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原创 LaTeX中的框以及框中的子图

因为,figure环境是一个浮动环境,它允许内容在页面中自由地浮动,以便LaTeX可以找到最佳的位置来放置它,例如顶部、底部或特定页面的文本中。subcaption 宏包提供了\subcaption、\subfigure 和 \subtable 等命令,这些命令可以在包含它们的父浮动环境内部使用。每个子对象都可以有其自己的标题和标签,并且它们的列表也可以被包含在总的图形目录或表格目录中。\setlength{\fboxsep}{10pt}:设置边框与其中的内容之间的间距为10pt(适用于\fbox命令)。

2024-01-13 00:59:18 1721 3

原创 Mac中LaTex无法编译的问题

最近在使用TexStudio时,遇到一个棘手的问题:无法编译,提示如下:以往,把错误提示复制到搜索引擎,一般都能找到类似问题,按照大家的经验,总能解决。但这次,无论如何也找不到类似错误提示。或许有,我看不懂。这里尝试分析一下这个错误。是一个解决编译过程中文件搜索问题的库,是由Karl Berry编写的,因此该程序命名为arl’srching简称为kpathsea。想详细了解一些可以看看。mktexfmt是一个脚本(程序),它用于生成TeXLive中的格式文件。

2023-11-22 22:05:19 1216

原创 TexStudio下载地址


2023-10-06 00:47:35 356

原创 方程、等式、函数

之前我以为“方程”就是“function”的音译。今天才认识到,大错特错了。原来“方程”是一个地地道道的中国词。“方程”这个词最早见于东汉初的《九章算术》。《九章算术》的卷八中介绍了“方程”,该卷开头便是一题:今有上禾三秉,中禾二秉,下禾一秉,实三十九斗;上禾二秉,中禾三秉, 下禾一秉,实三十四斗;上禾一秉,中禾二秉,下禾三秉,实二十六斗。问上、 中、下禾实一秉各几何?答曰:上禾一秉九斗四分斗之一。中禾一秉四斗四分斗 之一。下禾一秉二斗四分斗之三。

2023-09-25 02:00:43 227

原创 LaTeX中的积分符号


2023-09-22 09:28:39 2224

原创 关于LaTex中分章节参考文献


2023-02-13 22:35:29 1015

原创 LaTeX中的分式及被分式压缩的数学符号


2023-01-11 13:41:04 6836

原创 Mac OS 中Texstudio 无法找到 .sty文件

在刚刚把tex项目移到Mac中时,用Texstudio打开,无法正常运行,系统给出的错误提示是:但实际上,查询我的MacTex宏包,发现这个包是已经安装了的。并且用Texshop是可以正常编译的。网上搜到有人解释,可能是这个包是自己手动添加的,另外有可能安装了多个版本的Tex Live等。先不管了。解决办法是,打开mac的终端其中,siunitx是包的名称,如果是其它包就换成其它包的名称。回车后输入系统密码就OK了。

2022-12-18 11:26:07 1355 1

原创 在Mac os上使用LaTex


2022-12-18 00:23:33 2268

原创 LaTex中设置目录、参考文献等超级链接的颜色


2022-12-16 15:55:18 4430 4

原创 LaTeX中的参考文献引用


2022-12-07 16:29:53 1280

原创 我用R做了个图

这个图中有7个不同的数据来源,有的数据来源中的数据有两个不同的温度。不同的温度的数据,需要通过两种颜色区分开,不同来源的数据需要通过点的形状区分开。我首先想到的思路是把数据根据要区分的属性分成不同的类,每一类分别用语句画到图上,如果用MATLAB我就想这么干。对于我这个不经常用R作图的人来说,当我决定通过用R做一张图的时候,我开始搜索R的语法。这个图的数据来自一本教科书,利用https://automeris.io/WebPlotDigitizer/ 可以将从图片中提取数据,当然,是手动的。

2022-11-30 11:30:50 195

原创 在LaTeX中如何输入‰?


