
















Sometimes when I look at the world, I can see a line behind it.

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转载 Modeling with Animation in Mind

You just sculpted a new character concept, retopologized it, and added an armature…but then you move a bone and realize that your topology just doesn’t work as you’d hoped it would. Organic, stretching surfaces such as skin require carefully crafted topolo

2023-04-10 14:47:02 144

转载 Dota 2 - Character Art Guide

Steam Support :: Dota 2 Workshop - Character Art Guide

2023-03-28 12:34:23 159

转载 Performance Of SRP Batching VS GPU Instancing

So when you have a large number of the same mesh and material (100's, 1000's, etc) on screen then GPU Instancing makes sense and should perform better.When you have a large number of different materials but few shader variants then SRP Batching is the be

2022-06-08 10:40:40 376

转载 Metal Performance Tuning

Optimizing Performance with Pipeline StatisticsUsing Metal System Trace in Instruments to Profile Your App

2022-03-29 16:33:38 137

转载 The Mali GPU: An Abstract Machine

Mali GPU: An Abstract Machine - Frame Pipelining - Graphics, Gaming, and VR blog - Arm Community blogs - Arm CommunityWe will explore the fundamental macro-scale architectural structures and behaviors developers have to worry about, how this translates int

2022-03-28 14:38:41 202

转载 Difference Between RAM Bandwidth And Speed

DDR is just an acronym for Double Data Rate.Compared to single data rate (SDR) SDRAM, the DDR SDRAM interface makes higher transfer rates possible by more strict control of the timing of the electrical data and clock signals. Implementations often have t

2022-03-25 10:26:31 162

转载 Deferred shading on mobile: An API overview

The Vulkan and OpenGLES APIs expose mechanisms for fetching framebuffer attachments on-tile. A special feature of tile-based GPUs, like Arm Mali, is the ability to implement fast programmable blending and on-chip deferred shading-like techniques.In this

2022-02-09 15:23:24 626

转载 Introducing Pixel Local Storage: an extension ahead of its time

Back in 2014. Since then, many things have happened that have transformed mobile Graphics, particularly the release of the first Vulkan version in February 2016. Built from the ground up, Vulkan was intended to replace OpenGL as the main Graphics API, aft.

2022-02-09 12:27:02 275

转载 How to Blit in URP

Use SRP Blitter if what you need to do is available and implemented in that API, use the DrawMesh approach for any other cases, avoid cmd.Blit()-------For historical reasons URP doesn't currently have a proper standard in terms of "how to Blit".I agre

2022-02-07 17:41:10 319

原创 Substance Designer中Histogram相关节点理解


2022-01-24 11:54:35 3212

转载 Shader Conditional Statements Performance Detail

What is it about shaders that even potentially makesifstatements performance problems? It has to do with how shaders get executed and where GPUs get their massive computing performance from.Separate shader invocations are usually executed in parallel, ..

2022-01-19 11:13:45 172

转载 Android中CPU频率查看和更改

设置CPU的核心数在/sys/devices/system/cpu目录下可以看到你的CPU有几个核心,如果是双核,就是cpu0和cpu1,如果是四核,还会加上cpu2和cpu3。随便进一个文件夹,比如cpu1,里面有个online文件。我们可以用cat命令查看该文件的内容:cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/online这个文件只有一个数字,0或1。0表示该核心是offline状态的,1表示该核心是online状态的。所以,如果你想关闭这个核心,就把onli

2021-12-02 12:03:10 4690

转载 Mali GPU 性能指标

This guide explains the performance counters found in the Arm Streamline tool's profiling template for the Mali-G76 GPU. This GPU is part of the Mali Bifrost architecture family. Note that the Streamline template only shows a subset of the available perfor

2021-12-02 11:36:46 2195

原创 About PositionNDC In URP

VertexPositionInputs GetVertexPositionInputs(float3 positionOS){ VertexPositionInputs input; input.positionWS = TransformObjectToWorld(positionOS); input.positionVS = TransformWorldToView(input.positionWS); input.positionCS = TransformWorl...

2021-09-14 14:41:23 652

转载 How Much Does A Tex2D/TexCUBE Cost

On mobile, texture sample probably takes as much as "several to several dozen simple math operations".On PC, the ratio is higher, for one texture sample you can afford dozens to hundreds of math operations.And then there's funky hardware like PowerVR (e.

2021-06-16 12:51:32 206

转载 一分钟看完漫画搞懂卷积


2021-06-01 16:29:46 666

转载 Pre-multiplied Alpha blending

Standard Alpha blendinguses this formula:result = foreground.alpha * foreground + (1 - foreground.alpha) * backgroundThis is a linear interpolation between the foreground and background colours, using the foreground's alpha as the interpolation weig.

2020-10-30 17:39:45 551

转载 Understanding Memory on iOS

Understanding Memory on iOS- What kind of memory?• Physical/Resident Memory• Graphics Memory• Virtual Memory• Malloc Heap• Dirty Memory• Native Memory• Mono HeapPhysical Memory (RAM)• The total amount of memory on-chip• ...

