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原创 Unity 带光照效果的旗帜Shader

在Unity中,你可以创建自定义着色器来赋予物体独特的外观和行为。下面是一个用于创建旗帜效果并带有光照效果的着色器示例,让我们逐步了解它的结构和功能。Properties: 用作主纹理的贴图。: 环境光的强度,范围在 0 到 1 之间。: 波动速度。: 波动强度。SubShader 和 Pass着色器主体结构体定义计算光照效果顶点变形函数 函数是这个着色器中的一个关键部分,它负责在顶点着色器中对顶点位置进行变形。让我们逐步解释 函数中的逻辑:每行代码的解释::: 和

2024-01-09 10:29:01 407

原创 Unity 创建外围轮廓面模拟挤出面的效果


2024-01-05 17:00:00 1379 1

原创 Unity C# 脚本来实现Cube旋转并渐变材质的功能

创建一个 C# 脚本,可以通过以下步骤完成:打开 Unity,并在项目文件夹中创建一个新的 C# 脚本。命名为。在脚本中定义一个类并继承自。这个类将管理多个立方体的旋转和材质颜色插值。在脚本中添加需要的公共变量,例如立方体的 Transform 组件数组,Renderer 组件数组,以及一些控制旋转和颜色插值的参数。在Update()方法中,编写代码来遍历每个立方体,获取其当前的旋转角度,并根据角度计算颜色插值参数。最后,在循环中更新立方体的材质颜色参数。

2024-01-05 10:54:05 1187 2

原创 使用Python进行二维码识别:完整指南

二维码识别是一项重要的技术,可以在图像中快速准确地识别二维码信息。Pyzbar 是一个 Python 库,可以用于识别二维码和条形码。本文将介绍如何在Python中安装和使用 Pyzbar 库进行二维码识别。Pyzbar 是一个方便易用的库,结合 Python 可以快速实现二维码的识别。通过本文的指南,你已经学会了如何安装 Pyzbar 库,并在 Python 中使用它进行二维码识别。首先,需要安装 Pyzbar 库。

2024-01-04 17:05:17 1296 1

原创 使用 Nginx 进行 sub_filter 配置详解

sub_filter是 Nginx 中用于替换响应内容的指令。它可以在响应内容中查找指定的字符串并将其替换为另一个字符串。# 其他代理配置...# 启用 sub_filter在上面的示例中,sub_filter指令用于将响应内容中的替换为。使用 Nginx 的sub_filter指令可以轻松地对响应内容进行替换,但在启用 Gzip 压缩时需要注意无法直接替换已压缩的内容。通过多次代理并取消 Gzip 压缩可以解决这个问题,确保成功替换内容。这些方法可以帮助你使用 Nginx 的。

2024-01-04 11:42:27 1055 1

原创 使用 Python 在 Docker 中执行定时任务的两种方法

schedule和都是在 Python 中执行定时任务的优秀工具。schedule提供了简单的 API 来定义定时任务,而则提供了更多灵活性和高级功能。选择其中一个取决于你的需求和项目复杂性。无论选择哪种方法,都可以轻松地在 Docker 容器中使用 Python 执行定时任务,使你的应用程序能够按计划自动执行特定的操作。

2024-01-03 17:13:15 433

原创 缩减 Python 打包的 Docker 包大小

通过选择轻量的基础镜像、精简依赖项、使用多阶段构建、清理不需要的文件和合理使用,可以显著减小 Python 打包的 Docker 镜像大小。优化镜像大小对于提高应用程序的性能和部署效率至关重要。

2024-01-03 16:47:38 515 1

原创 在 Windows 环境下使用 Python 编写程序、打包 Docker 并部署

本文将详细讲解如何在 Windows 操作系统下使用 Python 编写程序,并通过 Docker 进行打包和部署。Docker 是一个流行的容器化平台,可以将应用程序和它们的依赖项打包到一个可移植的容器中。

2024-01-03 16:44:09 739

原创 简单介绍之工厂模式


2016-07-06 15:40:36 281

Poly Few Mesh Simplifier and Auto LOD Generator v7.65

The performance of any 3d application is highly dependent on the total number of polygons that the GPU has to process per frame in a 3d scene. If you have a complex scene containing high polygon 3d models with a lot of meshes that use a lot of different materials, the overall performance of your game will suffer. Poly few is a complete optimization solution for unity that aims to solve this problem by allowing you to optimize high quality complex 3d scenes. With integrated features like mesh sim


R.A.M 2019 - River Auto Material 2019 v1.7.9

资源包支持的Unity版本: - Unity 2018.3+ - Unity 2019 + - Unity 2018.3 HD RP 4.9 - Unity 2019.1+ LW RP 5.7+ - Unity 2019.1+ HD RP 5.7+ - Unity 2019.2 HD RP 6.9 - Unity 2019.2 LW RP 6.9+ - Unity 2019.3 HD RP 7.18 - Unity 2019.3 URP 7.18 - Unity 2019.3 URP 7.2+ - Unity 2019.3 HD RP 7.2+ - Unity 2019.4 LTS HD RP - Unity 2019.4 LTS URP - Unity 2020.1 HD RP - Unity 2020.1 LTS URP - RTX 支持 2020 Unity HD RP+ - DOTS 支持 HD 和 URP 2019.3+ - 支持 Unity 新版地形 2018.3+ - 支持 HD 和 URP 7.18+ Unity 2019.3+ 上的 SRP Batcher 批处理器;


crossSection v2.11.1

Collection of cross-section shaders, scripts, prefabs and example scenes. Contains the cross-section substitutes for the Unity Standard shader and other built-in shaders in Unity. The cross section tool can work on planes and primitives like boxes, cylinders, ellipsoids, prisms, tetras, cones and cuboids. The meshes contained in subjected objects should be closed and not intersecting. - Ready for VR / AR, (tested on OculusQuest and Go) - Support for post processing effects, including Post-Proces


