
















因为寡闻, 所以努力

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原创 Linux C 链接时有undefined报错 / 忽略链接顺序

target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} -Wl,--unresolved-symbols=ignore-in-shared-libs)target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} -Wl,--no-undefined) # error if there is an undefined symboltarget_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} -Wl,--start-group) # ignore l...

2021-09-14 14:36:28 550

原创 Gitlab Rest API笔记

查询commit信息 curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/5/repository/commits/master" 查询文件或submodule信息 curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/p

2021-04-30 17:37:50 744 2

原创 Mitre_sfr代码注解(四) LSF / 汉明窗 / SFR(DFT)计算

    笔者学识有限。 本博客旨在对mitre_sfr核心代码进行简单注解, 详细内容读者仁者见仁智者见智。    SFR算法对ESF曲线进行差分得到LSF;    给LSF加上汉明窗, 降低干扰;    对加窗后的LSF曲线进行DFT, 得到SFR。 /*************************************************************...

2018-07-28 20:50:49 4006 1

原创 Mitre_sfr代码注解(三) 将ROI超采样为ESF(locate_centroids函数/fit函数和bin_to_regular_xgrid函数)

    笔者学识有限。 本博客旨在对mitre_sfr核心代码进行简单注解, 详细内容读者仁者见仁智者见智。    ESF一条白变黑(黑变白)的线。IOS SFR算法希望通过对刀口进行超采样, 生成一条更平滑的的变化曲线, 降低计算的误差。    1. locate_centroids函数用于定位ROI每一行的质心;    2. fit函数拟合locate_centroids定位出来的...

2018-07-28 20:37:11 3610 11

原创 Mitre_sfr代码注解(二) sfrproc函数

笔者学识有限。 本博客旨在对mitre_sfr核心代码进行简单注解, 详细内容读者仁者见仁智者见智。 bsfrproc函数是ISO12233附录A代码中的同名函数, 也是mitre_sfr中最核心的函数。因此对sfrproc函数的理解至关重要, 如果读者想对mitre_sfr功能进行自定义的移植, 最重要的就是对这个函数的移植与理解。 sfrproc函数涵盖了ISO1223...

2018-07-20 22:28:48 2318 1

原创 Mitre_sfr代码注解(一)main函数

    笔者学识有限。 本博客旨在对mitre_sfr核心代码进行简单注解, 详细内容读者仁者见仁智者见智。  本人最近有幸拜读mitre_sfr代码, 对代码进行了简单的注解。介于学习的时候在网上没搜到类似的文章,所以特开立这个主题, 希望对后面学习mitre_sfr或想了解SFR算法的同学有所帮助。    另外, 本人是计科生, 对信号与系统知识了解有限, 读代码的时候也有一些不甚了解...

2018-07-20 22:05:11 3997 22

原创 Python3 获取异常的信息和traceback(实现类似PyErr_Print功能)

void fetch_error(){ PyObject *type = NULL, *value = NULL, *traceback = NULL; PyErr_Fetch(&type, &value, &traceback); if (type) { std::cout << PyExceptionClass_Name(type) << ": "; } if (va

2016-09-10 22:09:32 7291 6

原创 linux下sysctl()函数初探

ls /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

2014-11-11 11:48:41 2202

转载 Lua笔记 第一至第八章

Lua笔记 第一至第八章转自: http://www.cnblogs.com/summericeyl/archive/2011/06/02/2068507.htmlLua特性: 可扩展性, 简单, 高效率, 与平台无关可通过新类型和函数来扩展其功能.1.1 ChunksChunk是一系列语句lua交互运行, CTRL-Z退出

2014-02-07 09:40:26 604

转载 MVC框架的困惑


2014-01-23 09:56:43 481

原创 DLLs with Libtool


2014-01-09 22:50:56 461

转载 ARC Helper

转自: http://www.cnblogs.com/kiss007/archive/2012/09/26/2704019.html//ARC Helper#ifndef WS_SUPPORT_ARC#define WS_SUPPORT_ARC#if __has_feature(objc_arc_weak) //objc_arc_weak#def