2020-08-06 16:18:40 521

转载 Albedo chart

General PBR infoPhysically based rendering (PBR) is a subset of computer-generated imagery that aims at production of pictures while making use of physically based shading.There's a lot of info about this theme written already, so I wouldn't copy-paste

2020-05-13 14:42:32 455

转载 Feeding a physically based shading model

Physically based rendering (PBR) require to use physical lighting setup and good spatially varying BRDF inputs (a.k.a textures) to get best results.Feeding the shading model with physically plausible data is in the hand of artists.There are many texture

2020-05-13 12:30:01 786

转载 Static Batching Breaking Problem

SymptomsMy scene contains a group of static Mesh Renderers and a dynamic/ non-static Mesh Renderer. For some reason, the static Meshes are being split into separate draw calls.CauseUnity does a ...

2019-11-27 16:28:13 306

原创 Photoshop中PNG转TGA的方法

Photoshop中PNG转TGA的方法(也可以用来查看单独的RGB通道(不透明显示))1、Layer->Layer Mask->From Transparency2、Shift-click禁用Mask可以在Photoshop中预览不透明的图像效果(类似TGA的预览效果,也可以切换到通道面板预览对应的通道)3、. 复制Layer Mask通道作为Alpha通道,然后另存为T...

2019-11-18 10:58:18 5909

转载 PNG Messy Alpha Problem - White Around Edges

The reason for this is due to how the texture image was authored, combined with the filtering that most 3d engines use when textures are displayed at different sizes on screen.Your image may have co...

2019-09-19 11:17:57 232

原创 PBR贴图校验

注:Substance中在进行校验的时候,非金属的Albedo值校验的时候,灰度值计算使用的是:Gray = (Red * 0.299 + Green * 0.587 + Blue * 0.114)金属的Specular值校验的时候,灰度值计算使用的是:Gray = (Red + Green + Blue) / 3...

2019-07-26 16:10:25 816



2019-07-18 18:08:33 279

转载 Depth Peeling


2018-10-10 17:16:03 1881

转载 Linear Vs Gamma For Textures Of Unity Standard Material

Albedo should be sRGB, not linear. It should be noted that for the most part it's not how they're saved but how they're created eventually read. The image formats themselves don't usually have a conce...

2018-07-06 12:08:40 337

转载 Crunch compression of ETC textures

Introduction to Crunch: Compressing DXT textures.Crunch is an open source texture compression library © Richard Geldreich, Jr. and Binomial LLC, available on GitHub. The library was originally d

2018-01-05 11:33:28 2058

原创 C#字符串连接消耗

1、Concatenation is the process of appending one string to the end of another string. When you concatenate string literals or string constants by using the + operator, the compiler creates a single

2017-10-13 21:04:33 493

原创 渲染状态改变消耗详情


2017-08-29 10:53:44 1096

原创 CommandBuffer.Blit BuiltinRenderTextureType.CameraTarget为空的问题


2017-08-02 11:34:45 4083

转载 Animation Compression: Unity 5

Unity 5 is a very popular video game engine on mobile devices and other platforms. Being a state of the art game engine, it supports everything you might need when it comes to character animation in

2017-07-03 21:07:30 1476

转载 Lighting Models and BRDF Maps

A Bi-directional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) is a mathematical function that describes how light is reflected when it hits a surface. This largely corresponds to a lighting model in U

2017-03-19 22:46:14 866

原创 Null check not work for GameObject sometimes

Example Code:      void Test(object obj)            {                if (obj == null) {                    //Something to do                }            }When the obj is an instance of G

2017-02-10 15:07:18 996

原创 GPU截帧工具备忘


2016-10-23 14:50:09 3063

原创 Weird Shader Problem On OpenGLES 3.0

Shader在OpenGLES2.0上显示正常,在OpenGLES3.0上显示异常(Pink)原因:struct v2f中SV_POSITION的定义放在了另外两个定义之后,似乎当SV_POSITION的定义前面有其他超过(或者等于)两个定义时候,就会出现这样的问题。解决:将SV_POSITION放到struct v2f最前面定义

2016-07-20 11:03:13 899

原创 Shader Depth Offset [Polygon Offset]

Offset Factor, UnitsfactorSpecifies a scale factor that is used to create a variable depth offset for each polygon. The initial value is 0.unitsIs multiplied by an implementation-specifi

2016-07-11 15:19:58 4285 1

原创 Half精度解析

故事开始于Unity Doc中关于Half的进度的解释Medium precision: halfMedium precision floating point value; generally 16 bits (range of –60000 to +60000, with about 3 decimal digits of precision).Half precision i

2016-06-30 21:43:31 10244 1

原创 StaticBatchingUtility.Combine Not Working

There is a requirement for imported meshes to be usable on Combine(): "Read/Write Enabled" flag must be set on mesh import settings.

2016-05-20 15:55:52 2325 1

转载 Serialization Best Practices

Unity SerializationSo you are writing a really cool editor extension in Unity and things seem to be going really well. You get your data structures all sorted out are really happy with how the too

2016-03-30 15:57:53 815

Unity Shaders and Effects Cookbook

Unity Shaders and Effects Cookbook Download for http://it-ebooks.info/,Just share for study~! About this book: Discover how to make your Unity projects look stunning with Shaders and screen effects



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