphon_ln32.exe -> CodeTyphon_ln32.ex) -Rename executable for Linux 64bit (CodeTyphon_ln64.exe -> CodeTyphon_ln64.ex) -Add support for Ubuntu 8.10 ======> 09-11-2008 ver 0.737 ================================================= (Cosmic) -Add Executable for Linux 32bit (CodeTyphon_ln32.exe) (Cosmic) -Add Executable for Linux 64bit (CodeTyphon_ln64.exe) (Cosmic) -Add Executable for Windows 32bit (CodeTyphon_win32.exe) (Cosmic) -Add Executable for Windows 64bit (CodeTyphon_win64.exe) (Cosmic) -Add Base Setup System with batch files (setup.bat and setup.sh) -Add help folder -Update/Fix Bach files -Update/Fix All Tools NOTE: The Main Building System for FPC/Lazarus is now stable... (Cross Building Sub-Systems are NOT stable yet..) ======> 2-11-2008 ver 0.672 ================================================= -Add Support for Windows XP Pro (test SP3) -Update/Fix Bach files ======> 27-10-2008 ver 0.641 ================================================= -Add Support for Linux 32 bit (test on Ubuntu 32bit 8.04.1) -Add Support for Linux 64 bit (test on Ubuntu 64bit 8.04.1) -Add Support for Windows 32 bit (test on Vista 32bit Ultimate SP1) -Add Support for Windows 64 bit (test on Vista 64bit Ultimate SP1) -Update Settings Editor Tool -Update/Fix some Bach files ======> 23-10-2008 ver 0.610 ================================================= -Add Strip Tool -Add UPX Tool -Add Settings Editor Tool ======> 20-10-2008 ver 0.566 ================================================= -First Release


BMDThread V1.8

Beta V1.0b0 04/29/1999 Released Beta V1.0b1 05/24/1999 The Synchro method editors have been added. Beta V1.0b2 08/01/2001 Some modifications by Walter Campelo. Beta V1.0b3 08/03/2001 Ported to Delphi 6 Restricted group connection to itself. Beta V1.0b4 08/11/2001 Bug in supporting subgroups fixed. Beta V1.1b0 02/22/2001 Delphi 7 support added. V1.2 12/05/2004 Delphi 2005 support added. UpdateEnabled added. V1.3 12/12/2004 OnTerminate bug fixed. V1.4 01/27/2006 Delphi 2006 support added. V1.5 01/27/2008 Delphi 2007 support added. V1.6 01/25/2009 Delphi 2009 support added. V1.61 01/28/2009 Added missing D2006 and D2005 project files. V1.7 09/14/2009 Delphi 2010 support added. V1.71 09/20/2009 Fixed D2006 package. V1.8 11/20/2011 Delphi XE and XE2 support added. Changed to CheckSynchronize on Destroy



DevArt+UniDAC+v.4.1.3+(25-Nov-2011) Full Source Code






unidac4.0.2 全部源代码,支持Lazarus,仅供学习参考


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TAsioSvr 是最基本的服务端对象 TBaseSocketServer 是更上层封装,主要增加了一些基本操作 如流收发,文件收发等接口 TCenterServer 是更上层封装,模拟处理用户登录 权限检查 事件处理 以及断开流程 TRmodbSvr 就是应用层了 如果要自己定义TCP服务端 可以选择从任意一层来继承 客户端对象基本类似 TAsioClient 是基本的客户端对象 TSocketClient 是更上层封装,主要增加了一些基本操作 如流收发,文件收发等接口, TRmoClient 就是应用层了自动重连 心跳发送也是在这一层


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服务端:为 “1”。 客户端:为机器的月份+日期。 如“2005/08/05”, 则为数字“85” 数据库:为“xzxq”。 适用:Win98,XP. 编译:DELPHI 6.0。



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