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下面忽略了吧.其实这是破解版的.正常使用.无水印 PDF TO JPG User Manual Instruction PDFtoJPG is a standalone win32 program that convert PDF to JPG and don't requires Adobe Acrobat and other third-party library. Feature Support batch process mode, You can convert a hundred of PDF document at one time. Fast speed Supports PDF that created with English, French, German, Italian, Chinese, Janpanese and other languages Supports all Windows platforms, 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP Support PDF 1.6 (formerly only supported by Acrobat 7.0) Support run from command line. Supprt True type,type 1, type 0 and CID font. Use PDFtoJPG Converter Here is a screen shot of PDFtoJPG ADD:You can use Add to add PDF file to the list, Click Add button, You will be prompt to select PDF files which you need to convert and then Add these files to the list. REMOVE:Remove selected file from list. CLEAR: Clear all files in the list( It don't delete the file, only remove it from the list). CONVERT: Convert all files in the list into TIF Convert Folder:Convert all PDF files that are in the selected foder. Image Name Template: The template of export jpg file name, if you left it empty, the jpg file name will as same as oroginal PDF file name."#" will replace with page numbers, for example: (we assume the file name of the PDF document is "test.pdf". if the template is "-###" , the export images will be named as test-001.jpg,test-002.jpg, if you change the template to "##", the export images will be named as test01.jpg,test02.jpg. Command Line Usage Usage: PDFtoJPG [Option] < -i PDF File> [-o JPGFOLDER] -i [input PDF file] : PDF File name,support wildcard character. -o [output folder] : Generated JPG file output to -r [resolution] Set resolution in generated image files -f [first Page] First page to convert -t [rotate] Rotate the tiff image,1-90,2-180,3-270 -l [last Page] Last page to convert -q [quality] jpeg quality 25-100 -? Help For Example: PDFtoJPG -i C:\abc.pdf -o C:\abc\ -r 300 -q 100 PDFtoTIF -i f:\pdfs\05.pdf -o f:\jpg\ -r 200 -q 100 Ordering PDFtoJPG To purchase PDFtoJPG use one of the following methods: 1. Online - Complete and submit the Secure Order Form available from URL https://www.regnow.com/softsell/nph-softsell.cgi?item=11868-4, or 2. Order by fax:1-800-442-3172 (US); +1 952-646-5604(Internationally) 3. Credit Card Order by Phone: To place your order by phone call us with your credit card information ready at one of the numbers below: Toll Free (US and Canada only):1-877-353-7297 Standard (International): 1-(952) 646-5331 PDFtoJPG is sold on a per user basis. One license allows one user to install the software on their desktop and their laptop but only one copy of Click to Convert may be used at any given time. Support Any questions about our product are welcome, our technical support eamil: [email protected] License Information PDFtoJPG is sold on a per user basis. One license allows one user to install the software on their desktop and their laptop but only one copy of it may be used at any given time. Prices noted below are in US dollars. A single license of PDFtoJPG retails at US$59. Purchase of a PDFtoJPG License includes FREE upgrades for: - 30 days from the date of purchase - Bug Fixes for the version which you have purchased



PDF格式文件 转 word格式文件 转换效果不错.可能会出现偏差.



...................................................................... '-CFSA毕业证书查询系统 '-管理用户名:admin 密码:admin '-源码种类:.Asp '-文件大小:398KB ...................................................................... 管理用户名和密码:admin 密码:admin 后台 ..adminLogin.asp ...................................................................... 1、基本信息修改,版权信息修改,可以简单的把软件版权改成您的 2、良好的权限设置功能,可以分3中管理员进入后台,可以查看,管理 3、完整的日志文件,记录管理员的操作日志,方便的出现问题的时候找到问题 4、数据导入 5、数据导出 6、登陆日志,记录每个人的登陆信息 7、前台查询显示 8、班级,专业自定义功能,可以根据您的学校进行定义班级和专业名称 ...................................................................... 运行环境: windowsxp/2000/2003+IIS5.0/6.0+Access ...................................................................... 注意事项: 1、此系统根据0451sky毕业证书查询系统改版而来 并简单做了下美工 2、修改了图片上传大小限制 3、去除了留言功能 4、再次感谢0451sky毕业证书查询系统作者


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