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Topology-Preserving Deep Image Segmentation.pdf

Topology-Preserving Deep Image Segmentation Segmentation algorithms are prone to make topological errors on fine-scale structures, e.g., broken connections. We propose a novel method that learns to segment with correct topology. In particular, we design a continuous-valued loss function that enforces a segmentation to have the same topology as the ground truth, i.e., having the same Betti number. The proposed topology-preserving loss function is differentiable and we incorporate it into end-to-end training of a deep neural network. Our method achieves much better performance on the Betti number error, which directly accounts for the topological correctness. It also performs superiorly on other topology-relevant metrics, e.g., the Adjusted Rand Index and the Variation of Information. We illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method on a broad spectrum of natural and biomedical datasets.



摘要:本文简单的介绍了偏振光导航的发展背景、偏振光导航的基本原理以及偏振光导航 的发展历程,同时提出了偏振光导航需要解决的问题。


Graphs and Matrices.pdf

This book is concerned with results in graph theory in which linear algebra and matrix theory play an important role. Although it is generally accepted that linear algebra can be an important component in the study of graphs, traditionally, graph theorists have remained by and large less than enthusiastic about using linear algebra. The results discussed here are usually treated under algebraic graph theory, as outlined in the classic books by Biggs [20] and by Godsil and Royle [39]. Our emphasis on matrix techniques is even greater than what is found in these and perhaps the subject matter discussed here might be termed linear algebraic graph theory to highlight this aspect. After recalling some matrix preliminaries in the Chap. 1, the next few chapters outline the basic properties of some matrices associated with a graph. This is followed by topics in graph theory such as regular graphs and algebraic connectivity. Distance matrix of a tree and its generalized version for arbitrary graphs, the resistance matrix, are treated in the next two chapters. The final chapters treat other topics such as the Laplacian eigenvalues of threshold graphs, the positive definite completion problem, and matrix games based on a graph. We have kept the treatment at a fairly elementary level and resisted the temptation of presenting up-to-date research work. Thus, several chapters in this book may be viewed as an invitation to a vast area of vigorous current research. Only a beginning is made here with the hope that it will entice the reader to explore further. In the same vein, we often do not present the results in their full generality, but present only a simpler version that captures the elegance of the result. Weighted graphs are avoided, although most results presented here have weighted, and hence more general, analogs. The references for each chapter are listed at the end of the chapter. In addition, a master bibliography is included. In a short note at the end of each chapter, we indicate the primary references that we used. Often, we have given a different treatment, as well as different proofs, of the results cited. We do not go into an elaborate description of such differences.


The geometry of multiple images.pdf

This monograph by one of the world's leading vision researchers provides a thorough, mathematically rigorous exposition of a broad and vital area in computer vision: the problems and techniques related to three-dimensional (stereo) vision and motion. The emphasis is on using geometry to solve problems in stereo and motion, with examples from navigation and object recognition. Faugeras takes up such important problems in computer vision as projective geometry, camera calibration, edge detection, stereo vision (with many examples on real images), different kinds of representations and transformations (especially 3-D rotations), uncertainty and methods of addressing it, and object representation and recognition. His theoretical account is illustrated with the results of actual working programs.Three-Dimensional Computer Vision proposes solutions to problems arising from a specific robotics scenario in which a system must perceive and act. Moving about an unknown environment, the system has to avoid static and mobile obstacles, build models of objects and places in order to be able to recognize and locate them, and characterize its own motion and that of moving objects, by providing descriptions of the corresponding three-dimensional motions. The ideas generated, however, can be used indifferent settings, resulting in a general book on computer vision that reveals the fascinating relationship of three-dimensional geometry and the imaging process.


Microservices, IoT and Azure.pdf

微软云 IOT Leveraging DevOps and Microservice Architecture to Deliver SaaS Solutions


stochastic models information theory and lie groups

The Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis (ANHA) book series aims to provide the engineering, mathematical, and scientific communities with significant developments in harmonic analysis, ranging from abstract harmonic analysis to basic applications. The title of the series reflects the importance of applications and numerical implementation, but richness and relevance of applications and implementation depend fundamentally on the structure and depth of theoretical underpinnings. Thus, from our point of view, the interleaving of theory and applications and their creative symbiotic evolution is axiomatic.


learning unreal engine game development

Chapter 1, An Overview of Unreal Engine, covers introductory content about what a game engine is, specifically for Unreal Engine 4 and its history. You will get an overview of the features of Unreal Engine 4 and how it can help you to create a game. Chapter 2, Creating Your First Level, explains how to create your first room using the Box Brush, add materials to texture the walls/floor, and learn how to place static objects to enhance the look of the room. Chapter 3, Game Objects – More and Move, covers the structure of a simple object type, known as Static Mesh, and how objects in Unreal interact with one another. This chapter also introduces Blueprints, which is the graphical scripting of Unreal Engine 4. Chapter 4, Material and Light, shows you how to customize your level in greater detail by learning how to create your own basic custom Material and how to use simple lights to light up the interior of the level. Chapter 5, Animation and AI, covers how animation works in Unreal Engine and how to implement simple AI in your game level. Chapter 6, A Particle System and Sound, explains how to add visual and sound effects to your level. Chapter 7, Terrain and Cinematics, shows you how to add the final touches to your level using terrain manipulation and cinematics.


learning web based virtual reality

The WebVR API is an amazing addition to any web developer’s toolkit. It allows you to develop simulated environments using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. Unlike with devices such as Microsoft HoloLens and Oculus Rift, you do not need any special software development kit (SDK) to develop VR applications or games.


Applications of Conformal Geometric Algebra in Computer Vision and Graphics

This paper introduces the mathematical framework of conformal geometric algebra (CGA) as a language for computer graphics and computer vision. Specifically it discusses a new method for pose and position interpolation based on CGA which firstly allows for existing interpolation methods to be cleanly extended to pose and position interpolation, but also allows for this to be extended to higher-dimension spaces and all conformal transforms (including dilations). In addition, we discuss a method of dealing with conics in CGA and the intersection and reflections of rays with such conic surfaces. Possible applications for these algorithms are also discussed.



九宫格图案解锁 可自定义点图片和背景图 包含源代码


Android 图案解锁源代码

九宫格图案解锁 可自定义点图片和背景图 包含源代码



Android反编译工具,可以反编译资源,yml格式的代码,重新打包等 不能反编译Java源码。


GifView on Android

Android 原生平台是不支持Gif的。 于是有了GifView






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