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jQuery Cookbook

jQuery cookbook O'Reilly


The Visual Display of Quantitative Information(Second Edition)

The Visual Display of Quantitative Information(Second Edition)


Lattice Multivariate Data Visualization with R

Lattice: R graphics system


User R ggplot2

ggplot2 R graphics system


R graphs cookbook

Detailed hands-on recipes for creating the most useful types of graphs in R—starting from the simplest versions to more advanced applications


R cookbook

This book helps you perform data analysis with R quickly and efficiently.


Knowledge Management Case Studies

Managing Knowledge and Learning at NASA and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) McKinsey Co Managing Knowledge and Learning Siemens ShareNet Building a Knowledge Network Wikis at Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein


operating system security

Operating systems provide the fundamental mechanisms for securing computer processing. Since the 1960s, operating systems designers have explored how to build “secure” operating systems — operating systems whose mechanisms protect the system against a motivated adversary. Recently, the importance of ensuring such security has become a mainstream issue for all operating systems. In this book, we examine past research that outlines the requirements for a secure operating system and research that implements example systems that aim for such requirements. For system designs that aimed to satisfy these requirements, we see that the complexity of software systems often results in implementation challenges that we are still exploring to this day. However, if a system design does not aim for achieving the secure operating system requirements, then its security features fail to protect the system in a myriad of ways. We also study systems that have been retrofit with secure operating system features after an initial deployment. In all cases, the conflict between function on one hand and security on the other leads to difficult choices and the potential for unwise compromises. From this book, we hope that systems designers and implementors will learn the requirements for operating systems that effectively enforce security and will better understand how to manage the balance between function and security.


Enterprise Information Systems Assurance and System Security

Enterprise Information Systems Assurance and System Security


Bioconductor Case Studies

Recent developments in genomics and molecular biology finally carry the promise of understanding the functions of complex biological systems on a whole genome level. These developments have led to enormous amounts of data generated in highthroughput technologies, most prominently in gene expression microarrays. Within the Bioconductor project, an increasing number of researchers are trying to establish solutions for the analysis of such data, combining knowledge from such diverse disciplines as statistics, computer science, bioinformatics, and molecular biology.


R graphics

R graphics I TRADITIONAL GRAPHICS 2 Simple Usage of Traditional Graphics 2.1 The traditional graphics model 2.2 Plots of one or two variables 2.2.1 Arguments to graphics functions 2.2.2 Standard arguments 2.3 Plots of multiple variables 2.4 Modern plots and specialized plots 2.5 Interactive graphics


The Elements of Statistical Learning Second Edition

PDF books Overview of Supervised Learning Linear Methods for Regression Linear Methods for Classification


Beginning SharePoint 2007 Administration Part 2

Table of Contents Beginning SharePoint 2007 Administration-Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Introduction Chapter 1 - Introduction to Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Chapter 2 - Installing Windows SharePoint Services Chapter 3 - Configuring and Managing Windows SharePoint Services Chapter 4 - Installing MS Office SharePoint Server 2007 Chapter 5 - Configuring and Managing MOSS 2007 Chapter 6 - Building Web Sites Chapter 7 - Office Integration Chapter 8 - Advanced Configurations Chapter 9 - Web Content Management Chapter 10 - File and Document Management Chapter 11 - Intranet and Internet Sites Chapter 12 - Customizing SharePoint 2007 Chapter 13 - SharePoint Designer 2007 Chapter 14 - Backup and Restore Index List of Tables List of Examples


Beginning SharePoint 2007 Administration Part 1

Table of Contents Beginning SharePoint 2007 Administration-Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Introduction Chapter 1 - Introduction to Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Chapter 2 - Installing Windows SharePoint Services Chapter 3 - Configuring and Managing Windows SharePoint Services Chapter 4 - Installing MS Office SharePoint Server 2007 Chapter 5 - Configuring and Managing MOSS 2007 Chapter 6 - Building Web Sites Chapter 7 - Office Integration Chapter 8 - Advanced Configurations Chapter 9 - Web Content Management Chapter 10 - File and Document Management Chapter 11 - Intranet and Internet Sites Chapter 12 - Customizing SharePoint 2007 Chapter 13 - SharePoint Designer 2007 Chapter 14 - Backup and Restore Index List of Tables List of Examples


GWT in practice

30 techniques, get it done get savvy


GWT in action

Manning GWT in action. Clear, not scan


Essential Sharepoint 2007 part 3

清晰非扫描版,微软推荐的sharepoint 2007参考书


Essential Sharepoint 2007 part 2

清晰非扫描版,微软推荐的sharepoint 2007参考书


Essential Sharepoint 2007 part 1

清晰非扫描版,微软推荐的sharepoint 2007参考书



DzSoft Perl Editor 是一个用于编写、编辑和调试 Perl/CGI 脚本的工具。它拥有舒适易用的界面,不但适合初学者,也适合高级程序员。DzSoft Perl Editor 看起来似乎很简单,但它其实是非常强大的工具。它具有调试功能、非常舒适的带语法高亮编辑器、可以查找您脚本里的错误的语法检查功能及其它,让您安逸舒适地进行 Perl 开发。 功能: 可自定义的语法高亮。 运行脚本并在内建的浏览器里即时看到结果,不必建立服务器。 语法检查。 可折叠子程序。 可自定义的代码片断。 完整服务器模拟。 对环境变量和输入数据的完全控制。 代码浏览器。 可以上传脚本到 FTP。 HTML 带语法高亮输出和打印。 超级舒适可保存书签的编辑器。 SDI 界面支持多个实例。 支持 Windows/Unix/Mac 断壁颓垣格式。 Office XP 风格菜单和工具栏。 “在命令提示符下运行”功能(带调试)。 内建带自动检测的 POD 查看器。


Mastering phpMyAdmin 2.11 for Effective MySQL Management

What This Book Covers Chapter 1 will take a look at how the Web has evolved as a means to deliver applications and why we should use PHP/MySQL to develop these applications. We'll also take a look at how phpMyAdmin is recognized as a leading application to interface MySQL from the Web, the history of phpMyAdmin, and a brief list of its features. Chapter 2 will take a look at the common reasons for installing phpMyAdmin, the steps for downloading it from the main site, the basic confguration, and uploading it to our web server. We will also learn how to use a single copy of phpMyAdmin to manage multiple servers, and the usage of authentication types to fulfll the needs of a users' group while protecting authentication credentials.








Data Mining Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques

Ian H. Witten Department of Computer Science University of Waikato Eibe Frank Department of Computer Science University of Waikato


Learning Bayesian Networks

By Richard E. Neapolitan


O'reilly - Learning Perl

Book for beginner in perl programming


Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics

Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics


[O'Reilly] Programming Perl - Second Edition

The book for beginners in perl programming


Pattern Classification - Richard O Duda, Peter E Hart, David G Stork - 2Ed - Wiley-Interscience

Book itself plus manual



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