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原创 Export NRRG to excel using Excelize

exportNrrg使用Excelize包将NR resource grid导出为excel

2023-04-01 22:34:25 145

原创 Determine CCEs of each PDCCH Candidate

Determine CCEs of each PDCCH Candidate

2023-03-27 12:24:19 172

原创 Determine DCI FDRA and CORESET fdResources

HOWTO: determine DCI FDRA and CORESET fdResources

2023-03-22 22:33:56 171

原创 NRRG(NR Resource Grid Tool)重构:参数配置部分(2)


2023-03-21 14:52:02 183

原创 NRRG(NR Resource Grid Tool)重构:参数配置部分


2023-03-21 11:16:58 416

原创 Determine antenna port(s) of PTRS for PUSCH (2)

HOWTO: determine PTRS ports for CB PUSCH transmission

2023-03-02 10:21:14 98

原创 Determine antenna port(s) of PTRS for PUSCH (1)

HOWTO: determine association of PTRS ports and DMRS ports (PTRS for nonCB PUSCH)

2023-03-01 23:57:49 192

原创 Calculate SC#0 RB#0 of CORESET0

How to calculate iscCoreset0Sc0Rb0 (SC index of SC0-RB0 of CORESET0)?

2023-02-21 11:58:47 497

原创 Calculate N_CRB_SSB and k_SSB

HOWTO: calculate N_CRB_SSB and k_SSB given GSCN and ARFCN

2023-02-17 15:08:06 165

原创 Debian 11.3环境配置笔记

1, 制作USB启动时,需要将nonfree的网卡驱动放到./firmware目录下:firmware-iwlwifi_20210315-3_all.deb firmware-realtek_20210315-3_all.deb2, Chrome浏览器安装:wget -q -O - https://dl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub | sudo apt-key add -sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64]

2022-05-19 09:44:02 847

原创 Multiple RSSI sub-plots using gonum/plot

Show me the code:)const rows, cols = 2, 1 plots := make([][]*plot.Plot, rows) for j := 0; j < rows; j++ { plots[j] = make([]*plot.Plot, cols) for i := 0; i < cols; i++ { pl := plot.New() pl.Add(plotter.NewGrid()) pl.Ti

2021-09-05 23:37:46 237

原创 Using UniOffice for Excel export//pls use Excelize instead

Currently I'm working on a KPI report tool, which parses KPI definitions, loads DB PMs, calculates individual KPI and exports the KPI report as .xlsx.In order to use UniOffice(github:https://github.com/unidoc/unioffice) , you need a Free license:(1) r.

2021-06-25 08:45:26 899

原创 golang notes(12)---use cobra+viper to replace qt

In order to focus on problem-solving, I’ve decided to use Cobra+Viper to replace existing thereceipe/qt GUI.Cobra: https://github.com/spf13/cobraViper: https://github.com/spf13/viperFor example:Use cmd ‘ngapp nrrg conf freqband -h’ to get helpD:\d

2020-09-26 08:16:39 274

原创 O-RAN notes(13)---Bronze E2 setup and O1-alarm example(2)

(continued)E2 setup(ricplt and odu-high) part 2I will introduce more details on E2Manager implementation.e2term source code: o-ran-sc-bronze-20200810\ric-plt.e2\RIC-E2-TERMINATION, which is implemented in C++e2mgr source code: o-ran-sc-bronze-2020081

2020-09-12 22:23:18 1397

原创 O-RAN notes(12)---Bronze E2 setup and O1-alarm example(1)

I will introduce two topics in following post, which are not part of the ‘Getting started’ section, but are included in oran-sc/it.dep/demos:E2 setup between near-RT RIC(ricplt) and O-DU highO1 alarm example between near-RT RIC(ricplt) and SDNC-SDNR(smo

2020-09-12 21:53:40 1852

原创 O-RAN notes(11)---Bronze nonrtric/ricplt IoT using A1 for Policy Management(2)

(continued)Let's continue with the 3rd topic:(3) HOW-TO: manage Policy using Policy-Agent(aka, the policymanagementservice)refer to:https://docs.o-ran-sc.org/projects/o-ran-sc-nonrtric/en/latest/policy-agent-api.htmlBelow is a list of A1-Policy-...

2020-08-13 22:15:12 776

原创 O-RAN notes(10)---Bronze nonrtric/ricplt IoT using A1 for Policy Management(1)

Refer to links:https://wiki.o-ran-sc.org/display/GS/Running+A1+and+O1+Use+Case+FlowsThere are two ways for Policy management, either from nonrtric or from ricplt(aka, Near-RT RIC):I will introduce severaltopics in following posts:(1) HOW-TO: conn..