2013-12-19 09:03:27 519

原创 autoconf通用程序探测宏

----宏: AC_CHECK_PROG(variable, prog-to-check-for, value-if-found, [value-if-not-found], [path = '$PATH'], [reject])    检查prog-to-check-for是否存在path中。 如果找到, 则将variable设为value-if-found,否则设为value-if-not

2013-12-13 16:28:29 951

原创 autoconf 个别特殊程序的探测

下列宏用于在configure的时候检查特定程序————是否存在, 或则特定情况下是否具有某些特征。 ----宏: AC_PROG_AWK 按循序探测gawk, mawk, nawk以及awk, 并将变量AWK设置为第一个被探测到上述程序。 echo "begin checking awk ..." AC_PROG_AWK echo "\$AWK = $AWK" ech

2013-12-12 14:16:29 916

原创 libtool动态库版本系统之个人理解

首先看下libtool官方对library版本系统的说明。 7.3 Updating library version informationIf you want to use libtool's versioning system, then you must specify the version information to libtool using the -version-

2013-11-20 17:48:23 2020

原创 libtool


2013-11-15 17:13:20 443

转载 PDML Specification

PDML Specificationhttp://www.nbee.org/doku.php?id=netpdl:pdml_specificationThe PDML language is a very simple language that keeps the information related to a decoded packet. PDML stands for Pac

2013-09-16 10:57:54 732

转载 Legacy __sync Built-in Functions for Atomic Memory Access

Legacy __sync Built-in Functions for Atomic Memory Access copy from: http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/_005f_005fsync-Builtins.html The following built-in functions are intended to be compat

2013-08-02 18:12:41 609

转载 linux下svn命令

本篇文章来源于 Linux公社网站(www.linuxidc.com)  原文链接:http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2011-09/42347.htm 1、将文件checkout到本地目录svn checkout path(path是服务器上的目录)   例如:svn checkout svn://   

2013-07-24 13:44:15 430

转载 apt-get

apt-get什么是apt-getapt-get是一条linux命令,适用于deb包管理式的操作系统,主要用于自动从互联网的软件仓库中搜索、安装、升级、卸载软件或操作系统。是debian,ubuntu发行版的包管理工具,与红帽中的yum工具非常类似。apt-get命令一般需要root权限执行,所以一般跟着sudo命令例sudo apt-get xxxxapt命令

2013-07-18 15:36:37 1186

原创 deb sources

deb http://debian.ustc.edu.cn/debian/ lenny main non-free contrib.deb-src http://debian.ustc.edu.cn/debian/ lenny main non-free contrib.deb  http://ftp.debian.org/debian lenny main contrib non-fre

2013-07-17 19:40:56 474

原创 程序崩溃时打印调用栈

source code:#include #include #include #include #include #define PRINT_FUNC_NAME() \    printf("invocke %s\n", __func__)void func1(void){    PRINT_FUNC_NAME();    int *

2013-07-10 12:32:49 994

原创 OpenWrt-DreamBox开发中心


2013-07-09 15:32:43 951

原创 一步步写网卡驱动(三)

昨天说到DM9000的open函数, 我们先来分析下网卡的open函数需要完成什么功能:                1. 注册中断处理例程                2. 初始化网卡                3. 使能发送队列static int lydm9k_open(struct net_device *ndev){ struct lydm9k_pr

2013-06-21 22:54:20 806

原创 一步步写网卡驱动(二)

上篇文章已经基本完成网卡驱动的基本框架了, 从这篇就要开始涉及到DM9000的硬件了。 为了开发和调试便利, 我建议大家开始写接下来的代码前先阅读下DM9000的datasheet, 并在与开发板直连的电脑上装一个wireshark。        DM9000的datasheet和当前的完整代码我已经上传到我的资源里了, 供需要的朋友下载。http://download.csdn.net/d