MegaFiers - 2 v1.35

这是Unity 2019以后非常受欢迎的MegaFiers资产的全新版本。它具有完全重写核心系统的功能,以利用Unity Burst和Jobs,所有变形的CPU使用量减少5至40倍。 MegaFiers是完整的网格变形,动画和变形系统,包括超过50个修改器,例如弯曲,扭曲,FFD,位移,锥度等等。它们可以以任何组合堆叠,并且可以将任意数量的修改器应用于网格以实现复杂的结果。无论您的想象力如何,物体都可以拉伸,挤压或弯曲变形。或者,当对象在空间中移动时,使用空间扭曲使其自动变形。该套件的其他新增功能包括Point Cache动画支持,动态水波纹和浮动对象系统。 所有变形都可以在编辑器模式和播放模式下工作,因此在构建场景时,可以使用变形器为模型添加多样性。 MegaFiers还是变形TextMeshPro对象(Mesh和现在的UI版本)的理想选择,因此您可以用有趣的方式对文本进行动画处理。并且还可以与ProBuilder一起使用,使您可以直接在Unity中创建更多有趣的关卡。一个新功能是可以使用修改器使Sprite变形。 另一个强大的功能是我们的“网格包裹”系统,该系统允许一个网格


Bones Stimulator v2.0.0

Bones Stimulator is component which will improve feeling of keyframed animations or add new motion to body elements of your game characters / creatures. Provide additional rotation/position/scale motion to bones of your 3D model or simulate real muscle-like behaviour to make animations look more natural. Algorithm is using custom physics math without any use of rigidbodies! Simply add Bones Stimulator to any bone of your character, choose which bones you want to stimulate and play with parameter


Obi Fluid v6.4

Obi 是一款基于粒子的高级物理引擎,可模拟各种可变形材料的行为。 如果有 Burst、Jobs、Collections 和 Mathematics 资源包。它可以兼容所有 Burst 可以编译的平台。如果没有这些资源包,它仍可以运行,但仅限于 Windows、Mac、Linux、iOS 和 Android 平台。 Obi Fluid 可以让你轻松创作全多线程 3A 品质液体模拟。液体可以相互间反应,也可以影响刚体或被影响(还可以让刚体上浮或下沉!),还能贴住表面。 警告:请注意流体模拟是一项非常艰巨的任务。使用前请留意它的性能影响。 用途: - 小规模流体模拟 - 2D 流体游戏机制 - 液滴 - 飞溅特效 不可用于: - 大规模流体模拟 - 水池、海洋、湖泊、洪水 所有物理属性和液体都可以调整:黏度、密度、表面张力、粘性、旋量等 功能: - 自定义发射器形状。 - 双向刚体交互。 - 模块化解算器:不浪费性能,所有参数都可以公开。 - 可调解算器迭代计数。 - 每个粒子的属性:表面张力、涡度、浮力...。 - 使用单个参数即可轻松调整粒子分辨率。 - 支持在同一模拟中


UMotion Pro – Animation Editor v1.28p04

Powerful Animation Editor for animating any type of 3D model right inside Unity. 强大的动画编辑器能在 Unity 中动画绘制任何类型的 3D 模型。 甚至可以在播放模式下细调动画效果来减少开发时间。 无 CPU 开销:UMotion 生成的 Unity 动画剪辑不需要运行时组件。 PRO 功能 新特性:FBX 导出(仅限 Windows 和 Mac OSX) …使用在 3D 建模应用中通过 UMotion 创建的动画。 Unity 时间轴集成 …编辑 Unity 时间轴中使用的动画剪辑。 导入 Mocap (*) 和第三方动画 …从资源商店或任何建模应用程序中获取。 动画图层 …使用添加/覆盖涂层来修改动画,无需触碰已有的关键元素。 逆向运动 …搭配 IK 固定和 FK/IK 渲染的高级逆向运动解决方案。 约束子对象 …在动画中变更父类。 将动画转换为逆向运动 …按照反向动力学设定来编辑现有动画。 为了保持良好的编辑性能,建议不要导入时长超过 2 分钟的动作捕捉动画。 UMotion 提供你


Final IK v2.1

Unity 的最终逆向运动学解决方案。 更新 (1.9): 1.9 版本对最终逆向运动学 (Final IK) 进行了很多修复和改进: - 增加了烘焙器,这是一个强大的新工具,可将 IK 烘焙到 Humanoid、Generic 和 Legacy 动画剪辑中。 - 将 LOD 级别添加至 VRIK。 - 已在新版 Oculus Quest 硬件上测试 VRIK。 - 更新的文档。 请参阅发行说明来了解全部更新细节。 Final IK 1.9 与 PuppetMaster 0.9 和 Unity 2017/2018/2019 版本完全兼容。 我可以用 Final IK 做什么? 在 YouTube 上观看超过30个(还在不断增加)演示视频。 它包含了什么? VRIK 烘焙器 全身双足 IK 双足 IK CCD IK 多效果器 FABRIK(前后延伸反向运动学) Look-At IK Aim IK Arm IK Leg IK Limb IK 旋转限制 Grounder 交互系统 CCDIKJ、AimIKJ - 基于 AnimationJobs 的多线程求解器 + 62 个演示场景


