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原创 自复制程序

<br />好久没写博客了,CSDN似乎更新了代码高亮代码,贴段代码试试吧。<br /> <br />有次部门开会,我能力差,听不懂,又太无聊,尝试写了个自复制程序,C版本的。<br />#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#define MODE_NORMAL 0#define MODE_LITER 1void myprint(char* str, int mode, int len){ switch (mode) { case MODE_

2010-12-24 13:11:00 1861 2

原创 Emacs+Cedet构建开发环境

Emacs+Cedet+Cscope+Ecb就可以实现除了Code Refactory(理论上也可以)之外的所有必须功能:项目管理自动补全符号索引代码生成UML绘图代码浏览代码折叠等等1. 安装本文介绍Cedet的安装和配置。关于Cedet的帮助,除了官方网站,就是lisp文件中的注释和Alex Ott的A Gentle introduc

2009-08-27 21:07:00 13714

原创 解决OpenCV 1.0.0在linux下编译ffmpeg有关例程时的错误

机器:Debian SqueezeOpenCV版本:1.0.0 首先,要让OpenCV支持ffmpeg,需要先安装libavcodec-dev, libavformat-dev, libswscale-dev, libavutil-dev等开发包。 但是,这些最新的ffmpeg开发包的头文件已经不放在/usr/include/ffmpeg下了,而是分别放在/usr/in

2009-08-25 12:32:00 2769

原创 轻松创建Parted Magic之LiveUSB

Parted Magic是一个专门针对系统管理和维护而定制的迷你Linux,整个系统(啥都算上)只有90MB多点。预装了gparted和parted分区工具,这是一个强大的工具,支持的文件系统如 ext2、ext3、ext4、fat16、fat32、hfs、hfs+、jfs、linux-swap、ntfs、ocfs2、reiserfs、reiser4、xfs、zfs 等等,而且gparted的图形

2009-07-04 17:42:00 3218

原创 给eshell设置环境变量

在emacs中使用eshell时遇到一个问题:想要改动shared library的搜索路径,只知道shell里是这只LD_LIBRARY_PATH,但不知道如何在eshell中设置。尝试修改.bashrc文件,不管用——如果是M-x shell启动的shell倒是可以,因为它会去读这个文件,但eshell没有去读。google 了半天也没找到需要的答案,不过在comp.emacs中看到一

2007-06-27 15:40:00 3358

原创 定制GNU Emacs字体语法颜色

在~/.emacs中加上一个如下的lisp语句,这样启动以后该设置就会生效了,当然是全局的.需要进一步的改进.对于更多的机制我不是很清楚.(custom-set-faces (font-lock-string-face ((t (:foreground "Goldenrod"))) t) (font-lock-constant-face ((t (:foreground "Orange")

2007-06-27 15:39:00 4440

原创 搞定debian下的中文输入


2007-06-27 15:33:00 2555

原创 在Debian下安装windows的中文TrueType字体

实在难以忍受linux下的中文字体。把c:/windows/fonts/下的simsun.ttc,simhei.ttf,simkai.ttf考到linux下,经过简单的配置就可以了,效果不错。 在/usr/lib/X11/fonts/下建立一个目录windows(这是我随便命名的)。 进入这个新建的目录。 运行# ttmkfdir > fonts.scale;

2007-06-27 15:29:00 2597

原创 Debian升级:从woody到sarge

woody上的软件和库老了些,常常碰见一些软件要求的库的版本都比较高,所以只有考虑升级了。以前安装woody的时候是刻了7张光盘,这次准备尝试网络升级。首先看一下网络通不通,速度如何。修改/etc/apt/sources.list. 注释掉以前的几条cdrom源的语句,添加了如下两个网络地址: deb http://mirror

2007-06-27 15:28:00 1951

原创 matlab与VC++混合编程之疑难篇(不断更新)

1. 找不到libmatpm.lib问题:编译opencv的matlab接口出现链接错误:找不到libmappm.lib。装的 matlab 7( R14SP2)。解答:Release 14的matlab的matlab complier版本是4。Matlab的帮助中有“Differences Between Release 14 and Previous Versions of the M

2007-06-27 15:25:00 2467 2

原创 MATLAB与VC++混合编程(2)——利用MATLAB引擎


2007-06-27 14:04:00 2463

原创 MATLAB与VC++混合编程(1)——在MATLAB下调试C/C++程序

如果你有一个C/C++的函数需要测试,利用MATLAB平台是一个经济高效的选择。你不必花过多的精力去理会IO的问题,并且可以很方便的利用 MATLAB的函数来验证你的函数的正确性。有时,你还可以利用MATLAB产生测试数据。这样做还有一个很大的好处,你不必等到整个程序写完了才进行测试。每写完一个小函数,就进行调试和测试,确保其顺利运行和得到正确的输出值,特别是对科学计算函数,你必须保证你的函数的计

2007-06-27 14:01:00 5501


Deep Snake for Real-Time Instance Segmentation.pdf开源代码中用到的几个预训练模型,下载比较慢,下好放这里方便下载,目录结构已经按官方代码的组织结构放好,直接放到data/model目录下即可。