2013-06-20 23:02:44 1107

原创 DM9000网卡移植成功

经过3天的努力, DM9000网卡的驱动终于能正常工作了。 由于对DM9000芯片了解不够, 代码修改的比较乱, 等代码整理好之后再上传, 和大家一起讨论。         开发板的根文件系统挂载NFS, 能正常启动说明网卡能正常工作: U-Boot 2012.07 (Aug 30 2012 - 21:55:43)++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

2013-06-18 21:50:46 778

原创 DM9000驱动报错2

U-Boot 2012.07 (Aug 30 2012 - 21:55:43)++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++              Welcome to my u-boot               ++++++                        Liyong-zou

2013-06-18 00:31:12 743

原创 网卡移植报错

U-Boot 2012.07 (Aug 30 2012 - 21:55:43)++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++              Welcome to my u-boot               ++++++                        Liyong-zou

2013-06-16 23:17:36 875

原创 一步步写网卡驱动(-)

最近一直在看linux网络相关的东西, 做为提高准备自己动手写个网卡驱动, 手上刚好有一块mini2440, 所以准备以mini2440的DM9000下刀。当然本人也是第一次写网卡驱动, 所以希望大家看到不足的地方多海函和指教。        今天, 我们先搭一个网卡驱动的框架, 并不设计实际硬件。        首先先包含今天会用到的必要的头文件:#include

2013-06-15 22:50:42 1815

转载 Writing your own netfilter match

Writing your own netfilter matchcopy from: http://www.redhat.com/mirrors/LDP/linuxfocus/English/February2005/article367.shtml Abstract: The iptables/netfilter framework gives us the possib

2013-04-25 22:12:57 700

转载 module_param()理解

在用户态下编程可以通过main()的来传递命令行参数,而编写一个内核模块则通过module_param() module_param宏是Linux 2.6内核中新增的,该宏被定义在include/linux/moduleparam.h文件中,具体定义如下:#define module_param(name, type, perm)                    module_p

2012-11-24 21:24:45 345

转载 s3c2440的LCD应用


2012-11-05 20:27:49 236

转载 LCD驱动程序——代码编写(二)

原文出处: http://liu1227787871.blog.163.com/blog/static/205363197201242393031250/在编写代码之前我们先来看一看原理图    引脚说明:VCLK:发出lcd时钟信号,每来一个时钟,就会在屏幕上显示一个像素      ——GPC1  :配置为lcd引脚VLINE:

2012-10-31 21:26:26 664

转载 LCD驱动程序——框架分析(一)

原文出处: http://liu1227787871.blog.163.com/blog/static/205363197201242254810976/在写lcd驱动程序之前,我们必须先要明白lcd驱动程序编写的框架,这点韦东山老师分析的相当详细,让我们来学习一下吧!首先从fbmem.c文件开始。(1)我们先找到入口函数:static int __init fbm

2012-10-31 21:24:04 321

转载 帧缓冲设备显示缓冲区的分配与释放

static int __init xxxfb_map_video_memory(struct xxxfb_info *fbi){ fbi->map_size = PAGE_ALIGN(fbi->fb->fix.smem_len + PAGE_SIZE); // 计算fb的大小, 并使其页对齐 fbi->map_cpu = dma_alloc_writecombine( fbi->dev,

2012-10-30 21:56:05 532

转载 帧缓冲设备驱动的模块加载/卸载及平台驱动的探测/移除函数的模板

/* 平台驱动结构体 */static struct platform_driver xxxfb_driver = { .probe = xxxfb_probe, .remove = xxxfb_remove, .suspend = xxxfb_suspend, .resume = xxxfb_resume, .driver = { .name = "xxx-lcd", /* 驱动

2012-10-30 20:28:07 382

原创 嵌入式linux


2012-10-29 21:16:32 301

转载 S3C2440上LCD驱动(FrameBuffer)实例开发讲解(二)

原文出处:http://bbs.chinaunix.net/thread-3634288-1-1.html开发环境主  机:VMWare--Fedora 9 开发板:Mini2440--64MB Nand, Kernel: 编译器:arm-linux-gcc-4.3.2上接:S3C2440上LCD驱动(FrameBuffer)实例开发详解(一)四、帧