2020-08-13 15:26:28 1683 3

原创 O-RAN notes(9)---Bronze RICPLT xApp Deployment(4)

(continued)HOW-TO: delete xApps and re-deploy xApps(1) How to delete xAppsFirst, check xApp Deployments in ns ricxapp:(21:09 dabs@ricpltbronze dep) > sudo kubectl get deployment -n ricxappNAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE

2020-08-08 21:42:09 953

原创 O-RAN notes(8)---Bronze RICPLT xApp Deployment(3)

(continued)HOW-TO: manually build xApps based on Gerrit sourcesI will use ric-app-ts as an example.First, 'git clone' from Gerrit repository:https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/gitweb?p=ric-app/ts.git;a=summarygit clone https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/ri.

2020-08-08 00:40:34 1362 7

原创 O-RAN notes(7)---Bronze RICPLT xApp Deployment(2)

(continued)I will introduce several aspects related to xApps in following posts:(1) xApp framework introduction(2) HOW-TO: manually build xApps based on Gerrit sources(3) HOW-TO: introduce policy types and policy instances(4) HOW-TO: delete xApps

2020-08-07 23:39:37 820

原创 golang notes(11)--How to deploy Go+Qt App from Linux to Windows

refer tohttps://github.com/therecipe/qt/wiki/Deploying-Linux-to-Windows-64-bit-SharedFirst, "docker pull" the therecipe/qt:windows_64_shared image:$docker pull therecipe/qt:windows_64_sharedIt will take some time:(09:00 dabs@CNU1343VF8 ngapp) &g.

2020-08-02 09:13:18 445

原创 O-RAN notes(6)---Bronze Near-Realtime RIC(ricplt) deployment (3)//xApp Deployment

First, pull all xApp images manually. There are four xApps for now:Hello World xApp QP(QoE Predictor) xApp QP Driver xApp TS(Traffic Steering) xApp#docker_pull_xapp.shecho && echo Pulling nexus3.o-ran-sc.org:10002/o-ran-sc/ric-app-hw:1.0.6.

2020-07-18 12:07:14 3732 18

原创 O-RAN notes(5)---Bronze Near-Realtime RIC(ricplt) deployment (2)

(continued)Minimum requirements on RAM and HD for ricpltdeployment:4GB for VM RAM 30GB for VM hard disk (for both SMO and ricplt deployment)(18:35 dabs@ricpltbronze ~) > top | grep MemKiB Mem : 4002268 total, 128588 free, 2291288 used, 158.

2020-07-17 18:44:22 964

原创 O-RAN notes(4)---Bronze Near-Realtime RIC(ricplt) deployment (1)

First, clone the "smobronze" VM into a new VM, named "ricbronze".Change hostname to 'ricpltbronze'.(09:54 dabs@ricpltbronze bin) > uname -aLinux ricpltbronze 5.3.0-62-generic #56~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jun 24 16:17:03 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64

2020-07-16 10:10:29 1016

原创 O-RAN notes(3)---Bronze SMO deployment (2)

(continued)Most of the problems are related to 'docker pull'.Before you execute the install script(./dep/smo/bin/install), make sure you have all the docker images, and this is very important:(09:09 dabs@smobronze bin) > docker imagesREPOSITORY

2020-07-04 22:30:12 938

原创 O-RAN notes(2)---Bronze SMO deployment (1)

O-RAN SC Bronze(or release 'B') has been released at 2020/6/21.Follow link:https://wiki.o-ran-sc.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=14221635(1) SMO deploymenthttps://wiki.o-ran-sc.org/display/GS/SMO+InstallationFirst of first, you need a VM. Reco..

2020-06-30 00:04:24 2491 5

原创 K8s and Docker notes (2.2)---Hands on with Deployment

(1) on both DebianNode and DebianNode2, retag "nigelpoulton/k8sbook:latest" to "nigelpoulton/k8sbook:edge" for ease of Deployment RollingUpdate, withoutdownloading the actual 'nigelpoulton/k8sbook:edge' docker image.$sudo docker images$sudo docker ta..

2020-06-15 12:41:10 270

原创 K8s and Docker notes (2.1)---Hands on with Pod

(1) Add a third k8s node DebianNode2:(21:35 dabs@CNU1343VF8 ~) > kubectl get nodesNAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSIONcnu1343vf8 Ready master 17d v1.18.3debiannode Ready <none> 16d v1.18.3debiannode2 Rea

2020-06-15 08:38:23 183

原创 golang notes(10)---add Zap Logger to ngapp

part of utils/zaplog.go:// NewZapLogger initializes then returns a zap.Logger.func NewZapLogger(path string) *zap.Logger { dir := filepath.Dir(path) if exist, _ := exists(dir); !exist { if err := os.MkdirAll(dir, 0775); err != nil { panic(fmt.Sp