2022-11-25 21:34:46 3220

原创 在LaTeX中如何输入摄氏度的符号

摄氏度是温度的计量单位,也是国际单位制中的单位之一。其名称来自于瑞典科学家Anders Celsius。正是他在1742年发明了摄氏温标。在LaTeX中,没有直接的命令可以输入摄氏度℃这个单位。但。

2022-11-24 23:42:05 14670 1

原创 关于R语言中时间类POSIXct和POSIXlt的一点儿学习收获

  R语言中有两个时间类对象,POSIXct和POSIXlt。对于我这种非专业的人员来说,看到这个名称是懵的,不知道这是什么单词的首字母缩写。在网上搜了一下才知道。“POSIX”的全称为“Portable Operating System Interface of UNIX” 翻译成中文是“可移植操作系统接口”,POSIX标准定义了操作系统应该为应用程序提供的接口标准。 “POSIX”是一个IEEE的标准。UNIX系统出来后,出现了各种不同的版本。而计算机程序在不同版本的系统见运行时,出现不兼容的问题。为

2022-06-18 22:04:50 3390

原创 MATLAB蒙特卡洛(Monte Carlo)方法求椭圆面积

MATLAB蒙特卡洛方法求椭圆面积代码在某个规定的范围内随机打点,找到满足条件的点,并数一下这些点的数量与总的随机点数量的比,就OK了。关键是设置条件。代码clear;clc;n=10000; %随机数的个数a=51/2; %长半轴b=29/2; %短半轴%生成随机数x=rand(1,n);y=rand(1,n);%改变随机数的范围x=2*a.*x-a;y=2*b.*y-...

2020-05-06 10:56:45 8860 7

原创 MATLAB中用nlinfit做多元非线性拟合(回归)

MATLAB中有一个多元非线性拟合的功能是nlinfit基本语法是:beta = nlinfit(X,Y,modelfun,beta0)式子左边的beta可以是一个向量,向量的元素就是要回归的模型中的参数。式子右边,modelfun是要回归的函数形式。X是函数的自变量数据;Y是函数的因变量数据;beta0是待回归参数的初始值。modelfun如果是MATLAB内置的函数形式,则直接使...

2020-01-19 14:09:19 14789 3

原创 MATLAB fortran混合编程,修改xtimesy.F示例

概述让MATLAB调用fortran代码写的程序,fortran的程序往往具有多个输入参数和多个输出参数,如何编写MEX文件的源代码?利用MATLAB自带的一个示例文件进行了修改测试。示例文件是 xtimesy.F。这个程序是计算一个标量与一个矩阵相乘的结果。输入为一个标量和一个m×n的矩阵,输出为一个m×n的矩阵。这个示例可以作为多个输入,单个输出的情况的一个例子。需要提示的是,在对 x...

2019-04-19 17:53:34 385

原创 MATLAB Fortran 混合编程 timestwo.F示例

学习笔记。MATLAB自带的timestwo.F文件。概述MATLAB调用fortran的程序,需要建立MEX文件。MEX文件是经过编译后的二进制文件。建立了mex文件后,在 MEX 文件中使用 mexFunction,就像在 Fortran 程序中使用 subroutine 一样。MEX 文件主要有以下用途:1. 对于大量现有的 C 或者 Fortran 程序可以无须改写成 MATLAB...

2019-04-19 15:42:42 1230 8

Introduction to Modern Fortran for the Earth System

This work provides a short "getting started" guide to Fortran 90/95. The main target audience consists of newcomers to the field of numerical computation within Earth system sciences (students, researchers or scientific programmers). Furthermore, readers accustomed to other programming languages may also benefit from this work, by discovering how some programming techniques they are familiar with map to Fortran 95. The main goal is to enable readers to quickly start using Fortran 95 for writing useful programs. It also introduces a gradual discussion of Input/Output facilities relevant for Earth system sciences, from the simplest ones to the more advanced netCDF library (which has become a de facto standard for handling the massive datasets used within Earth system sciences). While related works already treat these disciplines separately (each often providing much more information than needed by the beginning practitioner), the reader finds in this book a shorter guide which links them. Compared to other books, this work provides a much more compact view of the language, while also placing the language-elements in a more applied setting, by providing examples related to numerical computing and more advanced Input/Output facilities for Earth system sciences. Naturally, the coverage of the programming language is relatively shallow, since many details are skipped. However, many of these details can be learned gradually by the practitioner, after getting an overview and some practice with the language through this book.