2012-10-29 21:15:03 351

转载 S3C2440上LCD驱动(FrameBuffer)实例开发讲解(一)

原文出处:http://bbs.chinaunix.net/thread-3634287-1-1.html一、开发环境主  机:VMWare--Fedora 9 开发板:Mini2440--64MB Nand, Kernel: 编译器:arm-linux-gcc-4.3.2二、背景知识1. LCD工作的硬件需求:   要使一块LCD正常的显示文字

2012-10-29 21:13:03 468

转载 SD卡驱动分析

<!--@page {margin:2cm}p {margin-bottom:0.21cm; direction:ltr; color:#000000; text-align:justify; widows:0; orphans:0}p.western {font-family:"Times New Roman",serif; font-size:1

2012-10-11 22:42:58 3294

mitre sfr代码注解

本人最近有幸拜读mitre_sfr的代码, 把代码简单移植到VS2010, 并对代码主干进行简单的注解, 希望对后来学习mitre_sfr或SFR的人有所帮助。 CSDN最低下载资源分为1分, 所以只好挂1分, 降低大家学习的成本。 我也会开文章把原始代码和本人浅显的注解贴在上面, 不想消耗下载分的同学可以直接看这些文章。






自己今天刚弄好的vim的设定文档, 备份下, 以防后续丢失



自己用的vimrc, 自动缩进, 语法高亮等基本功能



automake在学习时写下的示例, 供自己以后参考



autoconf官方文档阅读的时候随手写下的部分宏示例, 供自己以后参考



autoconf通用程序探测宏示例, 供备忘及参考。



autoconf对特殊程序的探测的讲解和示例。 供自己备忘和供大家参考



使用autotools工具包中的autoconf, automake, 以及libtool组织的一个包含多个原码目录的helloworld工程。工程比较简单, 就不具体说明了, 供初学autotools的同学参考。 解压原码包之后按序执行./configure, make, make install, helloworld即可。



自己学习libltdl时写下的示意代码, 供自己以后备忘, 同时供大家参考



自己在学习libtool和automake时写的一个小例子, 比较简单, 放着备忘, 同时供大家参考。



日志输出模块, 在多核电脑上有少量性能的提升, 但单核上密集写性能反而下降



从内核提取出来的list.h, 通用链表, 哈希链表数据结构及操作函数, 在用户态正常使用



服务端多进程同过同一个tcp套接字与客户端通信, 打破思维定式



源于网络, 回归网络 openwrt快速入门指南


DM9000 datasheet

DM9000的芯片手册, 英文版, 源于网络, 回归网络



自己编写的DM9000网卡驱动(linux), 实现了网卡的基本功能, 供初学者参考。



DM9000驱动可以发送, 但接收有问题



DM9000 mini2440 移植 2



本人自己对linux网络协议栈的一点分析, 对UDP接收(从网卡收包到用户态接收)和发送(一直到网卡发送)的追踪。 当然本人也是初学, 该文档实际上也是本人自己的笔记, 希望能和大家分享, 同时也希望大家能指出其中的不足。