Very Animation v1.2.15

Unity 2020.1 就绪 关于 这是在 Unity 编辑动画的资源。 你可以使用 Unity 修改动画和创作新动画。 可以直接编辑动画系统中的人物角色动画,而这在使用 Unity 时通常是很难办到的。 Unity 2020.1 就绪 关于 这是在 Unity 编辑动画的资源。 你可以使用 Unity 修改动画和创作新动画。 可以直接编辑动画系统中的人物角色动画,而这在使用 Unity 时通常是很难办到的。 还实施了像镜像动画创作和主帧减少这样的工具。 功能 - 兼容人形机器人和通用动画编辑。 - 传统动画也得到支持。 - 支持在编辑时间轴时编辑动画。 - Collada 导出器 - 源代码均为 C# - 所有的源代码都包含在内 功能 - 兼容人形机器人和通用动画编辑。 - 传统动画也得到支持。 - 支持在编辑时间轴时编辑动画。 - Collada 导出器 - 源代码均为 C# - 所有的源代码都包含在内


Mesh Baker v3.34.3

提高性能!结合网格和材料以减少批量! Mesh Baker 是一个强大的工具包,具有灵活的非破坏性工作流程,用于优化道具和场景。 Unity 最著名的优化工具。自 2012 年以来的五星级支持和更新。 * 为道具组创建图集或纹理数组 * 在大型复杂场景中查找、分组和组合网格 * 修改道具预制件以使用图集材料 * 支持 URP、HDRP、标准管道 * 适用于内置和自定义着色器 * 为使用色调的材料创建地图集 * 支持多种材质的道具 * 处理平铺纹理 * 结合自定义并向蒙皮网格添加道具 * 创建可定制的蒙皮网格角色 * 将蒙皮网格与混合形状相结合 * UV、法线、切线自动调整 *光照贴图支持 *混合搭配灵活的工作流程工具 * 运行时 API


Dynamic Bone v1.3.2

Dynamic Bone可给角色骨骼和关节增添物理效果。只需简单设置,角色的头发、衣服、胸部等部分就会拥有逼真的动作。 功能 - 非常容易设置,无需编程。 - 快速稳定的物理模拟。 - 适用于 Mecanim 和旧版动画。 - 支持所有版本的 Unity,从 Unity 5 到 Unity 2020,适用于移动端。 - 包含完整的源代码。


All In 1 Sprite Shader v3.43

All In 1 Sprite Shader is an all in one solution to add cool popular sprite and UI effects to your project in the easiest and fastest way possible. It includes 40+ combinable effects. The possibilities are endless! Interactive Demo: WebGL Demo Link Features: – Stack and combine effects with just 1 click – Easy to use – 2 click setup – Mobile ready (stress tested on low end devices) – Also works with UI images – Super fast iteration times – Real time preview – Optimised shader – Automatic draw


Horizon Based Ambient Occlusion v3.4.10

Supports Unity 2019.x Supports Unity 2018.4 Supports URP and HDRP 7.1.8+ (Unity 2019.3+) Supports Orthographic cameras Horizon Based Ambient Occlusion (HBAO) is a post processing image effect to use in order to add realism to your scenes. It helps accentuating small surface details and reproduce light attenuation due to occlusion. HBAO delivers more accurate AO compared to the other SSAO solutions available on the asset store, and this without any compromise on performances.


Bakery – GPU Lightmapper v1.9

Bakery 是一款高端、即刻上手、操作简便的 GPU 光照贴图器,可作为 Enlighten 和 Progressive 的替代品。 注意:需要新款 Nvidia GPU(6xx 或更新版本)和 64 位 Windows 系统(7 或以上)。 不支持 AMD 卡烘焙。 不支持 Mac 产品。 已在 Unity 5.6 至 2019.3.4 的每个版本上测试。 生成的光照贴图兼容于所有平台。 功能: - 物理正确的烘焙光照。- 所有生成结果均与三叶线下渲染器进行了比较。 - 性能:用 GPU 来进行光线跟踪。 - 可利用 RTX 硬件(非必需)。 - 使用 NVidia AI Denoiser 来移除噪点,由深度学习驱动。 - 修复了常见的烘焙伪影,例如光照泄漏和 UV 接缝。 - 全局光照(支持自定义着色器)。 - 天空光照(HDRI 或颜色)。 -发射性纹理网格。 -IES 光线。 -定向、点状、聚光光源。 - 材质:支持反射率、自发光、镂空材质。 - 可生成完整和间接光照贴图,甚至每个光照都可生成混合光照。 - 可生成阴影遮蔽蒙版。 - 支持四种模式的


crossSection v1.9.1.1

Collection of cross-section shaders, scripts, prefabs and example scenes. Contains the cross-section substitutes for the Unity Standard shader and other built-in shaders in Unity. The cross section tool can work on planes and primitives like boxes, cylinders, ellipsoids, prisms, tetras, cones and cuboids. The meshes contained in subjected objects should be closed and not intersecting. - Ready for VR / AR, (tested on OculusQuest and Go) - Support for post processing effects, including Post-Proces


Odin – Inspector and Serializer v3.0.13

Odin 将催化你的 Unity 工作流程,使它轻易地为你和整个团队构建功能强大并适用于高级用户的编辑器。 Odin 能够完美部署到原有的工作流程中,无需费力的集成工作,让您能够序列化任何内容,并使用 80 多个全新检测器属性、无样板代码和更多功能来使用 Unity! 亮点 - 轻松集成 - 纯编辑器模式 - Odin 编辑器窗口 - 输入验证 - 序列化任何对象 - 强大的列表 - 惊人的扩展性 - 调色板 - 字典 - 还有更多! · 轻松集成: Odin 很容易操作,并且不会打破你的已有工作流程。实际上你甚至不需要继承任何东西,也就是说你的现有编辑器将继续与 Odin 适用。 · 纯编辑器模式: 仅使用 Odin 的编辑器改进,完全禁用序列化。 · Odin 编辑器窗口: 您现在可以使用 Odin 来快速创建自定义的编辑器窗口,帮助组织您的项目和游戏数据。 · 输入验证: 通过允许您的开发者设置场景和输入验证来赋能您的整个团队,让 Unity 的使用对艺术家和开发者来说变得前所未有的容易。 · 序列化任何对象: Odin 使用我们评级很高的自定义序列化协议,让


