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转载 Java设计模式-抽象工厂模式(Abstract Factory )

工厂方法模式有一个问题就是,类的创建依赖工厂类,也就是说,如果想要拓展程序,必须对工厂类进行修改,这违背了闭包原则,所以,从设计角度考虑,有一定的问题,如何解决?就用到抽象工厂模式,创建多个工厂类,这样一旦需要增加新的功能,直接增加新的工厂类就可以了,不需要修改之前的代码。为工厂类做一个统一的父类接口,可用于扩展因为抽象工厂不太好理解,先看看图,然后就和代码,就比较容易理解。例子:public i...

2018-02-15 10:31:44 167

转载 Java设计模式-工厂方法模式(Factory Method)

工厂方法模式(Factory Method)工厂模式适合:凡是出现了大量的产品需要创建,并且具有共同的接口时,可以通过工厂方法模式进行创建。在以下的三种模式中,第一种如果传入的字符串有误,不能正确创建对象,第三种相对于第二种,不需要实例化工厂类,所以,大多数情况下,我们会选用第三种——静态工厂方法模式。 1:普通工厂模式就是建立一个工厂类,对实现了同一接口的一些类进行实例的创建例,按下图写一个普通...

2018-02-10 09:31:59 160


使用org.hibernate.Query查询堆栈溢出,但是使用org.hibernate.Criteria查询却正常查询如下:public List queryStudentByClass(String classNum) { Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(Student.class); return crit...