LDD3, 你懂的。


mini2440 beer(pwm) 驱动

mini2440 beer(通常称pwm或timer)驱动,注册为misc(杂项)设备, 挂载再platform bus上, 测试信息: U-Boot 2012.07 (Aug 30 2012 - 21:55:43) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++ Welcome to my u-boot +++ +++ Liyong-zou +++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CPUID: 32440001 FCLK: 400 MHz HCLK: 100 MHz PCLK: 50 MHz DRAM: 64 MiB WARNING: Caches not enabled NAND: 256 MiB In: serial Out: serial Err: serial Net: dm9000 Hit any key to stop autoboot: 5 \0x08\0x08\0x08 4 \0x08\0x08\0x08 3 \0x08\0x08\0x08 2 \0x08\0x08\0x08 1 \0x08\0x08\0x08 0 dm9000 i/o: 0x20000300, id: 0x90000a46 DM9000: running in 16 bit mode MAC: 00:01:02:03:04:05 could not establish link Using dm9000 device File transfer via NFS from server; our IP address is Filename '/home/liyong-zou/nfs/kernel/uImage'. Load address: 0x30008000 Loading: *\0x08#######################################################T ########## \0x09 ################################################################# \0x09 #########################T ######################################## \0x09 ################################################################# \0x09 ################################################################# \0x09 ################################################################# \0x09 ###############T #######T ########### done Bytes transferred = 2164312 (210658 hex) ## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 30008000 ... Image Name: Linux- Created: 2012-10-27 13:48:03 UTC Image Type: ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed) Data Size: 2164248 Bytes = 2.1 MiB Load Address: 30008000 Entry Point: 30008040 Verifying Checksum ... OK XIP Kernel Image ... OK OK Starting kernel ... Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel. Linux version (liyong-zou@liyongzou-desktop) (gcc version 4.4.3 (ctng-1.6.1) ) #86 Sat Oct 27 21:47:46 CST 2012 CPU: ARM920T [41129200] revision 0 (ARMv4T), cr=00007177 CPU: VIVT data cache, VIVT instruction cache Machine: MINI2440 Memory policy: ECC disabled, Data cache writeback CPU S3C2440A (id 0x32440001) S3C24XX Clocks, Copyright 2004 Simtec Electronics S3C244X: core 400.000 MHz, memory 100.000 MHz, peripheral 50.000 MHz CLOCK: Slow mode (1.500 MHz), fast, MPLL on, UPLL on Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 16256 Kernel command line: noinitrd root=/dev/nfs nfsroot= ip= console=ttySAC0,115200 PID hash table entries: 256 (order: -2, 1024 bytes) Dentry cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 3, 32768 bytes) Inode-cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes) Memory: 64MB = 64MB total Memory: 60500k/60500k available, 5036k reserved, 0K highmem Virtual kernel memory layout: vector : 0xffff0000 - 0xffff1000 ( 4 kB) fixmap : 0xfff00000 - 0xfffe0000 ( 896 kB) DMA : 0xffc00000 - 0xffe00000 ( 2 MB) vmalloc : 0xc4800000 - 0xf6000000 ( 792 MB) lowmem : 0xc0000000 - 0xc4000000 ( 64 MB) modules : 0xbf000000 - 0xc0000000 ( 16 MB) .init : 0xc0008000 - 0xc002a000 ( 136 kB) .text : 0xc002a000 - 0xc03f3ea4 (3880 kB) .data : 0xc03f4000 - 0xc0418c40 ( 148 kB) SLUB: Genslabs=13, HWalign=32, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=1, Nodes=1 NR_IRQS:85 irq: clearing subpending status 00000002 Console: colour dummy device 80x30 console [ttySAC0] enabled Calibrating delay loop... 49.56 BogoMIPS (lpj=123904) pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301 Mount-cache hash table entries: 512 CPU: Testing write buffer coherency: ok gpiochip_add: gpios 288..303 (GPIOK) failed to register gpiochip_add: gpios 320..334 (GPIOL) failed to register gpiochip_add: gpios 352..353 (GPIOM) failed to register NET: Registered protocol family 16 MINI2440: Option string mini2440=0tb MINI2440: LCD [0:240x320] 1:800x480 2:1024x768 S3C2440: Initialising architecture S3C2440: IRQ Support S3C244X: Clock Support, DVS off bio: create slab <bio-0> at 0 usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs usbcore: registered new interface driver hub usbcore: registered new device driver usb s3c-i2c s3c2440-i2c: slave address 0x10 s3c-i2c s3c2440-i2c: bus frequency set to 97 KHz s3c-i2c s3c2440-i2c: i2c-0: S3C I2C adapter Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.24. NET: Registered protocol family 2 IP route cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes) TCP established hash table entries: 2048 (order: 2, 16384 bytes) TCP bind hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes) TCP: Hash tables configured (established 2048 bind 2048) TCP reno registered UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes) UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes) NET: Registered protocol family 1 RPC: Registered udp transport module. RPC: Registered tcp transport module. RPC: Registered tcp NFSv4.1 backchannel transport module. JFFS2 version 2.2. (NAND) \0xc2\0xa9 2001-2006 Red Hat, Inc. ROMFS MTD (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc. msgmni