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原创 RxSwift 操作符 (merge)

merge ReactiveX: combine multiple Observables into one by merging their emissions该操作符将多个被观察者合并起来,并能一次订阅到他们的值。let pb1 = PublishSubject<Int>()let pb2 = PublishSubject<Int>()Obs...

2018-05-23 11:28:11 1575

原创 RxSwift 操作符 (retryWhen)

retryWhen RetryWhen.swift: Repeats the source observable sequence on error when the notifier emits a next value. If the source observable errors and the notifier completes, it will comp...

2018-05-17 23:39:47 1270

原创 RxSwift 操作符 (retry)

retry ReactiveX: if a source Observable emits an error, resubscribe to it in the hopes that it will complete without errorretry操作符可以无限次的尝试,除非你写了使它结束的判断,和递归类似。enum RxError: Error { case...

2018-05-17 23:01:45 1039

原创 RxSwift 操作符 (flatMap)

flatMap ReactiveX: transform the items emitted by an Observable into Observables, then flatten the emissions from those into a single Observable将一个可观察序列中的所有元素映射成为另一个可观察序列。Observable<I...

2018-05-17 20:20:54 2893

原创 RxSwift 操作符 (single)

single ReactiveX: emit only the first item (or the first item that meets some condition) emitted by an Observable只发出可观察到的第一项(或满足某些条件的某一项)。如果只是使用single的话,如果可观察者的元素多余1个会再次发送error事件Observab...

2018-05-17 20:08:04 1264

原创 RxSwift 操作符 (filter & map & reduce)

filter & map & reduce ReactiveX: filter: emit only those items from an Observable that pass a predicate test map: transform the items emitted by an Observable by applying a function ...

2018-05-17 19:57:28 1273

原创 RxSwift 操作符 (empty & never & error)

empty & never & error ReactiveX: empty: create an Observable that emits no items but terminates normally never: create an Observable that emits no items and does not terminate err...

2018-05-17 19:42:59 1008

原创 RxSwift 操作符 (elementAt)

elementAt ReactiveX: emit only item n emitted by an Observable只发送你选定的那个元素Observable<Int>.from([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) .elementAt(1) .subscribe(onNext: { element in print("...

2018-05-17 19:30:52 307

原创 RxSwift 操作符 (do)

do ReactiveX: You can register callbacks that ReactiveX will call when certain events take place on an Observable, where those callbacks will be called independently from the normal set of noti...

2018-05-17 19:24:31 1830

原创 RxSwift 操作符 (distinctUntilChanged)

distinctUntilChanged ReactiveX: The Distinct operator filters an Observable by only allowing items through that have not already been emitted.移除相邻两个相同的元素。pb1 .distinctUntilChanged()...

2018-05-16 20:14:43 3485

原创 RxSwift 操作符 (delay & delaySubscription)

delay & delaySubscription RxSwift: delay: Returns an observable sequence by the source observable sequence shifted forward in time by a specified delay. Error events from the source observa...

2018-05-16 19:44:56 2010

原创 RxSwift 操作符 (debug & ifEmpty)

debug & ifEmpty RxSwift: debug: Prints received events for all observers on standard output. ifEmpty: Emits elements from the source observable sequence, or a default element if the sour...

2018-05-16 19:35:43 620

原创 RxSwift 操作符 (connect & publish)

connect & publish ReactiveX: connect: instruct a connectable Observable to begin emitting items to its subscribers publish: convert an ordinary Observable into a connectable Observable...

2018-05-16 19:20:08 449

原创 RxSwift 操作符 (deferred)

deferred Deferred.swift: Returns an observable sequence that invokes the specified factory function whenever a new observer subscribes.直到订阅发生的时候,才会创建序列,起到一个延迟创建的作用,看似订阅的都是同一个Observable,其实每次都...

2018-05-16 11:56:32 1313

原创 RxSwift 操作符 (throttle)

throttle Throttle.swift: Returns an Observable that emits the first and the latest item emitted by the source Observable during sequential time windows of a specified duration. This operator...

2018-05-16 11:42:23 6669

原创 RxSwift 操作符 (debounce)

debounce ReactiveX: only emit an item from an Observable if a particular timespan has passed without it emitting another item在指定的时间内,只接受最新的数据。let pb1 = PublishSubject<Int>() ...

2018-05-16 11:39:09 2863

原创 RxSwift 操作符 (generate)

generate ReactiveX: Generates an observable sequence by running a state-driven loop producing the sequence’s elements, using the specified scheduler to run the loop send out observer me...

2018-05-16 11:09:53 313

原创 RxSwift 操作符 (create)

create ReactiveX: You can create an Observable from scratch by using the Create operator. You pass this operator a function that accepts the observer as its parameter. Write this function so th...

2018-05-16 11:01:21 419

原创 RxSwift 操作符 (withLatestFrom)

withLatestFrom WithLatestFrom.swift: Merges two observable sequences into one observable sequence by combining each element from self with the latest element from the second source, if any.w...

2018-05-16 10:53:17 3783

原创 RxSwift 操作符 (concat)

concat ReactiveX: The Concat operator concatenates the output of multiple Observables so that they act like a single Observable, with all of the items emitted by the first Observable being emit...

2018-05-15 19:58:41 2302

原创 RxSwift 操作符 (combineLatest)

combineLatest ReactiveX: when an item is emitted by either of two Observables, combine the latest item emitted by each Observable via a specified function and emit items based on the results of...

2018-05-15 19:41:52 3786

原创 RxSwift 操作符 (catchError)

catchError ReactiveX: The Catch operator intercepts an onError notification from the source Observable and, instead of passing it through to any observers, replaces it with some other item or s...

2018-05-15 18:08:01 1728

原创 RxSwift 操作符 (amb)


2018-05-15 17:31:57 776





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