SC Post Effects Pack v2.2.0

Edge detection Highlight the edges of objects or colors Fog Distance and height fog with 2D density noise. As well as single, gradient and skybox color modes. Sunshafts Radiate sun rays from a directional light and skybox Caustics Projects an animated caustics texture over the scene, within a certain height range Color Grading LUT Use any third-party LUT strip, with the option to fade two LUTs over distance. Cloud Shadows Projects a texture over the world (cloud example texture included) Tilt Sh


Space Graphics Toolkit v3.9.13

Make the space scene of your dreams using Space Graphics Toolkit. This huge collection of effects can be customized and combined in every way, allowing you to quickly make realistic or fantasy worlds. 描述 使用 Space Graphics Toolkit 制作梦想中的太空场景。您可以按自己喜欢的任意方式定制和组合这些庞大的空间效果集合,从而使您能够快速创建或逼真或梦幻的世界。 易于使用 ― 每个功能都有丰富的设置,您可以进行调整以获得您想象中的精确视觉效果。这些设置提供了说明文档、分步教程场景以及结合了多个功能的演示场景。 长期支持 - Space Graphics Toolkit 经过超过 7 年的定期更新,现在已经具有大量功能。感谢迄今为止一直支持其开发的每一个人! 所有渲染管线 - 此资源支持标准管线,以及 LWRP、HDRP 和 URP。请参阅有关文档,以了解如何在它们之


good ui icon trail v1.0

Overview GOOD UI ICON TRAIL is pack that helps you to add some Material Animation Effects for UI Icon to your game. Category : Visual Effects For UI Product Format : Shader/Material Shader Mode : Amplify Shader Editor->Legacy / Default UI Features - Sequence textures unused. - Quick and easy to use. - 20+ Icon Effect Presets. - Parameters to customize. - Support for Box / Circle / Chamfer Shape Icon. - Supported Desktop / Mobile - Made with Amplify Shader Editor (If you own Amplify Shader Edito


magica cloth v1.12.4

描述 BoneCloth 已添加水平连接模式! 已添加减法(翻转)缩放! 已添加运行时缩放功能! 添加表面穿透/碰撞体穿透系统! Magica Cloth 是由 Unity Job System + Burst 编译器操作的高速布料模拟功能。 [特点] - 使用 Unity Job System + Burst 编译器进行快速布料模拟 - 无原生插件。 - 适用于除 WebGL 之外的所有平台 - 实现由骨骼(变形)驱动的 BoneCloth 和由网格驱动的 MeshCloth - MeshCloth 也可以与蒙皮网格一起使用 - 通过直观的界面轻松设置 - 可以进行慢速等时间操作 - 提供完整的源代码 [要求] - Unity2018.4.0(LTS) 或更高版本 - [Burst] 资源包 - [Jobs] 资源包(预览) - [Collections] 资源包(预览) - [Mathematics] 资源包


Terrain To Mesh 2021 v2022.2

ool for converting Unity Terrain asset into a mesh. Offers: • Ultra fast converter. • Full vertex count control for generated mesh. • Mesh split system. • 16 and 32 bits mesh support. • Splatmap shader - imitating Unity built-in terrain shader with 16 layers support. • Basemap exporter - bakes all terrain paint textures into one texture file. • Tree, grass and detail mesh exporter. • Holesmap exporter. • Terrain to OBJ exporter. • Editor and run-time API. • Supports all render pipel


stylized water 2 URP v1.1.7

The successor to the original Stylized Water Shader asset, widely adopted since 2016. Now re-imagined from the ground up for the Universal Render Pipeline. Rather than being PBR-based, a custom lighting model offers direct control over color and light/environment reflections. All while retaining support for dynamic lighting and all of Unity's lighting features. Shading features: Deep, shallow and horizon color controls Intersection foam effect with other objects, based on scene-depth or


Amplify Shader Editor v1.8.9.035

Built-in Renderer, HD, URP, and Lightweight SRP Support NEW! Tessellation options for URP and HDRP NEW! Translucency and Transmission options for URP NEW! New Start Screen window NEW! Easy graph share and canvas Screenshot buttons NEW! SRP packages auto-importer NEW! Compatibility with Unity 2019 NEW! Support for Post-Processing Stack shaders NEW! Compatible with Substance in Unity plugin NEW! Support for Custom Render Textures NEW! Support for both HD, URP and Lightweight SRP NEW! Multi-Pass o


EasyRoads3D Pro v3 v3.2.1f2

在 Unity 中使用内置的可自定义动态交叉预制件和基于您自己导入的模型的自定义交叉预制件,直接创建独特的道路网络。 添加额外辅助对象,让你的场景栩栩如生:桥梁、安全护栏、栅栏、墙壁、电线、树林或其它任何沿途的几何图形。 EurityRoads3D v3工具集也可用于创建其他基础设施,例如铁路和河床雕琢在地形上的河流。 功能: - 在风景优美的环境和复杂的城市道路网中制作蜿蜒的道路或泥泞小路。 - 内置可定制的交叉路口 - 自定义交叉路口 - 导入自己的交叉路口模型 - 辅助物体:桥梁、护栏、栅栏、围墙、电线等。 - 其他基础设施(例如,铁路和河流)的自定义形状 - 地形符合道路形状,移动草木/树木,在地形贴图中可选道路形状烘焙 - 道路数据导入,用于真实世界的可视化 (OSM/KML) - 脚本化 API:在 Unity 编辑器中和运行时均通过代码进行道路创建


True Shadow – UI Soft Shadow and Glow v0.9.0rc

Emulate glow with colored and textured shadow. Normal, Additive, Screen and Multiply blend-mode. Use custom material on shadow. Build neumorphic UI by combining multiple shadow/glow. True shadow generation, creating much smoother than SDF based method. Control over shadow size, spread, offset, color tint and more.