has been set to 118 io scheduler noop registered io scheduler deadline registered io scheduler cfq registered (default) Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 60x53 fb0: s3c2410fb frame buffer device backlight initialized s3c2440-uart.0: ttySAC0 at MMIO 0x50000000 (irq = 70) is a S3C2440 s3c2440-uart.1: ttySAC1 at MMIO 0x50004000 (irq = 73) is a S3C2440 s3c2440-uart.2: ttySAC2 at MMIO 0x50008000 (irq = 76) is a S3C2440 brd: module loaded mini2440_beer# register OK s3c2440_adc# register W1 OK at24 0-0050: 1024 byte 24c08 EEPROM, writable, 16 bytes/write S3C24XX NAND Driver, (c) 2004 Simtec Electronics s3c24xx-nand s3c2440-nand: Tacls=1, 10ns Twrph0=3 30ns, Twrph1=2 20ns s3c24xx-nand s3c2440-nand: NAND soft ECC NAND device: Manufacturer ID: 0xec, Chip ID: 0xda (Samsung NAND 256MiB 3,3V 8-bit) Creating 5 MTD partitions on "nand": 0x000000000000-0x000000080000 : "u-boot" 0x000000080000-0x0000000a0000 : "u-boot-env" 0x0000000a0000-0x0000006a0000 : "kernel" 0x0000006a0000-0x0000046a0000 : "root" 0x0000046a0000-0x000010000000 : "extend" dm9000 Ethernet Driver, V1.31 eth0: dm9000e at c4872300,c4876304 IRQ 51 MAC: 00:01:02:03:04:05 (chip) ohci_hcd: USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver s3c2410-ohci s3c2410-ohci: S3C24XX OHCI s3c2410-ohci s3c2410-ohci: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1 s3c2410-ohci s3c2410-ohci: irq 42, io mem 0x49000000 hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found hub 1-0:1.0: 2 ports detected usbcore: registered new interface driver libusual s3c2440-usbgadget s3c2440-usbgadget: S3C2440: increasing FIFO to 128 bytes mousedev: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice input: gpio-keys as /devices/platform/gpio-keys/input/input0 input: mini2440_ts as /devices/platform/mini2440_ts/input/input1 mini2440_ts# register OK S3C24XX RTC, (c) 2004,2006 Simtec Electronics s3c-rtc s3c2410-rtc: rtc disabled, re-enabling s3c-rtc s3c2410-rtc: rtc core: registered s3c as rtc0 i2c /dev entries driver S3C2410 Watchdog Timer, (c) 2004 Simtec Electronics s3c2410-wdt s3c2410-wdt: watchdog inactive, reset disabled, irq enabled cpuidle: using governor ladder sdhci: Secure Digital Host Controller Interface driver sdhci: Copyright(c) Pierre Ossman s3c-sdi s3c2440-sdi: powered down. s3c-sdi s3c2440-sdi: mmc0 - using pio, sw SDIO IRQ usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid usbhid: USB HID core driver ALSA device list: No soundcards found. TCP cubic registered NET: Registered protocol family 17 Registering the dns_resolver key type s3c-rtc s3c2410-rtc: setting system clock to 2000-02-26 23:38:54 UTC (951608334) dm9000 dm9000: eth0: link down IP-Config: Complete: device=eth0, addr=, mask=, gw=, host=, domain=, nis-domain=(none), bootserver=, rootserver=, rootpath= dm9000 dm9000: eth0: link up, 100Mbps, full-duplex, lpa 0x4DE1 VFS: Mounted root (nfs filesystem) on device 0:14. Freeing init memory: 136K Please press Enter to activate this console. Liyong-zou [root@Liyong-zou /]#/home/test_beer please type operation: \0x09type 0 to exit \0x09type 1 to start beer \0x09type 22 to stop beer \0x09type 3 to set prescaler(1~256) \0x09type 4 to set divier(2/4/8/16) \0x09type 5 to set freq(20~20000) \0x09type 6 to set pwm(0~100) \0x09what are you want:1 please type operation: \0x09type 0 to exit \0x09type 1 to start beer \0x09type 22 to stop beer \0x09type 3 to set prescaler(1~256) \0x09type 4 to set divier(2/4/8/16) \0x09type 5 to set freq(20~20000) \0x09type 6 to set pwm(0~100) \0x09what are you want:6 and type the arg:100 please type operation: \0x09type 0 to exit \0x09type 1 to start beer \0x09type 22 to stop beer \0x09type 3 to set prescaler(1~256) \0x09type 4 to set divier(2/4/8/16) \0x09type 5 to set freq(20~20000) \0x09type 6 to set pwm(0~100) \0x09what are you want:6 and type the arg:99 please type operation: \0x09type 0 to exit \0x09type 1 to start beer \0x09type 22 to stop beer \0x09type 3 to set prescaler(1~256) \0x09type 4 to set divier(2/4/8/16) \0x09type 5 to set freq(20~20000) \0x09type 6 to set pwm(0~100) \0x09what are you want:22 please type operation: \0x09type 0 to exit \0x09type 1 to start beer \0x09type 22 to stop beer \0x09type 3 to set prescaler(1~256) \0x09type 4 to set divier(2/4/8/16) \0x09type 5 to set freq(20~20000) \0x09type 6 to set pwm(0~100) \0x09what are you want:1 please type operation: \0x09type 0 to exit \0x09type 1 to start beer \0x09type 22 to stop beer \0x09type 3 to set prescaler(1~256) \0x09type 4 to set divier(2/4/8/16) \0x09type 5 to set freq(20~20000) \0x09type 6 to set pwm(0~100) \0x09what are you want:6 and type the arg:50 please type operation: \0x09type 0 to exit \0x09type 1 to start beer \0x09type 22 to stop beer \0x09type 3 to set prescaler(1~256) \0x09type 4 to set divier(2/4/8/16) \0x09type 5 to set freq(20~20000) \0x09type 6 to set pwm(0~100) \0x09what are you want:0 [root@Liyong-zou /]#



