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AxureRP9萌新修炼手册V2.2 .pdf

AxureRP9萌新修炼手册V2.2 高清版 关于本书的学习建议 找到正确的学习方法才能事半功倍。 在这里,给各位读者一些建议: (1)不要跳跃,由前至后,循序渐进的学习本书内容;如果学习过程中,某一步操作在软件中 找不到,那就把书翻回去,因为前面的知识点还没掌握。 ( 2)学习的同时,写下学习笔记,认真总结每一个案例的知识点以及操作技巧; (3)学习过程中,理解学习内容为重中之重,不加理解的模仿只会导致错误百出; (4)能够看懂自己的每一项操作,分析是否和自己的需求一致;如果不能看懂,先做到上一条; (5)遇到问题,不要急于求助,先自行检查分析,独立排除错误是提升自己的最佳机会; (6)实在难以自行解决的问题,向他人求助时,尽量描述清楚自己的操作过程和问题状况; (7)一般问题求助时都需要附上截图,如果截图不需要花钱的话,全屏截图,因为问题可能并 不在你截图的位置; (8)勤于练习,并结合工作中的实际应用; (9)从入门到放弃很正常,如果这并不是你的擅长所在,就没有必要把时间和精力放在错误的 学习方向。



Introduction This document describes configuration options for FTDIBUS.SYS. For most operating environments, the default configuration of FTDIBUS is sufficient for normal operation, and it is very unlikely that any of the parameters described here need to be altered. ResetPipeRequestRetryCount ResetPipeRequestRetryCount controls the maximum number of times that FTDIBUS tries to reset a pipe on which an error has occurred. ResetPipeRequestRetryCount defaults to 50. It may be necessary to increase this value in noisy environments where a lot of USB errors occur. The default can be overridden via RetryResetCount in the FTDIBUS service key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\FTDIBUS\Parameters\RetryResetCount The device can be installed with ResetPipeRequestRetryCount set to any value by changing FTDIBUS.INF as shown in the following fragment. [FtdiBus_AddService.AddReg] HKR,Parameters,"RetryResetCount",0x10001,100 Here, the count is set to 100. MaxDevices MaxDevices is used to place a limit on the number of COM ports that can be created in a system by FTDIBUS. MaxDevices defaults to 0, meaning that the feature is disabled and FTDIBUS always attempts to create a COM port. The default can be overridden via MaxDevs in the FTDIBUS service key. Note that setting MaxDevs to a value other than zero will radically alter the behaviour of the driver; please contact FTDI if you think you have to change MaxDevs. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\FTDIBUS\Parameters\MaxDevs The device can be installed with MaxDevs set to any value by changing FTDIBUS.INF as shown in the following fragment. [FtdiBus_AddService.AddReg] HKR,Parameters,"MaxDevs",0x10001,3 Here, the maximum number of devices is set to 3. Location IDs Location IDs is used to define the set of USB ports supported by FTDIBUS. It can be used in systems that require only certain USB ports to be available, perhaps in conjunction with MaxDevices. The default behaviour is that all USB ports are supported. The default can be overridden via LocIds in the FTDIBUS service key. Note that setting LocIds will radically alter the behaviour of the driver; please contact FTDI if you think you have to change LocIds. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\FTDIBUS\Parameters\LocIds LocIds is a binary value that is interpreted as an array of Location IDs. A Location ID is a 32-bit unsigned integer (DWORD) that represents the location of the device in the USB tree. For example, if the driver creates a location string for the device of the form a&b&c, the location ID will be 0x00000abc. The device can be installed with LocIds set by changing FTDIBUS.INF as shown in the following fragment. [FtdiBus_AddService.AddReg] HKR,Parameters,"LocIds",1,21,00,00,00,32,00,00,00,11,00,00,00 Here, three USB ports are supported. Location ID 0x00000021 represents host controller 1 port 1. Location ID 0x00000032 represents host controller 2 port 2. Location ID 0x00000011 represents host controller 0 port 1. Location IDs can be obtained using the latest version of the utility USBView available from FTDI support. FTDI 19 January 2004



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