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Effective Java by Joshua Bloch 第三版 PDF

由Joshua Bloch所著Effective Java第三版(英文) 清晰完整版 PDF格式


Java Persistence WIth Hibernate 2nd

Manning出版 Java Persistence With Hibernate 第二版 清晰pdf Hibernate, an open source project that is almost 15 years old. In a recent poll, Hibernate was among the top five tools used by many Java developers every day. This shows that SQL databases are still the preferred technology for reliable data storage and management, especially in the Java enterprise software development space. It’s also a testament to the quality of specifications and tools available, which today make it easy to start a project and to estimate and reduce risk when building large, complex application


Manning Netty in Action

Manning Netty in Action 正式版 清晰pdf Netty is a Java framework for the rapid development of high-performance network applications. It encapsulates the complexities of network programming and makes the most recent advances in networking and web technologies accessible to a broader range of developers than ever before.



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