2020-06-14 12:05:39 271 2

原创 golang notes(9)--reimplementation of ngapp using go(UI part)

source file: ngapp.gopackage mainimport ( "github.com/therecipe/qt/core" "github.com/therecipe/qt/widgets")// NgApp contains the UI implementation.type NgApp struct { // enable debugging? enableDebug bool // widgets mainWin *widgets.QMainWi

2020-06-07 00:08:21 258 2

原创 golang notes (8)---therecipe/qt binding

6/5 update on therecipe/qt binding:refer to:https://github.com/therecipe/qtexport GO111MODULE=off; go get -v github.com/therecipe/qt/cmd/... && $(go env GOPATH)/bin/qtsetup test && $(go env GOPATH)/bin/qtsetup -test=falseNote: no n.

2020-06-06 00:43:39 298

原创 golang notes(7)---PAT (Basic Level) 1007-素数对猜想

Comparison of 'Sieve ofEratosthenes' and 'Sieve of Euler':Sieve of Eratosthenes (埃氏筛选法):func SieveOfEratosthenes(n int) int { p := make([]int, 0) flagNotPrime := make([]bool, n+1) // Sieve of Eratosthenes for i := 2; i <= n; i++ { if !flagNo.

2020-06-04 11:20:48 175

原创 golang notes (6)---PAT (Basic Level) 1002-写出这个数

using golang's math/big librarypackage mainimport ( "fmt" "math/big")func digits(n *big.Int) []int64 { d := make([]int64, 0) zero := big.NewInt(0) ten := big.NewInt(10) rem := big.NewInt(0) for n.Cmp(zero) > 0 { n, rem = n.DivMod(n, ten

2020-06-03 19:20:55 159

原创 golang notes(5)

After reading <Go in Action> and <Effective Go>, i am going to study the Go standard library next.6/2, notes on builtin and runtime package:slice.go, map.go and chan.go are of special interest within package runtime:Slice append opera

2020-06-02 11:04:57 235

原创 Kubernetes(K8s) and Docker notes (1.4)

(continued)(5,5) configure slave node and join the k8s clusterI'm using debian-testing in vmware as the slave node. You only need to install k8s and docker on slave node.Get token from master node if needed:(09:16 dabs@CNU1343VF8 ~) > kubectl

2020-05-29 09:45:30 862

原创 Kubernetes(K8s) and Docker notes (1.3)

(5,3) kubeadm init(21:26 dabs@CNU1343VF8 ~) > sudo kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr= 21:26:32.214961 129837 configset.go:202] WARNING: kubeadm cannot validate component configs for API groups [kubelet.config.k8s.io kubeproxy.config

2020-05-29 07:28:34 1131

原创 Kubernetes(K8s) and Docker notes (1.1)

5/28, start reading <The Kubernetes Book>.用了几乎一天的时间研究install k8s with kubeadm and configure master node of k8s cluster,踩过不少坑,这里记录下来备查,也希望能帮助到有需要的同学。(1) install prerequisites (i'm using xubuntu 20.04)$sudo apt install apt-transport-https(2) .

2020-05-29 00:52:33 298

原创 Kubernetes(K8s) and Docker notes (1.2)

(5.1) kubeadm config images pullavoid the "unknown manifest" error: pull images from mirrorgcrio, retag them, and finally untag them.$sudo kubeadm config images list |sed -e 's/^/docker pull /g' -e 's#k8s.gcr.io#mirrorgcrio#g' | sudo sh -x$sudo d.

2020-05-29 00:52:22 397

原创 LeetCode-May-Week4 Daily Challenge: Possible Bipartition

5/27 daily challenge:Possible BipartitionMy own solution, a bit faster than DFS(depth-first search):func possibleBipartition(n int, dislikes [][]int) bool { // key = ppl(1..n), val = group(0 or 1) group := make(map[int]int) ngroup := 0 for l..

2020-05-27 21:29:13 156

原创 LeetCode-May-Week4 Daily Challenge: Contiguous Array

5/26 Daily Challenge: Contiguous ArrayVery elegant and interestingidea:func findMaxLength(nums []int) int{ // dict keeps the 1st index of given key(=count), and let index=-1 for count=0 dict := make(map[int]int) dict[0] = -1 count := 0 maxL..

2020-05-27 04:02:48 145

Satellite Communications in the 5G Era英文版

5G卫星通信参考书 Satellite Communications in the 5G Era


Concrete Mathematics-A Foundation for Computer Science第二版

具体数学参考书 Concrete Mathematics-A Foundation for Computer Science第二版


5G NR The Next Generation Wireless Access Technology第二版

经典5G参考书 5G NR The Next Generation Wireless Access Technology第二版


qxdm user manual

qualcomm extensible diagnostic monitor user manual



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