GeNa Pro – Terrains, Villages, Roads & Rivers v3.3.16

Create beautiful scenes fast with GeNa Pro! Purchase GeNa Pro today to save time and money by creating beautiful levels for your game so that you can focus on the game play that matters and get to market faster. Great level design is fun until it's not! Manually shaping your terrain and perfectly placing tens of thousands of objects into your scene is a meticulous process that takes huge amounts of time, and more often than not will look bland as designer fatigue sets in.


Optimizers v2.2.0

Cull, deactivate or activate, adjust quality basing on distance or visibility. Do it on anything inside scenes of your project! Give your game more FPS and be able to arrange more details! Optimizers can optimize almost everything, things like Lights, Particle Systems, Multiple Terrains, Renderers, NavMesh Agents, Script Components and more! Just add optimizer to your game object, select components of which you want change quality. Define distances and percentage amount of parameters you want to change when reaching certain LOD levels, now your optimizer is ready! This system is using Unity’s CullingGroups API and other smart techniques to keep optimization logics in the most performent way. With easy to use Optimizers’ custom inspector window you will set up your Level Of Detail settings without need to know much about optimizing. In other hand it can be used by programmers as framework to create own optimization methods and use optimizers as system to handle settings for different LOD levels, handling culling states logics etc. (Don’t get it wrong! Package is not generating lower LOD levels for meshes or so, it’s changing parameters of components/disabling/enabling to give more optimization) Save a lot of time by package’s automatic operations. There is a lot of stuff going on doing many things for you automatically or by pressing special buttons. When you need to have few LOD Levels, all parameters are adjusted automatically and if you need more customization you can edit them after that. Apply package components to static or dynamic objects. Apply different settings when object is hidden behind wall, cull if behind wall and a bit further, you have a lot of possibilities to adjust optimization behaviors for your project. Manager is progressively and intelligently adapting it’s CPU usage to the project’s global performance. When you will use tons of dynamic optimizer objects it’s update rate will imperceptibly slow down to never take any FPS from your


Easy Decal v2021.3.1

he most complete mesh decal plugin available in the Asset Store since 2014. Used by professionals all around the world in hundreds of awesome projects. —————————————————— Forum | Issue Tracker | Online | Docs —————————————————— Want to try before buy? Download an evaluation version here! —————————————————— Easy Decal provides you with an easy-to-use workflow for putting decals on all types of surfaces in your game world. Enrich your virtual world with details and lift your game environment to the next level. Easy Decal not only supports diffuse textures and normal maps, but all kinds of shaders and materials. You can stick decals even to massively bumpy surfaces with ease – the dynamic geometry generator automatically adjusts all the necessary parameters (UVs, tangents, normals, etc.) in the blink of an eye. By using one tool, your decals will fit everywhere. Key Features • Works with all Unity Versions • Full editor integration • Custom materials and shaders • Contains ready-to-use prefabs • 80+ different decals included • 3D Projection (translation, rotation, scale) • Dynamic geometry • Texture Atlas Editor • Decal Animation • Edge Bleeding • Mesh Decals • Screen Space Decals • Screen Space Decals for LWRP/URP [BETA] • Deferred Decals • Static Mesh (Box/Mesh Collider needed) • Extensively tested with Oculus Rift SRP Support HDRP • Box Projector (mesh decal) • Plane Projector (mesh decal) • Unlit screen space (multiplicative) URP • Box Projector (mesh decal) • Plane Projector (mesh decal) • Lit screen space • Unlit screen space (multiplicative) Please note that not all new features are present in Unity versions smaller than 5.3. Source code is accessible on our website as additional download.


camera filter pack v4.1.0

Work with Unity 5 and Unity 4.x Pro Watch the video demonstration NEW! Forum : https://forum.vetasoft.store/ Discuss with us about Camera Filter Pack and more ! Camera Filter Pack : More Than 310 Awesome Filters for your Camera ! Now Single Pass Stereo Support ! ( Unity 5.4 and more ) Camera Filter Pack offer you the best collection of high quality full screen post-processing effects to enhanced and improved the quality of your game. All the filters are optimized and adjustable. Add and turn on awesome next-gen filters to your camera! Camera Filter Pack require Unity 5.0+ (Personal or Pro) Online Documentation : http://www.vetasoft.store/camerafilterpack/ Follow us on Twitter Like us on Facebook 3.6.0 ——-Add AAA Rain FX 3.1.0 – Add 7 Glasses On FX : Classic, Vampire, Night, Futuristic Montain, Futuristic Desert and Spy – Add Fade parameter to TV_Arcade – Add Fade parameter to TV_Arcade_2 – Add Fade parameter to TV_Arcade_Fast – Add Fade parameter to TV_Artefact – ADD 25 new LUT textures – Add Fade, Intensity and Speed parameters to TV_Chromatical – Add Fade, Zoom Fade, Zoom Speed parameters to TV_Chromatical_2 – Add Remodeling Horror FX with Fade and Distortion parameters – Add Fade parameter on TV_Led – Add Fade on Planet Mars – Add Fade on TV Posterize – Add Fade on TV Tiles 3.0.5 – Add Sniper Score Filter – Improve VHS HQ parameters – Improve Gliths parameters – Improve Drunk parameters ( Distortion, Color, Wave and more ) – Improve TV Noise Parameters – Add Movie Noise – Improve Old Movie 2 Parameters – Improve TV 50′ and TV 80′ 3.0.1 – Fix Lut minor issue. v3.0.0 – Add more then 20 new filters ! – Better filter reorganisation. – Preview the filters on our website. – Documentations of all the filters online. – Add 3D Matrix – Add 3D Rain Drop System FX Pro – Add 3D Scene Scan – Add 3D Myst – Add 3D Binary – Add 3D Computer – Add 3D Snow – Add 3D Black Hole – Add 3D Ghost Light – Add 3D Anomaly – Add 3D Shield – Add Atmosphere Fog – Add Pixelisat


