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AQUAS WaterRiver Set 1.5.4




office文档转化为pdf文件 c++代码-office to pdf (包含WORD EXCEL POWPOINT) (office document into a pdf file c ++ code -office to pdf (containing WORD EXCEL POWPOINT))



The Ultimate Rope Editor is a powerful tool that can generate procedural ropes and also apply rope physics to your already existing meshes. Physics and parameters can be tweaked in play mode for real time feedback, and the state can optionally be saved back to edit mode. This eliminates turnaround time and increases productivity. Check out our demo and video! The editor comes with 4 different sample scenes.






public class SpeechTest : MonoBehaviour { Thread t; SpVoice spVoice; string DefaultEnglishLangID = "804";//中文 409:英文 void Update () { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S)) { t = null; SpeakVoice("哈哈,正义必胜,hello world"); } } public void SpeakVoice(string content) { try { if (t==null) { t = new Thread(() => { string contentStr = "<voice required=\"Language=" + DefaultEnglishLangID + "\">" + content + "</voice>"; if (spVoice == null) { spVoice = new SpVoice(); //spVoice.Voice = spVoice.GetVoices(string.Empty, string.Empty).Item(0); spVoice.Speak(contentStr, SpeechVoiceSpeakFlags.SVSFPurgeBeforeSpeak | SpeechVoiceSpeakFlags.SVSFlagsAsync); } else { spVoice.Speak(contentStr, SpeechVoiceSpeakFlags.SVSFPurgeBeforeSpeak | SpeechVoiceSpeakFlags.SVSFlagsAsync); } }); } t.Start(); } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.Log(e); } } }



* Speaker; default of parameter "isFuzzy" changed to false in: * VoiceForCulture * VoicesForCulture * VoiceForGender * VoicesForGender * iOS: Silence(uid) works now as expected * SAPI Unity: Silence(uid) works now as expected * ReminderCheck removed


UGUI Super TreeView V1.24.zip

u3d UGUI Super TreeView 分享, 5.5.4或更高可用 Features: - Support 3 animation effects of TreeView expanding or collapsing: Immediate, Scale and Clip. (It can expand items immediately, or expand items by modifing speed , or modifing lasting time.) - Support item padding . ( It's easy to change the vertical distance between each item.) - Support item indent. ( It's easy to change the horizontal indent of each child item relative to its parent. ) - Support expanding or collapsing all items at once. - Support expanding or collapsing the selected item. - Support easy to add or delete item. - Support item inserted before or after the selected item. - Use pool to cache items and don't destroy items at runtime. - Platform-independent and full C# source code provided. - Easy to use and understand.



使用osg3.4 osgearth2.8编译的2015 x64的动态库,里面包含头文件、库文件,dll,以及测试程序



编译好的osg3.4.0的头文件,lib文件、dll文件,以及所有的应用程序,包括fbx插件 ffmpeg插件等



osg: 3.4.0 osgearth:2.8 gdal:2.3.2 geos:3.4.3 proj:4.7.0 simgear: 2018.2.2 flightgear:2018.2.2 ffmpeg:4.1



osg3.4 和osgearth 2.8 自己编译的帮助手册,二合一。


Enviro - Sky and Weather.7z

Enviro - The complete dynamic AAA sky and weather solution! Very easy setup: The new manager component makes it easy as possible to setup enviro in your scenes. Includes Enviro Lite! This version includes Enviro Lite version aswell. Ideal for multi-platform projects: Use lite version for low end platform like mobiles and standard for pc and consoles. With one click you can switch between enviro versions. The centralized API for your own scripts will work for both versions of course. Profile System: Enviro's new profile system makes tweaking your sky as easy as possible. Tweak settings in runtime and save to profile. Load profiles in design and runtime. Create different profiles for different scenes or share your configurations with other user. Day-Night cycle: Enviro supports a realistic day-night cycle. With correct sun and moon positions with full location support with latitude and longitude. You have options to use your system time or let enviro update time based on realtime minutes. Skybox: Enviro includes an advanced fast atmospheric skybox shader to get great looking skies! You got a lot of options to tweak the sky and even can setup funky alien skies! Lighting: Enviro will realisticly light your scene based on sun altitude. You have complete control over light intensity and color by modifying curves and gradients right in editor! You also can choose between different ambient light modes of course. Seasons: Enviro will change seasons and got a components to swap out gameobject, materials and textures of unity terrain. You are not limited to realistic settings! You can set the start and end days of each season. Enviro also supports temperature simulation, based on season, time of day and current weather. Clouds: Enviro new raymarching cloud system is based on latest cloud rendering papers. These will bring you sky to life and offer plenty options to customize. Clouds performance is optimized by using techs like temporal reprojection and LOD system. In addition there are also fast flat and particle clouds options to mix or use for maximum performance. Fog: Need stunnishing looking fog? Enviro includes an advanced light scattering fog image effect with distance, height and sky fog support. Need fog on your transparent material? No problem, with only a few lines of code you could modify your own transparent shaders to be fogged correctly. And a few particle and transparent shaders already included to get you started! Weather: Enviro includes a very powerfull weather system. You can create your own weather types and drive light, sky, fog and clouds. Enviro supports all kind of unity shuriken particle effects to give you the freedom to create any weather effect you can think of. It includes 11 premade weather types including: Clear Sky, cloudy, raining, stormy, snowy and foggy weather. You can enable lightning storms and choose different ambient and weather sounds for each weather with smooth transitions. Volumetric Lighting: Need some volume light effects you see in AAA games? No problem, enviro support volumetric lighting for directional, point and spot lights out of the box! Scene View Effects: Preview enviro effects like clouds, volume lighting and fog directly while you work on your scenes. You can enable or disable scene view preview for each effect individual of course. Networking: Enviro support UNet, Mirror and Photon out of the box. It will synchronize time and weather with all your players. Enviro also got an minimal mode for headless servers to only calculate time and weather but nothing more. Virtual Reality: Enviro supports multi and singlepass stereoscopic rendering! Tested on Oculus Rift. That's not all! Enviro includes a lot more great features: * Event system for you game logic. * Weather Zones. Create as many zones with their own weather for your biomes. * Orbiting satellites. * Vegetation Growth. And you can use a lot of awesome 3rd-party assets right of the box. Activate and add 3rd-party support through the new interface. Again its easy and fast as possible! * Gaia Compatible! * CTS Compatible! * AQUAS Integration! * LUX Water Integration! * FogVolume 3 Integration! * Vegetation Studio Pro Integration! * Playmaker Actions! * Relief Terrain Shader Integration! * UBER Shader Integration! * MicroSplat Integration! * MegaSplat Shader Integration! * Lux Shader Integration! * Photon Network Integration! * Mirror Network Integration! * Pegasus Integration! Requirements: * Support gamma and linear color space. * Support forward and deferred rendering. * Working on DX9, DX11, DX12, OpenGlCore, Metal and Vulkan. * Volumetric Lighting requires at least shader-model 3.5+ and will be deactivated on DX9 Current limitation: * Volumetric clouds are currently not suitable for fly-throughs! Will be worked on in later updates!



OSG3.4 OSGEARTH2.8, 3DMAX2015 OSGEXP1.31 编译,解决默认安装包OSGExp.dle和OSGHelper.dlo 加载不上的bug






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