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绝对入门级 Microsoft Word软件是Office系统软件中的一款,它主要是用于文字处理,不仅能够制作常用的文本、信函、备忘录,还专门为国内用户定制了许多应用模板,如各种公文模板、书稿模板、档案模板等。此外,它具有主控文档功能,结合修订、版本管理等功能使得网络协同工作变得非常方便。


代码优化:有效使用内存 (美)克里斯·卡巴斯基

第一章 程序剖分 第二章 RAM子系统 第三章 高速缓存子系统 第四章 机器优化 搞病毒的人写的吧


excel 2010高级教程-英文版

this manual should be used as a point of reference after following attendacne of the advanced level excel 2010training course. It covers all the topics taught and aims to act as a support aid for any tasks carried out by the users after the course.


Cloud Computing Bible

In the five months that I have been researching and writing Cloud Computing Bible, it has become clear to me that most people recognize that cloud computing is a big deal, even if they are not really clear why that is so. Every day newspaper and magazine articles and radio and TV stories report on cloud computing. The phrase “in the cloud” has entered into our colloquial language. You may have heard that the United States government has initiated a “cloud initiative,” or that nearly 75 percent of the developers at Microsoft are currently working on “cloud-related” products, or that a phone or service stores its data in the cloud. The cloud is therefore this amorphous entity that is supposed to represent the future of modern computing.



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