这个模型不大,60多MB,但是作者的主页那边下载很慢,直接代码中下载经常出错,所以放在这里方便大家,内含论文Objects as Points.pdf。



TiddlyWiki是一个个人版本的wiki,仅仅是一个带有css和js的html文件,很适合用来做笔记。这个插件包是用来代码高亮的。具体参见http://tiddlywiki.org/wiki/Syntax_Highlighting 因为t朝G Wall的关系,我把插件包放这里。



Visual+Assist+X+v10.6.1822 破解版,详细见包内文件。


Linux 101 Hacks

Contents: Chapter 1: Powerful CD Command Hacks * Hack 1. Use CDPATH to define the base directory for cd command * Hack 2. Use cd alias to navigate up the directory effectively * Hack 3. Perform mkdir and cd using a single command * Hack 4. Use “cd -” to toggle between the last two directories * Hack 5. Use dirs, pushd and popd to manipulate directory stack * Hack 6. Use “shopt -s cdspell” to automatically correct mistyped directory names on cd Chapter 2: Date Manipulation * Hack 7. Set System Date and Time * Hack 8. Set Hardware Date and Time * Hack 9. Display Current Date and Time in a Specific Format * Hack 10. Display Past Date and Time * Hack 11. Display Future Date and Time Chapter 3: SSH Client Commands * Hack 12. Identify SSH Client Version * Hack 13. Login to Remote Host using SSH * Hack 14. Debug SSH Client Session * Hack 15. Toggle SSH Session using SSH Escape Character * Hack 16. SSH Session Statistics using SSH Escape Character Chapter 4: Essential Linux Commands * Hack 17. Grep Command * Hack 18. Find Command * Hack 19. Suppress Standard Output and Error Message * Hack 20. Join Command * Hack 21. Change the Case * Hack 22. Xargs Command * Hack 23. Sort Command * Hack 24. Uniq Command * Hack 25. Cut Command * Hack 26. Stat Command * Hack 27. Diff Command * Hack 28. Display total connect time of users Chapter 5: PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4 and PROMPT_COMMAND * Hack 29. PS1 – Default Interaction Prompt * Hack 30. PS2 – Continuation Interactive Prompt * Hack 31. PS3 – Prompt used by “select” inside shell script * Hack 32. PS4 – Used by “set -x” to prefix tracing output * Hack 33. PROMPT_COMMAND Chapter 6: Colorful and Functional Shell Prompt Using PS1 * Hack 34. Display username, hostname and current working directory in the prompt * Hack 35. Display current time in the prompt * Hack 36. Display output of any command in the prompt * Hack 37. Change foreground color of the prompt * Hack 38. Change background color of the prompt * Hack 39. Display multiple colors in the prompt * Hack 40. Change the prompt color using tput * Hack 41. Create your own prompt using the available codes for PS1 variable * Hack 42. Use bash shell function inside PS1 variable * Hack 43. Use shell script inside PS1 variable Chapter 7: Archive and Compression * Hack 44. Zip command basics * Hack 45. Advanced compression using zip command * Hack 46. Password Protection of Zip files * Hack 47. Validate a zip archive * Hack 48. Tar Command Basics * Hack 49. Combine gzip, bzip2 with tar Chapter 8: Command Line History * Hack 50. Display TIMESTAMP in history using HISTTIMEFORMAT * Hack 51. Search the history using Control+R * Hack 52. Repeat previous command quickly using 4 different methods * Hack 53. Execute a specific command from history * Hack 54. Execute previous command that starts with a specific word * Hack 55. Control the total number of lines in the history using HISTSIZE * Hack 56. Change the history file name using HISTFILE * Hack 57. Eliminate the continuous repeated entry from history using HISTCONTROL * Hack 58. Erase duplicates across the whole history using HISTCONTROL * Hack 59. Force history not to remember a particular command using HISTCONTROL * Hack 60. Clear all the previous history using option -c * Hack 61. Substitute words from history commands * Hack 62. Substitute a specific argument for a specific command * Hack 63. Disable the usage of history using HISTSIZE * Hack 64. Ignore specific commands from the history using HISTIGNORE Chapter 9: System Administration Tasks * Hack 65. Partition using fdisk * Hack 66. Format a partition using mke2fsk * Hack 67. Mount the partition * Hack 68. Fine tune the partition using tune2fs * Hack 69. Create a swap file system. * Hack 70. Create a new user * Hack 71. Create a new group and assign to an user * Hack 72. Setup SSH passwordless login in OpenSSH * Hack 73. Use ssh-copy-id along with ssh-agent * Hack 74. Crontab * Hack 75. Safe Reboot Of Linux Using Magic SysRq Key Chapter 10: Apachectl and Httpd Examples * Hack 76. Pass different httpd.conf filename to apachectl * Hack 77. Use a temporary DocumentRoot without modifying httpd.conf * Hack 78. Increase the Log Level temporarily * Hack 79. Display the modules inside Apache * Hack 80. Show all accepted directives inside httpd.conf * