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Machine Learning_Hands-On for Developers and Technical Professionals

Machine Learning_Hands-On for Developers and Technical Professionals



机器学习实战(源码和数据样本),machine learning in action书中的。


Machine Learning for Multimedia Content Analysis

This volume introduces machine learning techniques that are particularly powerful and effective for modeling multimedia data and common tasks of multimedia content analysis. It systematically covers key machine learning techniques in an intuitive fashion and demonstrates their applications through case studies. Coverage includes examples of unsupervised learning, generative models and discriminative models. In addition, the book examines Maximum Margin Markov (M3) networks, which strive to combine the advantages of both the graphical models and Support Vector Machines (SVM).



This corpus contains a selection from the TIMIT Acoustic-Phonetic Continuous Speech Corpus, consisting of speech files, annotations,and associated materials: * 16 speakers from 8 dialect regions * 1 male and 1 female from each dialect region * total 130 sentences (10 sentences per speaker; note that some sentences are shared among other speakers, sa1 and sa2 are spoken by all speakers.) * total 160 sentence recordings (10 recordings per speaker) * audio format: wav format, single channel, 16kHz sampling, 16 bit sample, PCM encoding 数据相关论文: 使用该数据的论文: 暂无信息 来自万方数据的相关论文: 期刊论文 基于学习者英语语料的类联接研究概念、方法及例析 - 外语电化教学 - 2009(3) 期刊论文 基于HTK的连续语音识别系统及其在TIMIT上的实验 - 现代计算机(专业版) - 2009(11) 会议论文 Iterative Language Model Adaptation for Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition - 2011 4th IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology(ICCSIT 2011)(2011年第四届IEEE计算机科学与信息技术国际会议) - 2011 会议论文 The Fixed-Point Optimization of Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients for Speech Recognition - The 6th International Forum on Strategic Technology(IFOST 2011)(第六届国际战略技术论坛) - 2011 会议论文 语音编码对说话人识别系统的影响 - 第二届和谐人机环境联合(第15届全国多媒体技术、第2届全国人机交互、第2届全国普适计算)学术会议 - 2006 期刊论文 车载环境下基于样本熵的语音端点检测方法 - 计算机研究与发展 - 2011, 48(3) 会议论文 A Corpus-based Comparative Study of Company Profiles --A Case Study Between World Top-500 and Zhejiang Top-100 - 2010 Summit International Marketing Science and Management Technology Conference(2010年国际营销科学与管理技术大会) - 2010 期刊论文 留学生汉语中介语语料库建设若干问题探讨——以中山大学汉字偏误中介语语料库为例 - 语言文字应用 - 2012(2) 会议论文 A NON-FIXED-LENGTH SEQUENCES CLUSTERING APPROACH FOR SPEECH CORPUS REDUCTION - 2007 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics(IEEE第六届机器学习与控制论国际会议) - 2007 期刊论文 联想学习记忆的脑功能磁共振成像 - 中华神经科杂志 - 2008, 41(4)



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