Dialogue System for Unity v2.2.22

The powerful, top-rated dialogue system used in Disco Elysium, Crossing Souls, Jenny LeClue, Last Epoch, The Last Door, and many many more, the Dialogue System for Unity makes it easy to add interactive dialogue and quests to your game. It’s a complete, robust solution including a visual node-based editor, dialogue UIs, cutscenes, quest logs, save/load, and more. The core is a lean, efficient conversation system. A large collection of included, optional add-ons make it quick and easy to drop conversations into your project and integrate them with other assets. No scripting required. Complete C# source included. Demo | Docs | Tutorials | Forum Free Extras | Free Trial Cinemachine & Timeline Integration! Editor: Visual, node-based dialogue editor Importers for Chat Mapper, articy:draft 1/2/3, Twine, Ink, Neverwinter Nights, Talkit, and CSV Export screenplay format, voiceover asset list, CSV, Chat Mapper, and more I2 Localization support Engine: Dynamic, branching conversation trees Barks and alerts Cutscenes (audio, animation, etc.) Quick Time Events (QTEs) Quest system NPC status & relationship system Easy language localization Save/load without scripting Optional Lua scripting and variable system Comprehensive documentation and tutorials Runtime UIs: GUI-independent; works with all GUI systems, including Unity UI & NGUI Built-in support for Unity UI, NGUI, TextMesh Pro, legacy Unity GUI, & more Input system-independent; works with Unity Input, Rewired, New Input System, etc Modular interfaces: swap in your own UI or cutscene system Several beautiful, fully-customizable UI skins Detailed sci-fi environment & animated model Works in 2D and 3D Works in VR (Oculus Rift, Vive, GVR, etc.) Integration: Components for drop-in integration into existing frameworks Cinemachine & Timeline Action-RPG Starter Kit Adventure Creator Animator Timeline Editor articy:draft Behavior Designer Bolt Visual Scripting


X-Frame FPS Accelerator v3.5

NEW! Unity 2019.3 Universal Rendering Pipeline support! X-Frame FPS Accelerator reduces lag and contributes to higher FPS (Frames Per Second) providing a smooth gameplay to your users. X-Frame is intended for mobile devices (Android and iOS tested) and HDPI screens. As mobile screens pack more and more pixels per inch, you can afford losing some pixels to get those extra FPS when needed. Download X-Frame demo and try it in your project before purchasing. Contact us by email if you have any question. X-Frame works best with scenes with heavy shaders and/or image effects. Includes several methods from static downsamplers which apply specified optimizations regardless of current fps to an adaptative method which varies the image quality depending on current FPS. X-Frame, although customizable, has been designed to work out-of-the-box, just add the main script to your camera and you will gain immediate FPS. You can customize: • the downsampling method (2 static + 1 dynamic adaptative algorithms). • the desired minimum FPS. • the minimum acceptable quality. This minimum can range from a very low value to get the maximum FPS when needed to a high value to get some extra FPS but without loosing too much image quality. • a minimum quality when camera is not moving or rotating. • a nice FPS factor, beyond this X-Frame seamlessly deactivates, reactivating itself again if FPS drops. • optional antialias + sharpen pass. • dynamic control of pixel light count + shadows management. • advanced options based on users feedback based on real cases – quality adaptation speed, rendering methods, … • supports standard/builtin, LWRP and URP. • designed for mobile or high resolution screen devices (VR not recommended). Get X-Frame FPS Accelerator now and boost your mobile game performance! Support Forum | Youtube Channel Even more cool assets!


Odin – Inspector and Serializer v3.0.9

Odin puts your Unity workflow on steroids, making it easy to build powerful and advanced user-friendly editors for you and your entire team. The Asset Store version is for entities or companies with revenue or funding less than $200k in the last 12 months. Enterprise options are available here. OdinInspector.com: Learn what Odin Inspector is all about. Manual: Get started quickly Support: Submit any questions Roadmap: What’s next? Bought Odin before 28.05.2019? Get the Odin source code and the validator addons for free at https://odininspector.com/download With an effortless integration that deploys perfectly into pre-existing workflows, Odin allows you to serialize anything and enjoy Unity with 80+ new inspector attributes, no boilerplate code and so much more! See what’s new in version 2.1! HIGHLIGHTS Effortless Integration Editor Only Mode Odin Editor Windows Input Validation Serialize Anything Powerful Lists Insanely Extendable Color Palettes Dictionaries Much More! Effortless Integration: Odin is extremely easy to use and won’t break your existing workflow. In fact, you don’t even need to inherit from anything, which means your existing editors will continue to work even with Odin. Editor-Only Mode: Use Odin only for its editor improvements by disabling serialization completely. Odin Editor Windows: You can now use Odin to rapidly create custom Editor Windows to help organize your project and game data. Input Validation: Empower your entire team by allowing your developers to setup scene and input validations, making using Unity easier than ever for artists and developers alike. Serialize Anything: Odin uses our highly-rated custom serialization protocol, allowing you to either inherit from our SerializedBehaviour, SerializedScriptableObject etc. or add a few lines of code to your existing class, and everything serializable shall be serialized. Yes, even polymorphic types! Odin serialized prefabs are deprecated in 2018.3+ due to


Shadero Sprite – 2D Shader Editor v1.9.9

Shadero Sprite 是一款基于节点的实时着色编辑器。Shadero 的设计初衷是节约生产时间。画面精美,处理速快速,它通过数个预制且完全优化的节点效果生成了许多惊人的效果。Shadero 将在每次更新中增加预制效果的数量。无需代码。 功能 - 2D 着色编辑器的终极工具 - 基于节点的编辑器 - 实时预览 - 包含源代码 - 加载/保存项目 - 优化的着色器 - 烟雾支持 - HDR 支持 - 视觉选择节点预览 - 光线支持 - 混合模式支持 - 带光线支持的法线贴图 - 直接预览场景 - 兼容 Unity UI - 众多预制特效 (+100) - 编辑器中提供帮助教程 - 项目示例 - 兼容 Unity 5 和 2017 及 2018 - 支持 Anima 2D - 支持渲染纹理 - 支持网格渲染器 - 生成精灵 - 创建变形 - 还有更多特色!