2007-09-08 23:08:09 189

editminus 开源编辑器,自动识别编码

editminus 开源编辑器,自动识别编码 支持语法高亮 支持自定义工具 超强大的编码自动识别


EditPlus 文本编辑工具

EditPlus 文本编辑工具 含破解 可以高亮语法,java,c,sql,HTML等 可以自定义语法 可以执行批处理并捕获输出


nt6 hdd installer 安装系统

通过硬盘安装任意操作系统 目前测试可以安装win7 和win8


RULE 尺子 屏幕测量

测量屏幕上的 两点之间的距离 多点之间的距离 角度


Aqua Data Studio 12.0.14破解

覆盖安装目录 永久评估14天 版本为12.0.14



Copyright <br> Preface <br> About the Author <br> About the Contributing Authors <br> About the Technical Reviewers <br> Acknowledgments <br> <br> Introduction <br> Why Java? <br> What You Need <br> What Is in This Book <br> What's Not in This Book <br> About the Code in This Book <br> Using Ant <br> Summary <br> <br> Part I. Java Game Fundamentals <br> Chapter 1. Java Threads <br> What Is a Thread? <br> Creating and Running Threads in Java <br> Synchronization <br> Using wait() and notify() <br> The Java Event Model <br> When to Use Threads <br> When Not to Use Threads <br> Sum It Up: Thread Pools <br> Summary <br> <br> Chapter 2. 2D Graphics and Animation <br> Full-Screen Graphics <br> Images <br> Getting Rid of Flicker and Tearing <br> Simple Effects <br> Summary <br> <br> Chapter 3. Interactivity and User Interfaces <br> The AWT Event Model <br> Keyboard Input <br> Mouse Input <br> Mouselook-Style Mouse Movement <br> Creating an Input Manager <br> Using the Input Manager <br> Designing Intuitive User Interfaces <br> Using Swing Components <br> Creating a Simple Menu <br> Letting the Player Configure the Keyboard <br> Summary <br> <br> Chapter 4. Sound Effects and Music <br> Sound Basics <br> The Java Sound API <br> Playing a Sound <br> Creating a Real-Time Sound Filter Architecture <br> Creating a Real-Time Echo Filter <br> Emulating 3D Sound <br> Creating a Sound Manager <br> Playing Music <br> Summary <br> <br> Chapter 5. Creating a 2D Platform Game <br> Creating a Tile-Based Map <br> Collision Detection <br> Finishing Things Up and Making It Fast <br> Creating an Executable .jar File <br> Ideas to Expand the Game <br> Summary <br> <br> Chapter 6. Multi-Player Games <br> The Revolution in Java's I/O Libraries <br> ChatterBox, A Basic Multi-Player Application <br> Multi-Player Game Server Framework <br> A Sample Game: RPS (Rock, Paper, Scissors) <br> Complete the Look: Building on the Framework <br> Server Administration <br> Advanced Topics <br> Summary <br> <br> <br> Part II. 3D Graphics and Advanced Techniques <br> Chapter 7. 3D Graphics <br> Types of 3D Rendering <br> Don't Forget Your Math <br> 3D Basics <br> 3D Math <br> Polygons <br> 3D Transforms <br> A Simple 3D Pipeline <br> Camera Movement <br> Solid Objects and Back-Face Removal <br> Scan-Converting Polygons <br> 3D Clipping <br> Final Rendering Pipeline <br> Summary <br> <br> Chapter 8. Texture Mapping and Lighting <br> Perspective-Correct Texture Mapping Basics <br> A Simple Texture-Mapper <br> Optimizing Texture Mapping <br> Simple Lighting <br> Implementing Texture Lighting <br> Advanced Lighting Using a Shade Map <br> Additional Concepts <br> Summary <br> <br> Chapter 9. 3D Objects <br> Hidden Surface Removal <br> 3D Animation <br> Polygon Groups <br> Loading Polygon Groups from an OBJ File <br> Game Objects <br> Managing Game Objects <br> Putting It All Together <br> Future Enhancements <br> Summary <br> <br> Chapter 10. 3D Scene Management Using BSP Trees <br> BSP Tree Intro <br> Binary Tree Basics <br> The One-Dimensional BSP Tree <br> The Two-Dimensional BSP Tree <br> Implementing a 2D BSP Tree <br> Drawing Polygons Front to Back <br> First BSP Example <br> Drawing Objects in the Scene <br> Loading Maps from a File <br> Putting It All Together <br> Enhancements <br> Summary <br> <br> Chapter 11. Collision Detection <br> Collision Basics <br> Object-to-Object Collisions <br> Object-to-World Collisions <br> Basic Collision-Detection Demo <br> Collision Handling with Sliding <br> Collision Detection with Sliding Demo <br> Enhancements <br> Summary <br> <br> Chapter 12. Path Finding <br> Path-Finding Basics <br> Some Initial Path-Finding Attempts <br> Basics of the A* Algorithm <br> Applying the A* Algorithm <br> Using the A* Algorithm with a BSP Tree <br> Generic Path Finding <br> Making a PathBot <br> Enhancing the A* Search <br> Summary <br> <br> Chapter 13. Artificial Intelligence <br> AI Basics <br> Take Away Those Godlike Powers! <br> State Machines and Reacting <br> Probability Machines <br> Making Decisions <br> Patterns <br> Object Spawning <br> Putting It All Together <br> Evolution <br> Other Game AI Ideas <br> Summary <br> <br> Chapter 14. Game Scripting <br> Scripting Cookbook: What You Need <br> Implementing Touch and Release Notifications <br> Game Object Listeners <br> Scripting <br> Delayed Events <br> Putting It All Together <br> Enhancements <br> Summary <br> <br> Chapter 15. Persistence—Saving the Game <br> Game-Saving Basics <br> Using Java's Serialization API for Game State Persistence <br> Creating Game Screen Snapshots <br> Saving Games to the Right Destination <br> Summary <br> <br> <br> Part III. Tuning and Finishing Your Game <br> Chapter 16. Optimization Techniques <br> Optimization Rules <br> Profiling <br> HotSpot <br> Optimization Tricks <br> Memory Usage and the Garbage Collector <br> Perceived Performance <br> Summary <br> <br> Chapter 17. Creating Game Art and Sounds <br> Choosing a Look and Feel <br> Getting Royalty-Free Game Media <br> Working with Artists and Sound Effect Engineers <br> Tools <br> Creating Sounds <br> Creating Textures and Sprites <br> Creating Splash Screens and HUD Graphics <br> Creating UI Graphics <br> Creating Your Own Fonts <br> Summary <br> <br> Chapter 18. Game Design and the Last 10% <br> The Last 10% <br> Elements of Game Design <br> Creating a Map Editor <br> Debugging <br> Protecting Code <br> Game Deployment <br> Game Deployment with Java Web Start <br> Game Deployment with Native Compilation <br> Updates and Patches <br> Bandwidth Issues <br> Getting Feedback and Beta Testing <br> Making Money <br> Putting It All Together <br> Summary <br> <br> Chapter 19. The Future <br> How Java Evolves <br> The Future: Java 1.5 "Tiger" <br> What the Java Platform Needs <br> New Devices and the Java Games Profile (JSR 134) <br> Summary



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