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The Seasoned Schemer - schemer系列

Daniel P. Friedman的schemer系列第二本


The Reasoned Schemer

Daniel P. Friedman的schemer系列第三本


The Seasoned Schemer

Daniel P. Friedman的schemer系列第二本


The Not So Short Introduction to L TEX 2ε

LATEX [1] is a typesetting system that is very suitable for producing scien- tific and mathematical documents of high typographical quality. It is also suitable for producing all sorts of other documents, from simple letters to complete books. L TEX uses TEX [2] as its formatting engine. This short introduction describes L TEX 2ε and should be sufficient for most applications of L TEX. Refer to [1, 3] for a complete description of the latex system.


A Beginner's Introduction To Typesetting With LaTeX

This booklet originally accompanied a 2–day course on using the LTEX typesetting A system. It has been extensively revised and updated and can now be used for self- study or in the classroom. It is aimed at users of Linux or Micros


BRL-CAD Tutorial Series

Volume I – Overview and Installation Since 1979, the U.S. Army Research Laboratory has been developing and distributing the BRL-CAD constructive solid geometry (CSG) modeling package for a wide range of military and industrial applications. The package includes a large collection of tools and utilities including an interactive geometry editor, raytracing and generic framebuffer libraries, a network-distributed image- processing and signal-processing capability, and an embedded scripting language. As part of this effort, a multivolume tutorial series is being developed to assist users in the many features of the BRL-CAD package. The “Overview and Installation” guide, which is the first volume in the series, addresses the background, purpose, and strengths of the package; the libraries and utilities included within it; platform-specific installation instructions; and information about bugs and updates. Other volumes focus on advanced features, individual utilities, and programming. Volume II – Introduction to MGED As part of this effort, a multivolume tutorial series is being developed to assist users in the many features of the BRL-CAD package. The “Introduction to MGED,” which is the second volume in the series, is intended to provide new users with a basic understanding of the Multi-Device Geometry Editor (MGED), which is the heart of BRL-CAD. Other volumes focus on installation procedures, advanced features, and programming. Volume III – Principles of Effective Modeling As part of this effort, a multivolume tutorial series is being developed to assist users in the many features of the BRL-CAD package. “Principles of Effective Modeling,” which is the third volume in the series, addresses the modeling process and suggests principles and techniques for maximizing BRL-CAD’s capabilities. Other volumes focus on package installation and specific features and utilities within the software package. Volume IV – Converting Geometry Between BRL-CAD and Other Formats As part of this effort, a multivolume tutorial series is being developed to assist users in the many features of the BRL-CAD package. “Converting Geometry Between BRL-CAD and Other Formats,” which is the fourth volume in the series, discusses pertinent characteristics of the BRL-CAD file format and provides specific instruction on converting to/from various other modeling file formats. Also discussed are the steps involved in creating a new BRL-CAD converter and postconversion issues.



Learning_GNU_Emacs_Third_Edition emacs编辑器


Guide to LaTeX, 4ed

Guide to LaTeX, 4ed (Helmut Kopka, Patrick W. Daly) 0321173856.pdf 科学排版系统 比比office看看



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