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原创 flutter methodchannel调用原生方法,实现原生插件

在获取手机电量,屏幕信息等,都需要flutter 调用原生实现,这部分flutter 官方已经帮我们实现好了,对于部分功能,需要自己实现, 步骤如下# 创建一个 flutter 应用,使用 as 打开 android 目录, MainActivity 代码如下package com.example.flutter_app;import android.content.Intent;i...

2019-05-28 20:23:51 2712

原创 flutter methodchannel调用原生方法,实现原生插件

在获取手机电量,屏幕信息等,都需要flutter 调用原生实现,这部分flutter 官方已经帮我们实现好了,对于部分功能,需要自己实现, 步骤如下# 创建一个 flutter 应用,使用 as 打开 android 目录, MainActivity 代码如下package com.example.flutter_app;import android.content.Intent;i...

2019-05-27 22:15:35 1635

原创 123123


2019-02-11 00:21:22 529

原创 Android Jni , 不同 arm 架构 兼容

Jnijni 是一种 java 调用 c 语言的方式java 反编译比c容易参考文献:https://www.jianshu.com/p/87ce6f565d37https://blog.csdn.net/carson_ho/article/details/73250163微信arm微信是放在一个包里自动加载的,不是分文件夹https://blog.csdn.net/shb...

2019-02-10 23:15:11 1114

原创 Mac Sublime repl 插件配置

mac 下 默认安装 python2, 自己安装 python3 之后, sublimerepl 运行 py 文件后发现 使用依旧是 2.** 版本修改 Main.sublime-menuSublime -> perferences -> Browse packages -> SublimeRepl -> config -> python配置文件更改如...

2018-11-13 15:51:14 897

原创 How to map ESC to jk in vimspf13

echo "imap jk <ESC>" >> ~/.vimrc.local # ESC is far far away jj is much bettersource ~/.vimrc.localRefer: https://gist.github.com/iamrahulroy/91ffadbeb412c38c9d66b8b669c90dcd...

2018-11-05 18:44:40 271

原创 Linux Common Command

find {path} -name {filename}cat /etc/*release*grep text -r folder |grep xx |grep xx // regex text# centos 7 up use firewall default# 查看防火墙状态firewall-cmd --statefirewall-cmd --reload #重...

2018-10-26 20:21:35 346

原创 composer update, & composer install

composer文档: https://docs.phpcomposer.com/03-cli.html#updateInstall, 如果没有 composer.lock 文件将会 按照 composer.json 安装最新版本, 并生成composer.lock如果有,有按照 composer.lock 文件安装composer update 将会安装最新版本,并更新 comp...

2018-07-05 18:37:08 315

原创 Nginx php 错误日志排查

遇到错误,通常解决流程如下比如一个php存储服务器的文件上传问题,px -ef |grep php-fpm // 查看fpm 是否启动// 查看 fpm 运行用户以及权限// 发现运行用户为 nobody 组 nobody, 文件写入权限为 rootchown nobody.nobodyGroup {fileName}1 查看nginx 访问日志,是否有访问信息2 查看...

2018-07-05 17:54:59 1681

原创 vim 寄存器, nerdTree, diff

Vim寄存器默认占用, 0, “” 位置 多行操作时,以 0 - 9 递进操作 // 复制寄存器中的 {0 - 9} "{n}p // insert 模式 C + r + n // 搜索时复制 /C+r{n} // 存入寄存器 // 命令模式下 "{1-9}{n}yy // 查看寄存器 ...

2018-06-19 17:32:09 268

原创 js copy text

document.execCommand('copy'); listenCopy() { document.addEventListener("copy", e => { let clipboardData = window.clipboardData; //for IE if (!clipboardData...

2018-05-22 19:50:25 1195

原创 Public URLs for testing on mobile devices. Ngrock

1 download ngrock 2 unzip ngrock 3 ./ngrok authtoken xxxxxxx 4 $ ./ngrok http {yourt local port}

2018-05-15 00:40:01 271

原创 php&nginx&php-fpm&mysql&redis&php simple server code

overviewnginx 本身不具备解析 php 的能力,通过,识别 *.php 的请求,将请求交给 php fpm 进行处理首先启动 php fpm 服务 location ~ \.php$ { root /Users/liyang/programmer/project/vpn-project/vpn_server/Open...

