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Chm电子书批量反编译器(ChmDecompiler) v3.66注册安装版 亲自测试有效

注意:这个是网上找来的版本,亲自测试有效! 360报有风险,安装过程中软件修改了一些注册表内容,本人逐一审查,貌似没有问题。请自行斟酌安装。 1、轻松反编译CHM格式的帮助文件或电子书 2、完美恢复CHM的.HHP工程文件 3、支持批量反编译CHM 4、支持从指定CHM文件里解压缩任意的文件,就像管理压缩文件那样简单 5、内置CHM阅读器 6、与系统无缝整合,操作更方便快捷 7、多语言支持 8、内置快速的CHM反编译模块 9、容易使用的标准操作界面


chm制作软件|Easy CHM中文版 V3.93 注册安装版 本人亲自测试通过

1、全自动的目录及文件导入(可以包括子目录) 2、支持导入任意的文件类型 3、程序操作速度快,性能稳定 4、自动生成CHM的目录列表并自动生成所有目录项 5、为CHM的目录列表自动添加多级编号 6、批量更换CHM目录各项的图标 7、在移动、拖拽、替换等操作中完全支持多选操作,减少用户手工 8、支持批量查找替换多级目录各项的标题文字内容 9、允许用户指定从文本文件的第N行自动截取标题 10、易用的目录编辑器 11、丰富实用的CHM制作选项帮助用户制作更加个性化的专业CHM电子书或CHM帮助文件 12、内嵌CHM反编译工具 13、自动生成输出Alias和Map头文件 14、自动生成上下文相关的帮助文件 15、程序可以保存工程文件,方便企业用户编辑维护文档


MongoDB Definitive Guide 2nd 权威指南

MongoDB Definitive Guide 第二版(2013)英文版 MongoDB Definitive Guide 第一版(权威指南)(2010)中文版


MongoDB 3.2 手册 英文版

MongoDB 3.2版 (目前最新版)的操作手册。 英文版 epub格式


PHP 7 的官网手册

PHP 7 的官网手册 chm版, 含一份中文版 和一份英文版。 php7 号称目前性能最牛x的一个版本,欢迎研究。


MGH 2015 新书 Marty Matthews - PHP and MySQL Web Development : A Beginer's Guide

2015年的新书 出版社 MGH 作者是 Marty Matthews 英文原版pdf。


The DIPUM Toolbox Version 2

这是 P-Code DIPUM Toolbox v2.0.3 (最新版2009-10)网站上说是2.0.1最新,而实际上是这个版本2.0.3最新!! 10点,别嫌贵哈,这个可是真花了 $39.95 USD 买来的。 看以下说明,你就明白了: (http://www.imageprocessingplace.com/DIPUM_Toolbox_2/DIPUM_Toolbox_2.htm) The DIPUM Toolbox™ 2 is a set of nearly 120 new M-functions developed in the book Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB, 2nd edition. These functions, which are discussed and documented in the book, require releases of the MathWorks' MATLAB 6.5 or later and the MathWorks' Image Processing Toolbox 3.1 or later, both of which run under most operating systems. m code 版本的正在想办法弄哈! 这个Single User License for the Registered DIPUM Toolbox 可不是$29.95就可以摆平的。要不然我也不会冤枉多花$10,来买这个版本了。 Enjoy!!


Excel 2013 Bible

Excel at Excel with the help of this bestselling spreadsheet guide John Walkenbach's name is synonymous with excellence in computer books that decipher the complexities of Microsoft Excel. Known as "Mr. Spreadsheet," Walkenbach shows you how to maximize the power of Excel 2013 while bringing you up to speed on the latest features. This perennial bestseller is fully updated to cover all the new features of Excel 2013, including how to navigate the user interface, take advantage of various file formats, master formulas, analyze data with PivotTables, and more. Whether you're an Excel beginner who is looking to get more savvy or an advanced user looking to become a power user, this latest edition provides you with comprehensive coverage as well as helpful tips, tricks, and techniques that you won't find anywhere else. Shares the invaluable insight of Excel guru and bestselling author "Mr. Spreadsheet" John Walkenbach as he guides you through every aspect of Excel 2013 Provides essential coverage of all the newest features of Excel 2013 Presents material in a clear, concise, logical format that is ideal for all levels of Excel experience Features a website that includes downloadable templates and worksheets from the book Chart your path to fantastic formulas and stellar spreadsheets with Excel 2013 Bible!