Data Analysis and Graphics with R-Manning Publications (2015)

Summary R in Action, Second Edition presents both the R language and the examples that make it so useful for business developers. Focusing on practical solutions, the book offers a crash course in statistics and covers elegant methods for dealing with messy and incomplete data that are difficult to analyze using traditional methods. You'll also master R's extensive graphical capabilities for exploring and presenting data visually. And this expanded second edition includes new chapters on time series analysis, cluster analysis, and classification methodologies, including decision trees, random forests, and support vector machines. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the Technology Business pros and researchers thrive on data, and R speaks the language of data analysis. R is a powerful programming language for statistical computing. Unlike general-purpose tools, R provides thousands of modules for solving just about any data-crunching or presentation challenge you're likely to face. R runs on all important platforms and is used by thousands of major corporations and institutions worldwide. About the Book R in Action, Second Edition teaches you how to use the R language by presenting examples relevant to scientific, technical, and business developers. Focusing on practical solutions, the book offers a crash course in statistics, including elegant methods for dealing with messy and incomplete data. You'll also master R's extensive graphical capabilities for exploring and presenting data visually. And this expanded second edition includes new chapters on forecasting, data mining, and dynamic report writing. What's Inside Complete R language tutorial Using R to manage, analyze, and visualize data Techniques for debugging programs and creating packages OOP in R Over 160 graphs About the Author Dr. Rob Kabacoff is a seasoned researcher and teacher who specializes in data analysis. He also maintains the popular Quick-R website at statmethods.net. Table of Contents PART 1 GETTING STARTED Introduction to R Creating a dataset Getting started with graphs Basic data management Advanced data management PART 2 BASIC METHODS Basic graphs Basic statistics PART 3 INTERMEDIATE METHODS Regression Analysis of variance Power analysis Intermediate graphs Resampling statistics and bootstrapping PART 4 ADVANCED METHODS Generalized linear models Principal components and factor analysis Time series Cluster analysis Classification Advanced methods for missing data PART 5 EXPANDING YOUR SKILLS Advanced graphics with ggplot2 Advanced programming Creating a package Creating dynamic reports Advanced graphics with the lattice package available online only from manning.com/kabacoff2


Introduction to Machine Learning (2014)

Summary An introductory text in machine learning that gives a unified treatment of methods based on statistics, pattern recognition, neural networks, artificial intelligence, signal processing, control, and data mining. The goal of machine learning is to program computers to use example data or past experience to solve a given problem. Many successful applications of machine learning exist already, including systems that analyze past sales data to predict customer behavior, recognize faces or spoken speech, optimize robot behavior so that a task can be completed using minimum resources, and extract knowledge from bioinformatics data. Introduction to Machine Learning is a comprehensive textbook on the subject, covering a broad array of topics not usually included in introductory machine learning texts. It discusses many methods based in different fields, including statistics, pattern recognition, neural networks, artificial intelligence, signal processing, control, and data mining, in order to present a unified treatment of machine learning problems and solutions. All learning algorithms are explained so that the student can easily move from the equations in the book to a computer program. The book can be used by advanced undergraduates and graduate students who have completed courses in computer programming, probability, calculus, and linear algebra. It will also be of interest to engineers in the field who are concerned with the application of machine learning methods.After an introduction that defines machine learning and gives examples of machine learning applications, the book covers supervised learning, Bayesian decision theory, parametric methods, multivariate methods, dimensionality reduction, clustering, nonparametric methods, decision trees, linear discrimination, multilayer perceptrons, local models, hidden Markov models, assessing and comparing classification algorithms, combining multiple learners, and reinforcement learning. Brief Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Supervised Learning 21 3 Bayesian Decision Theory 49 4 Parametric Methods 65 5 Multivariate Methods 93 6 Dimensionality Reduction 115 7 Clustering 161 8 Nonparametric Methods 185 9 Decision Trees 213 10 Linear Discrimination 239 11 Multilayer Perceptrons 267 12 Local Models 317 13 Kernel Machines 349 14 Graphical Models 387 15 Hidden Markov Models 417 16 Bayesian Estimation 445 17 Combining Multiple Learners 487 18 Reinforcement Learning 517 19 Design and Analysis of Machine Learning Experiments 547 A Probability 593


Parallel MATLAB for Multicore and Multinode Computers (2009)

Book Description The first book on parallel MATLAB and the first parallel computing book focused on the design, code, debug, and test techniques required to quickly produce efficient parallel programs. It is for professional scientists and engineers, as well as both undergraduate and graduate students who use MATLAB.


Practical Guide to Linux Commands, Editors and Shell Programming (2013)

Practical Guide to Linux Commands, Editors and Shell Programming (2013) “This book is a very useful tool for anyone who wants to ‘look under the hood’ so to speak, and really start putting the power of Linux to work. What I find particularly frustrating about man pages is that they never include examples. Sobell, on the other hand, outlines very clearly what the command does and then gives several common, easy-to-understand examples that make it a breeze to start shell programming on one’s own. As with Sobell’s other works, this is simple, straight-forward, and easy to read. It’s a great book and will stay on the shelf at easy arm’s reach for a long time.” –Ray Bartlett, Travel Writer


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