Stylized Grass Shader v1.2.0

着色器致力于为通用渲染管线 (7.2.0+)​​​ 带来视觉和触觉效果惊艳的草地。 主要特点 • 葱翠的风动画 • 每个对象和每个顶点颜色变化,打破视觉重复 • 通过拖尾、网格或粒子特效弯曲和展平 • 阳光半透明渲染 • 与地形表面进行颜色混合(支持平铺设置和网格地形) • 透视校正,实现从上而下的最佳覆盖视觉效果 • 包括几种草地模型和纹理,专为大量放置而设计。 • 与所有 URP 渲染功能兼容 • 基于物理或简单的着色模式 • 集成 Vegetation Studio (Pro) • 支持 Nature Renderer 性能 • 兼容 SRP 批处理 • GPU 实例化和间接实例化 (Intanced Indirect) 即开即用,与 Vegetation Studio (Pro) 或自定义渲染器一起使用。 • 精心打造的手写着色器,实现最佳效果。 兼容性 该着色器专为通用渲染管线 (7.2.0+) 设计,不兼容内置管线、LWRP 或 HDRP。 兼容 PC/MAC/控制台 Unity 2020.1 版。不适用于移动平台。 局限性 • 不是草地放置/渲染工具(文档内含提示) • 静态批处理将打破逐个对象的随机化 注:不包括花朵、岩石和树木。渲染的屏幕截图采用 Vegetation Studio Pro 和 SC 后期滤镜特效,不包含场景


Horse Animset Pro (Riding System) v4.2.6d

这就是你的终极骑行系统! 高质量的动画 Horse AnimSet Pro(HAP) 是一套动画框架和骑行系统控制器,基于根运动,适合于任何人形角色。该资源开始时就像是一个简单的马模型和动画包,但经过不断发展,它已经成为一套强大而灵活的骑行控制器。它包括一个来自于标准资源的基础角色控制器,但可以与你创建的更高级的角色控制器搭配使用,也可以与商店中任何让人惊叹的角色控制器(TCP 或 FPC)搭配使用。 该资源包在不断扩展,每次更新都推出了更多功能和动画效果! 功能 马: - 80 个动画剪辑 - 2 种马的风格(现实、多边形艺术) - 针对每种马的风格提供多种纹理集合 - LOD - 盔甲、缰绳和马鞍 - 针对缰绳和马鬃的 Unity 布料模拟不能用于 Unity 2019 - 声音 - 基础脚步系统(足迹声音和足迹粒子) - 用于管理所有 Malbers Animations 生物的动物控制器 - 状态:游泳、摔倒、跳跃、攻击、死亡、行走、小跑、慢跑、疾驰、冲刺 - 定向伤害系统 - 扫射 - 镜头基础输入 - 地形校正 - 支持 NavMesh Agent。基础 AI - 移动端友好 骑行者: - 132 个动画剪辑(可用于人形角色设定,以获得更好的兼容性) - 附带 1 个纹理集合的牛仔模型 - 骑行者系统(TCP 和 FPC) - 骑行者战斗系统:弓箭、手枪、混战(即将推出长矛、步枪、魔法物品、投掷物) - 非常非常基础的库存系统,用以演示骑行者 - 战斗系统与外部库存的兼容性。 实用工具: - 材料更换器 - 混合形状管理器 - 网格更换器 - 动画器消息行为 - 动画器声音行为 - 头部瞄准 - 武器(模型、纹理和脚本) - 动物基础 AI - 带镜头状态的基础镜头设置系统。 - 兼容所有 Malbers 动物


Low Poly Ultimate Pack v5.4

终极低模图形资源包。 非常适合原型/任何低多边形游戏的制作。 —内容— - 超过 1000 个带有碰撞器的预制件 - 材质和 Atlas 纹理工作流程 - 许多启发场景 —模型类型— - 动物 - 启示录 - 中世纪 - 海滩 - 船 - 建筑物 - 农场 - 食物 - 幻想 - 家具 - 枪 - 日本 - 自然 - 人 - 道具 - 地形 - 工具 - 车辆 - 狂野西部


Unka the Dragon v3.2

They come with +130 AAA Animations. 3 Different Styles(Toon,PolyArt, Realistic) Substance Textures (Body, Wings, Eyes) Just see the video and you will love it!! The Animal Controller includes these Logic's: -Locomotion -Terrain -Fall -Jump -Fly -Basic AI -Swim -UnderWater -Attack (Melee & Fire) -Scalable Bones Input Camera Based Actions