arm-linux-gcc-4.4.3的安装源码, 本人已经安装成功了, 安装方法网上很多, 具体不介绍了


s3c2440 DataSheet

s3c2440 datasheet, 有些中文的datasheet翻译得有误, 这个文档相对比较准确


linux SD卡驱动分析

SD 卡驱动分析...................................................................................................................................1 块请求处理(linux/driver/mmc/card).....................................................................................2 1.probe.................................................................................................................................................2 2.do_request......................................................................................................................................13 3.小结................................................................................................................................................24 core 层处理(linux/driver/mmc/core)...................................................................................25 1.core 层初始化................................................................................................................................25 2.mmc_claim_host............................................................................................................................28 3.mmc_release_host..........................................................................................................................31 4.mmc_wait_for_req.........................................................................................................................33 5.mmc_wait_for_cmd.......................................................................................................................35 SD 控制器之初始化(linux/driver/mmc/host).....................................................................37 core 层续集之 mmc_add_host..................................................................................................49 SD 控制器之真正的硬件操作.................................................................................................82 1.s3cmci_get_ro................................................................................................................................83 2.s3cmci_set_ios...............................................................................................................................84 3.s3cmci_request 之命令处理..........................................................................................................86 4.s3cmci_request 之数据传输..........................................................................................................97 小结.........................................................................................................................................113