2018-05-07 02:36:45 213

原创 axios 进行文件上传

async uploadFile () { var config = { onUploadProgress: (progressEvent) => { let percentCompleted = Math.round((progressEvent.loaded * 100) / progressEvent.total) /...

2018-04-01 21:48:03 7554 2

原创 react native,实现android 应用编写

环境搭建 1 参照官网那个,将 android sdk, java sdk,官方脚手架等基础环境安装完成 2 下载夜神(其他也可) 模拟器 3 配置 java, android 环境变量(window下), 如果需要使用,keytool , adb 等命令,需要 在path 中配置到, java sdk,android sdktools,platroms tools 4 连接模拟器abd conne

2018-02-21 05:51:16 310

原创 Ethereum(ETH) Mining Pools

# 以太币框池搭建环境, mac os || linux Refer :https://github.com/sammy007/open-ethereum-pool## 1.1 交易信息,最终界面效果如下,采用 Node express 编写## 1.2 框池运行如下## 1.3 结算后台运行如下## 1.4 redis 服务# 2 安装依赖```go >= 1.9geth or parit...

2018-02-08 18:02:20 3746 1

原创 Web css named way BEM

For developing front end , BEM is a perfect way of name your dom css name .there is simple introduce :.1 .block-warp-name :represent advance or abstract parent dom ..2 .block--wrap-name__name : the

2017-08-20 22:13:09 335

原创 Video http dash mp4 box slice

There is three points introduce:dash overriew server slice video by mp4 box and ffpeghow to use dash at native or webDynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH), also known as MPEG-DASH, is an adap

2017-08-01 22:05:20 825

原创 For vue cli hot update no useful

today , when use vue cli , writing code by webstorm i have fonund a issue that vue can not compile after change code , so amazing thing , after get many infomation about this , at last , solve the issu

2017-05-04 12:26:56 543

原创 react-native 完整实现登录功能

React Native write login , UI framework , network , navagate, click event.Refer : http://blog.csdn.net/u012915455/article/details/52594091if the server is springmvc need as below configuration. <!--in

2017-04-28 12:43:59 1864

原创 Front and rear separation of security issues

登录验证以及安全问题: 1、请求接口全部用post方式,在后端判断请求方式是否为post 2、前后端代码放在同一服务器,在后端判断请求的来源是否与服务器同源:$source_url = parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);$server_url = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['H

2017-04-26 11:36:31 604

原创 Activity has leaked window that was originally added

this error will not crash application . the way to solve issue :I meet this issue when activity destroy but dialog still show :so you can resolve it as below:@Override protected void onDestroy() {

2017-04-21 17:44:19 892

原创 Php Overrview

Php is more simple script language for developing server.The base refer: http://www.runoob.com/php/php-datatypes.htmls Maybe you need to learn base data type , class , simple programmer(the programm

2017-04-21 15:55:09 515

原创 css link @import

if you use in html :<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Title</title> <style> @import url("css1.css"); </style></head><body> <script> d

2017-04-03 16:16:28 1030

原创 javascript for mvvm

<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>mvvm</title> <input id="name" type="text" value="demo" onchange="nameChange(this)"></head><body><script> //s

2017-04-02 23:40:27 968

原创 JS Array ...map ,reduce , filter..

Array共有九个方法Refer: http://www.cnblogs.com/webapi/p/5706348.htmlArray.prototype.indexOfArray.prototype.lastIndexOfArray.prototype.everyArray.prototype.someArray.prototype.forEachArray.prototype.map

2017-04-02 23:38:31 1269

原创 js object.create()、Object.defineproperty()、,Object.keys()...for..in,for..each

Speak of that how to create object in javascript , maybe you know:new Object();var obj = {};new function(){}; // var obj = new function(){}();Have you know Object.create()?//as the photo you needn’

2017-04-02 23:18:47 1188

原创 three way of waterfall flow

First the simple way , use css3 colum-width:<!doctype html><html lang="en"><head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no, initia