Animated Hands with Weapons Pack v1.2

Pack has animated hands with 18 types of weapons all weapons with hands are in different meshes. Hands have 10 types of colors, if you are unsure of the purchase, you can write to me and I will send you a model for the test. 1.FPS hands and a Automatic rifle contain 12 animations 1Aiming Idle 2Aiming Shot 3Aiming Walk 4Get 5Hide 6Idle 7Idle other 8Recharge 9Run 10Shot 11Walk PBR textures. -Albedo -AO -Metallic -Normal (all 2048-2048 size) Polys:15,974 Tris:27,463 Verts:14,244 2.FPS hands and a axe 1Get 2Idle 3Idle other 4Walk 5Run 6Attack 7Attack2 8Hide PBR textures. -Albedo -AO -Metallic -Normal (all 2048-2048 size) Polys:1,636 Tris:2,712 Verts:1,446 3.Hands and a Flashlight 1Get 2Idle 3Walk 4Run 5Attack 6Hide PBR textures. -Albedo -AO -Metallic -Normal (all 2048-2048 size) Polys:1,601 Tris:1,601 Verts:914 4.FPS hands and a Grenade 1Get 2Idle 3Throw 4Walk 5Run PBR textures. -Albedo -AO -Metallic -Normal (all 2048-2048 size) Polys:1,577 Tris:2,894 Verts:1,457 5.FPS Hands and Grenade-Gun 1Aiming Idle 2Aiming Shot 3Recharge 4Aiming Walk 5Get 6Hide 7Idle 8Run 9Shot 10Walk PBR textures(Metallic Sheder) PBR textures. -Albedo -AO -Metallic -Normal (all 2048-2048 size) Polys:12,574 Tris:22,072 Verts:11,614 6.FPS hands and a Gun 1Aiming Idle 2Aiming Shot 3Aiming Shot End 4Aiming Walk 5Get 6Hide 7Idle 8Idle other 9Recharge 10Run 11Shot 12shot end 13Walk PBR textures. -Albedo -AO -Metallic -Normal (all 2048-2048 size) Polys:2,690 Tris:4,844 Verts:2,677 7.FPS hands and a Knife 1Get 2Idle 3Idle other 4Walk 5Run 6Attack 7Attack2 8Hide PBR textures. -Albedo -AO -Metallic -Normal (all 2048-2048 size) Polys:777 Tris:1,336 Verts:671 8.FPS hands and a Shotgun 1Aiming Idle 2Aiming Shot 3Aiming Walk 4Get 5Hide 6Idle 7Idle other 8Recharge end 9Recharge 10Recharge beginning 11Shot 12Run 13Walk PBR textures. -Albedo -AO -Metallic -Normal (all 2048-2048 size) Polys:4,883 Tris:8,036 Verts:4,120 9.FPS hands and a Sniper Rifle 1Aiming Idle 2Aiming Shot 3Recharge


GPU Instancer – Crowd Animations v1.0.2

BETA RELEASE Download Demo Build (Windows PC)​ Crowd Animations is an extension for GPU Instancer, and requires it to work. Support Forum | Documentation | F.A.Q. Crowd Animations is an out of the box solution for using massive amounts of animated characters in your scenes with high performance. CA uses the GPU Instancer core and adds GPU skinning techniques on top of GPUI’s indirect instancing solution and GPU culling techniques. This results in a combination which will allow you to get the most out of GPU Instancing in Unity for your animated characters. ——————————— FEATURES ——————————— – Indirect GPU instancing with skinned meshes. – GPU frustum, occlusion and distance culling. – VR compatible. Works with both single pass and multipass rendering modes. – Supports Standard, LW, HD and Universal Render Pipelines. – Custom shader support (requires manual set-up). – Animation Blending (up to 4 animations). – Multiple skinned mesh renderers and submeshes support. – LOD Groups support (all LOD meshes must use the same rig). – Bone attachments. – Root Motion support. – Ability to use custom shadow distance per prototype and to choose the LOD to render shadows with. – Automatic detection of added and removed instances without any additional code. – Rigidbody and physics support. – Custom animation event system. – Easy to use interface. Crowd Animations supports two different animator workflows: Mecanim Animator: You can use the Unity Mecanim Animator to handle the state machine for animations as usual, and GPUI will read the animator states from the Mecanim Animator. This will let you use your existing Animators and scripts with Crowd Animations, and make it possible to use indirect GPU Instancing out of the box with all the GPUI features such as GPU frustum and occlusion culling. This workflow increases GPU performance while rendering skinned meshes, but it won’t be an ideal solution for projects that are CPU bound since the Mecanim Animator will still create an o


GPU Instancer v1.5.4

GPU Instancer is an out of the box solution to display extreme numbers of objects on screen with high performance. With a few mouse clicks, you can instance your prefabs, Unity Terrain details and trees. GPU Instancer provides user friendly tools to allow everyone to use Indirect GPU Instancing without having to go through the deep learning curve of Compute Shaders and GPU infrastructure. Also, an API with extensive documentation is provided to manage runtime changes. ——————————— FEATURES ——————————— – Out of the box solution for complex GPU Instancing. – VR compatible. Works with both single pass and multi pass rendering modes. – Mobile compatible. Works with both iOS and Android. – Easy to use interface. – Tens of thousands of objects rendered lightning fast in a single draw call. – GPU frustum culling. – GPU occlusion culling (also supports VR platforms with both single pass and multi pass rendering modes). – Automatically configured custom shader support. – Supports Standard, Universal and HD Render Pipelines. – Complex hierarchies of prefabs instanced with a single click. – Multiple sub-meshes support. – LOD Groups and cross-fading support. (Cross-fading is supported on Standard Render Pipeline only) – Automatic 2D Billboard generation system (Standard RP only). – Shadows casting and receiving support for instances (frustum culled instances still can cast shadows). – Ability to use custom shadow distance per prototype and to choose the LOD to render shadows with. – Support for Floating Origin handling. – Multiple camera support. – Well documented API for procedural scenes and runtime modifications (examples included). – Ability to Remove instances inside bounds or colliders at runtime. – Ability to extend with custom Compute Shaders. – Example scenes that showcase GPU Instancer capabilities. Prefab Instancing Features: – Ability to automatically instance prefabs at your scene that you distribute with your favorite prefab painting tool. – Automatically Add-Re



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