mini2440 ADC+触摸屏驱动

mini2440的ADC驱动和触摸屏驱动, 包括修改后mini2440的BSP(linux- ADC驱动注册为misc device, 挂载再platform bus 触摸屏驱动注册为input device, 挂载再platform bus上, 并根据官方自带的BSP进行修改, 使它隶属于option peature。 测试信息: #/home/readadc adc value: 416 Do you want to read again?n #/home/test_input Type is 1, code is 330, value is 1. ABS_PRESSURE = 1 x = 201. y = 327. Type is 0, code is 0, value is 0. x = 200. y = 329. Type is 0, code is 0, value is 0. x = 201. y = 330. Type is 0, code is 0, value is 0. y = 326. Type is 0, code is 0, value is 0. x = 206. y = 319. Type is 0, code is 0, value is 0. x = 211. y = 314. Type is 0, code is 0, value is 0. x = 219. #/home/readadc adc value: 416 Do you want to read again?n



mini2440的ADC驱动代码, 隶属于platform bus和miscdevice, 与网上能检索到的基于FriendlyArm的代码不太相同, 有兴趣的朋友可以下载了相互学习。 测试信息: #/home/readadc adc value: 417 Do you want to read again?y adc value: 417 Do you want to read again?y adc value: 578 Do you want to read again?y adc value: 685 Do you want to read again?y adc value: 415 Do you want to read again?n



mini2440的按键驱动, 展示了input子系统和platform driver的编写方法, 浓缩了kernel自带的gpio-keys驱动, 更清楚得展示驱动的编写过程, 并附带了测试程序, 最适合学习是借鉴。 测试信息: Type is 1, code is 59, value is 1. Type is 0, code is 0, value is 0. Type is 1, code is 59, value is 0. Type is 0, code is 0, value is 0. Type is 1, code is 60, value is 1. Type is 0, code is 0, value is 0. Type is 1, code is 60, value is 0. Type is 0, code is 0, value is 0. Type is 1, code is 61, value is 1. Type is 0, code is 0, value is 0. Type is 1, code is 61, value is 0. Type is 0, code is 0, value is 0. Type is 1, code is 63, value is 1. Type is 0, code is 0, value is 0. Type is 1, code is 63, value is 0. Type is 0, code is 0, value is 0. Type is 1, code is 116, value is 1. Type is 0, code is 0, value is 0. Type is 1, code is 116, value is 0. Type is 0, code is 0, value is 0. Type is 1, code is 64, value is 1. Type is 0, code is 0, value is 0. Type is 1, code is 64, value is 0. Type is 0, code is 0, value is 0.



linux驱动上input子系统的简略分析, 并附有按键驱动实例, 来源网络, 回归网络



自己练习时写的虚拟字符设备驱动, 实现并发控制/阻塞/select/poll, 与初学者分享, 很基础, 并附有较详细的注解。


最新u-boot:u-boot-2012.07 mini2440移植(nandflash启动)

本人原创, 最新u-boot-2012.07 mini2440基于nandflash启动的移植, 新鲜出炉, 与旧版本不同, 本资源是基于nand_boot函数移植的, 应该说这种移植方法才是u-boot官方推荐的nandflash启动方法。 不多吹了, 见运行截图: U-Boot 2012.07 (Aug 25 2012 - 22:14:38) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++ Welcome to my u-boot +++ +++ Liyong-zou +++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CPUID: 32440001 FCLK: 400 MHz HCLK: 100 MHz PCLK: 50 MHz DRAM: 64 MiB WARNING: Caches not enabled NAND: 256 MiB In: serial Out: serial Err: serial Net: dm9000 MINI2440 #



源于网络, 回归网络。 大神的神做, 与大家分享



S3C2440中文手册, 没什么好多说的



网上刚找的文章, 浏览了一边, 很不错, 深入浅出, 即使新手也很容易读懂



这是一个自己边学边写的嵌入式操作系统(基于ARM S3C2410)。 代码刚写完测试好, 结构还没好好整理, 有点乱, 并且很多参考书上的内容,加上自己的修改。 后续我会花点时间好好整理, 再次上传。 主要内容: 1. 系统启动 2. 打印函数 3. 中断处理 4. 内存管理 5. 驱动程序框架 6. 文件系统框架 7. 运行客户程序 8. 多任务 9. 测试代码



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