Alex Allain - Jumping into C++ (with Sample Code)

Alex Allain - Jumping into C++ (with Sample Code) http://www.cprogramming.com/c++book/?inl=ft-nhp (this website alway be my online references for C/C++)


Ubuntu Unleashed 2012 Edition: Covering 11.10 and 12.04 (7th Edition)

Ubuntu Unleashed 2012 Edition: Covering 11.10 and 12.04 (7th Edition) 作者:Matthew Helmke 出版日期:January 16, 2012 出版社:Sams Publishing 页数:864 ISBN:978-0672335785 文件格式:PDF 文件大小:37.28 MB Ubuntu Unleashed is filled with unique and advanced information for everyone who wants to make the most of the Ubuntu Linux operating system. This new edition has been thoroughly revised and updated by a long-time Ubuntu community leader to reflect the exciting new Ubuntu 11.10 (“Oneiric Ocelot”) and the forthcoming Ubuntu 12.04. Former Ubuntu Forum administrator Matthew Helmke covers all you need to know about Ubuntu 11.10/12.04 installation, configuration, productivity, multimedia, development, system administration, server operations, networking, virtualization, security, DevOps, and more—including intermediate-to-advanced techniques you won’t find in any other book. Helmke presents up-to-the-minute introductions to Ubuntu’s key productivity and Web development tools, programming languages, hardware support, and more. You’ll find brand-new coverage of the new Unity desktop, new NoSQL database support and Android mobile development tools, and many other Ubuntu 11.10/12.04 innovations. Whether you’re new to Ubuntu or already a power user, you’ll turn to this book constantly: for new techniques, new solutions, and new ways to do even more with Ubuntu! Matthew Helmke served from 2006 to 2011 on the Ubuntu Forum Council, providing leadership and oversight of the Ubuntu Forums, and spent two years on the Ubuntu regional membership approval board for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. He has written about Ubuntu for several magazines and websites, is a lead author of The Official Ubuntu Book. He works for The iPlant Collaborative, which is funded by the National Science Foundation and is building cyberinfrastructure for the biological sciences to support the growing use of massive amounts of data and computationally intensive forms of research. Quickly install Ubuntu, configure it, and get your hardware running right Configure and customize the new Unity desktop (or alternatives such as GNOME) Get started with multimedia and productivity applications, including LibreOffice Manage Linux services, users, and software packages Administer and use Ubuntu from the command line Automate tasks and use shell scripting Provide secure remote access Manage kernels and modules Administer file, print, email, proxy, LDAP, and database services (both SQL and NoSQL) Use both Apache and alternative HTTP servers Support and use virtualization Use Ubuntu in cloud environments Learn the basics about popular programming languages including Python, PHP, and Perl, and how to use Ubuntu to develop in them Learn how to get started developing Android mobile devices


The Linux Programming Interface 2010

The Linux Programming Interface 2010 作者:Michael Kerrisk 副书名:A Linux and UNIX System Programming Handbook 出版日期:October 2010 页数:1552 ISBN:978-1-59327-220-3 The Linux Programming Interface describes the Linux API (application programming interface)—the system calls, library functions, and other low-level interfaces that are used, directly or indirectly, by every program that runs on Linux. 2010出的一本比advantage unix enviroment programming更新,内容更全的经典参考书!


TCP IP Sockets in C 2nd Practical Guide for Programmers2009

TCP IP Sockets in C 2nd Practical Guide for Programmers2009 英文原版。很经典的C语言网络应用。 强烈推荐!!! Michael J. Donahoo, Kenneth L. Calvert. Author Donahoo, Michael J. Additional Author Calvert, Kenneth L. Publisher Morgan Kaufmann Series The Morgan Kaufmann practical guides series Edition 2nd ed. Year 2009 Language eng ISBN 9780123745408 (pbk.) · 0123745403 (pbk.) LC Control No. 2009280295 Bibliography Includes bibliographical references (p. 191-192) and index. Dewey Class. No. 005.713762 Type Book Keywords Application Program Interfaces (Computer Software) · TCP/IP (Computer Network Protocol) · C (Computer Program Language)



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