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原创 使用OpenWrt创建子网作为二级路由


2019-12-24 09:34:45 17293 5

原创 SharePoint file is locked for shared use

Sometimes the author of a document will receive a message from SharePoint when saving with desktop version of Office:Sorry, something went wrongThe file "..." is locked for shared use by "..."...

2019-05-28 23:46:11 670

原创 Linux下制作WIndows 7启动U盘

为什么Win7特殊呢?因为其他版本,包括Win 8,Win 10都很简单,一个dd命令搞定。从iso制作Linux的U盘也用同样的一条dd命令。失败步骤:1. dd拷贝# dd if=win7.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=1m2. gparted不能找到分区,标记/dev/sdb盘bootable,写入mbr无用,启动不认U盘成功步骤:1. 插入usb,看分...

2019-05-26 20:37:13 4333

原创 国行手机安装Google play store


2016-06-19 07:18:07 9416

原创 SharePoint "Cannot add the specified assembly to the global assembly cache"

有时候Gac Deployment的是后会遇到:"Cannot add the specified assembly to the global assembly cache"处理方法:iisreset清空.net的temp文件夹,例如:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319如果还不能deploy,试试

2015-05-01 23:30:24 1050

转载 How to Enable or Disable Document Property Promotion (ParserEnabled) in SharePoint 2013

This is the way to solve issues on uploading document into SharePoint 2013 Document Library. After upload the document into SharePoint library, the document had the metadata (document properties) of t

2015-02-17 18:32:51 853

原创 设置SQL别名


2014-12-06 00:29:13 3539

原创 强制使用官方Windows Update

HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdateremove WU*Under \AU NoAutoUpdate=0; UseWUServer=0Click check online for windows update

2014-11-20 20:25:29 1692

原创 在SharePoint 2013中建立Report Viewer读取RDLC报表


2014-10-31 23:38:14 1861

原创 解决SharePoint Solution安装过程中不能deploy assembly的问题

在部署SharePoint solution的时候会遇到

2014-07-16 02:09:05 1188

转载 Changing the Item-Level Permissions Settings for a Document Library requires PowerShell

As it turns out the, setting Item-Level Permissions in a library is fully supported with PowerShell! The PowerShell commands for changing this are very simple:$web = Get-SPWeb http://YourSit

2014-07-04 01:02:25 767

转载 Repeating Table Header on Each Page of the Report in the SSRS 2008

In the SSRS 2008, if a report with a tablix is created without using the wizard feature (Reports -> Add -> New Item -> Report), table headers won’t repeat on every page by default when you print or ex

2014-05-13 17:20:17 967

转载 Simple statistics for SharePoint

A simple script that counts recursively:

2014-05-13 17:13:48 729

转载 Get all SharePoint database sizes

Get-SPDatabase | Sort-Object disksizerequired -desc | %{write-host  “Size: $($_.disksizerequired/1mb)MB – Database: $($_.Name)”}

2014-05-13 16:48:00 736

原创 Turn off Mobile View for SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013

For SP2013 Mobile View feature can be disabled from Site Features.For SP2010 add this to

2014-05-11 18:55:38 912

原创 Enable InfoPath service in SharePoint 2010

If InfoPath service is not found under:Central Admin > General App SettingsConsider install it manually:stsadm -o installfeature -name IPFSAdminWeb

2014-05-11 18:52:09 633

原创 ffmpeg map channel

Command below will copy left audio channel to right when streaming video:ffmpeg -f mpegts -i "udp://@" -deinterlace -r 25 -vcodec libx264 -ac

2014-05-11 18:49:21 2873

原创 SharePoint Designer crash when opening site

Delete registry keys at:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Common\Open Find\Microsoft SharePoint Designer\Settings\Open Site\ClientGUIDHKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Of

2014-05-11 18:30:59 733

原创 Export IIS Log to SQL Server

Did some research on how to analyse IIS logs. Desktop software doesn’t work with 700M log files. Instead I found LogParser did a better job by exporting the log to SQL server database. It’s then flexi

2014-05-11 18:23:08 1180

原创 升级到Ubuntu 14.04后的中文输入问题


2014-05-10 18:45:44 4189

原创 Streaming single image with ffmpeg

I need to disable live video broadcast for a day or two. If I stop streaming service the flash player will wait for input. Not nice for end users who will report it as an error. It would be nice to sh

2014-05-10 07:15:57 708

原创 Create custom Task List and Forms in SharePoint 2010 with Visual Studio 2012

When customising SharePoint Workflow Task we usually need to create customised Task List and Forms. It's easy to create List in Visual Studio but even if the list is based on "Task" template it will n

2013-04-25 23:31:32 1029

转载 Ubuntu 12.x访问Android 4.x

由于从Android 4开始不支持大容量U盘格式,造成Ubuntu系统不认盘(下一个Ubuntu会支持),无法访问Android内部储存器上的文件。网上有很多修复的方法,大多比较复杂,找到以下最简便之方法在Nexus 4 (android 4.2.1)和Ubuntu 12.10中测试通过。注意,此方法为临时解决方案,用到正在开发的组件。下一个版本的Ubuntu会包含稳定的mtp包。

2013-02-09 07:20:05 731

原创 BlackBerry 8900 Curve 免费解锁刷中文方法

连着又发个BB 8900的解锁法。之前我有个9700刷中文的文章,因为不涉及解锁比较简单。这次的8900被Orange上了锁。BB确实是很安全的系统。因为BB不如Android机那么容易侵入,解锁弄得很神秘。据说解锁用运营商数据库配对法,而不是光靠算法。当然这个数据库及算法程序黑市上卖得很贵。否则到处10块美金左右的解锁网站靠什么生存?不过也有破例的。我找到了一个免费解锁网站http://ww

