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Algorithms of the Intelligent Web

Web 2.0 applications provide a rich user experience, but the parts you can't see are just as important-and impressive. They use powerful techniques to process information intelligently and offer features based on patterns and relationships in data. Algorithms of the Intelligent Web shows readers how to use the same techniques employed by household names like Google Ad Sense, Netflix, and Amazon to transform raw data into actionable information.   Algorithms of the Intelligent Web is an example-driven blueprint for creating applications that collect, analyze, and act on the massive quantities of data users leave in their wake as they use the web. Readers learn to build Netflix-style recommendation engines, and how to apply the same techniques to social-networking sites. See how click-trace analysis can result in smarter ad rotations. All the examples are designed both to be reused and to illustrate a general technique- an algorithm-that applies to a broad range of scenarios.   As they work through the book's many examples, readers learn about recommendation systems, search and ranking, automatic grouping of similar objects, classification of objects, forecasting models, and autonomous agents. They also become familiar with a large number of open-source libraries and SDKs, and freely available APIs from the hottest sites on the internet, such as Facebook, Google, eBay, and Yahoo.


Mining of Massive Datasets

The popularity of the Web and Internet commerce provides many extremely large datasets from which information can be gleaned by data mining. This book focuses on practical algorithms that have been used to solve key problems in data mining and which can be used on even the largest datasets. It begins with a discussion of the map-reduce framework, an important tool for parallelizing algorithms automatically. The authors explain the tricks of locality-sensitive hashing and stream processing algorithms for mining data that arrives too fast for exhaustive processing. The PageRank idea and related tricks for organizing the Web are covered next. Other chapters cover the problems of finding frequent itemsets and clustering. The final chapters cover two applications: recommendation systems and Web advertising, each vital in e-commerce. Written by two authorities in database and Web technologies, this book is essential reading for students and practitioners alike.



Go语言是谷歌2009发布的第二款开源编程语言。 Go语言专门针对多处理器系统应用程序的编程进行了优化,使用Go编译的程序可以媲美C或C++代码的速度,而且更加安全、支持并行进程



ZMQ (以下 ZeroMQ 简称 ZMQ)是一个简单好用的传输层,像框架一样的一个 socket library,他使得 Socket 编程更加简单、简洁和性能更高。是一个消息处理队列库,可在多个线程、内核和主机盒之间弹性伸缩。ZMQ 的明确目标是“成为标准网络协议栈的一部分,之后进入 Linux 内核”。现在还未看到它们的成功。但是,它无疑是极具前景的、并且是人们更加需要的“传统”BSD 套接字之上的一层封装。ZMQ 让编写高性能网络应用程序极为简单和有趣。





dpdk sample application user guide

This document describes the sample applications that are included in the Intel® Data Plane Development Kit (Intel® DPDK). Each chapter describes a sample application that showcases specific functionality and provides instructions on how to compile, run and use the sample application.



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