2017-04-02 01:58:33 1025

原创 nodejs koa framework overview

koa as nodejs server framework more simple than express , you should learn es6 ,javascript rather than know koa firstly.i wonder why that koa chinese document is different from english , may be chinse

2017-04-02 00:10:45 1017

原创 yarn

install refer : http://www.jackpu.com/yarn-facebook-kai-yuan-de-bao-guan-li-gong-ju/ yarn documention : https://yarnpkg.com/en/ yarn compare npm :https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/migrating-from-npm:yarn

2017-03-25 08:23:33 1249

原创 Promise , fetch Api ,blueBird,Q,When

Promise which the solution of async programmer is the original obj presented by ecmaScript 6 , it’s better than the asynchronous callback was presented by community ;Promise is a object that can get

2017-03-20 01:13:33 1055

原创 Vue Lazy Loading Routes

When building apps with a bundler, the JavaScript bundle can become quite large, and thus affect the page load time. It would be more efficient if we can split each route’s components into a separate c

2017-03-18 19:12:33 2508

原创 Docker,compose,kitematic Overview and build Php WordExpress

Docker 通常在服务器环境中使用较多,出于服务器端配置相对繁琐,前端使用Npm,yarn 等管理工具已经很方便了。下面开始介绍概念以及环境搭建首先介绍下docker的基本概念照抄一下:Docker is the world’s leading software container platform. Developers use Docker to eliminate “works on my

2017-03-07 21:15:46 1518

原创 js source map

Refer http://www.ruanyifeng.com/blog/2013/01/javascript_source_map.htmlsouce map 于jq 中1.9版本开始,目的为解决js 压缩等操作过后,调试位置的对应关系,通常会在开发模式下打开此模式.

2017-03-02 11:41:19 1118

原创 应用栏跳转,返回首页,tab 位置显示错误问题

问题描述 : 在类似You TuBe 那种应用, Tab 切换后进行其他页面跳转,在返回上一个界面时,tab 会默认为现实Index 为 0 的 tab由于页面采用vue 开发,解决方案基于vue 但原理都一样, vue 在路由到页面会执行生命周期方法,可以在destroed:function(){ //remark the Tab Index}mounted:function(){

2017-03-01 11:17:36 1153

原创 android 实现 bilili 动画播放效果

http://www.jianshu.com/p/06c0ae8d9a96状态栏透明: //设置状态栏透明 if(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) { Window window = getWindow(); window.clearFlags(W

2017-02-27 20:05:02 897

原创 Android 协调者布局title 字体大小颜色修改,设置布局为最上层

开发中遇到一个问题 布局事件无效 料想不是最上层布局 一试果真如此  // put the control to the view top playView.bringToFront(); 另一个问题 协调者布局中 title 字体过大遥记得,在google 提供的 切换tab中 需要在dimens 中定义字体大小方才生效,而在协调者布局中只需要在sty

2017-02-27 11:36:23 4170

原创 web 观察者模式

介绍一种观察者模式其实观察者模式是一个比较简单的 Publish,Subscribe过程,整个过程概括起来说就是对 对订阅者这个数组的操作,而消息的发布其实就是 遍历订阅者对象调用订阅者本身方法的一个过程,在实际中的应用的话,还需要用setter 方法做一下数据劫持 function Publisher(){ this.observers = [];

2017-02-27 08:34:46 1119

原创 macbook howto use usb 2.0 ethernet

use two hour make usb 2.0 ethernet adapter work , the adapter type is qts1081b , no 9700 , my solve way is :You’ll need to start by uninstalling any drivers you have previously installed. Depending on

2017-02-26 10:37:45 1637

原创 js callback , ajax call back can observer mvvm

do something other || like android network after the net work down do some thing by param but android only can pass the param by interface callBack just like click event android -- web {

2017-02-24 18:17:47 963

sql-Lite jdbc驱动 3.7.2

sqlLite jdbc 驱动,版本 3.7.2 有需要的尽管拿去了



内含,json,Gson,fastJson 解析jar 文件,有需要的拿去吧



文件上传jar 文件,内含fileupload.jar,commons-io.jar,commons-collections.jar



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