2011-11-04 11:55:03 1730

原创 S5830 Samsung Galaxy Ace 2.3.3 XWKPA Root和解锁方法

S5830XWKPA这个版本不是很常见。Root时,流行的SuperOneClick软件在Step 6的时候卡住。好像2.3.3都有这个问题。其实只要下载一个zip文件存到手机记忆卡中,用安全模式启动安装这个文件即可实现root。见:http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1034145# 的方法D。解锁也就几分钟的事。ro

2011-11-04 11:02:04 1671

原创 SharePoint 2010经常会在chrome里掉滚动条的解决方法

SharePoint 2010经常会在chrome里掉滚动条。找到了一个解决方法:用jQuery。假设外部访问用80端口,内部维护(ribbon条可见)用8080端口。其中我们已在master page的其他位置设置了ribbon的可见属性。$(document).

2011-10-17 17:09:08 1149

原创 Cascade Delete Stored Procedure

<br />In database migration tests a database needs to be emptied before each import attempt. Rows can be easily deleted by the delete command if no foreign key constrain is affected. In most small projects simple scripts deleting child tables before deleti

2011-05-13 17:27:00 784

原创 在NavigationMenu中隐藏SiteMapNode


2011-04-06 18:22:00 1965

原创 Emacs keybinding in Visual Studio 2010

I've been using Visual Studio 2010 from early last year. Unfortunately I used to emacs many years ago. In Visual Studio 2008 and earlier versions there's a key mapping settings for emacs. However MS seized support since 2010 beta version. I always pressed

2011-03-28 17:25:00 1330

原创 终于知道ipod touch/iphone是怎样利用wifi信号定位啦


2011-03-18 22:41:00 3596

原创 新项目选择asp.net webform还是asp.net mvc?

mvc在各个语音平台上都有不少选择,唯独.net不多,近来才流行起来的公版mvc总算能在vs.net 2010新建项目中找到了。经过一番调查,决定弃之。并不是因为不好,而是对新的项目来说没有简单易用的web form组件而手工写代码不如不用微软的产品。

2010-11-09 00:35:00 1304

原创 SP Dispose Check内存泄漏检测工具

<br />在开发web part,server control的时候SP对象往往会在自动垃圾收集之前就造成内存泄漏。最近找到一个很用用的工具,可以检查dll,exe中的SPSite, SPWeb等object是否会导致memory leak。<br /> <br />http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/SPDisposeCheck

2010-10-20 00:35:00 708

原创 SharePoint 2010 Windows Explorer View back to work again

It was all working fine, no problem until a few days ago "open with explorer" option was disabled and the use of the connection such as //sharepoint.domain/PublishingImages reported "not authenticated". While I can work with IE9 beta and all other tools su

2010-10-13 19:49:00 1307

原创 解决SP2010的CQWP匿名访问时SetDocumentIconUrlAndOnClickString方法错误

衍生或原生的CQWP在SharePoint 2010中匿名访问有时会产生错误,在Log中找到相关GUID得出SetDocumentIconUrlAndOnClickString方法调用出错。

2010-08-31 19:16:00 641

原创 SharePoint 2010自定Page Layout不改变core4.css加入自定义style和markup

<br />Page Layout中加入:<br /><PublishingWebControls:RichHtmlFieldid="Content"FieldName="PublishingPageContent"  runat="server"PrefixStyleSheet="my-style-must-be-lowercase"/><br /> <br />在core4.css后加入自己定义的css(可以在master page中加入style连接)<br /> <br />H1.m

2010-08-27 23:15:00 1397

原创 在Windows 7/2008/Vista里制作USB优盘启动盘


2010-07-22 01:23:00 2410

原创 SharePoint 2010 upgrade from 2007 (content database, UI etc)

<br />Upgrade is always painful. SharePoint is no exception. Microsoft has suggested two ways of upgrade: inplace and database upgrade. All articles suggest database upgrade, which is also my choice. I don't trust third party migration tools. They will mes

2010-07-15 23:20:00 934

原创 zenburn主题

emacs<br />若使用Debian/Ubuntu则可以<br />sudo apt-get install emacs-goodies-el<br />拷贝zenburn.el到系统~/.emacs.d<br /><br />若使用Windows或其他系统<br />解压color-theme.el.gz<br />把解压后的el和zenburn.el一起拷贝到lisp目录<br /><br />~/.emacs加入<br />(require 'color-theme)<

2010-07-05 18:45:00 1363

原创 Deploy WSP with SharePoint 2010 PowerShell

<br />The stsadm command was replaced by PowerShell cmdlets in 2010. To deploy on a Produciton, QA or DEV server you may probably need PowerShell scripts (with .ps1 suffix). However if you prefer GUI, you'll thank to Visual Studio 2010 as development and d

2010-07-01 22:21:00 1697

原创 正确使用RunWithElevatedPrivileges

<br />使用RunWithElevatedPrivileges的时候,contributor也可以运行下面的代码:<br />SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(delegate() { SPSite siteCollection = SPContext.Current.Site; siteCollection.CatchAccessDeniedEx

2010-06-18 20:33:00 2892

emacs和visual studio 2008/2010 zenburn主题

emacs和visual studio 2008/2010 zenburn主题使用的所有文件


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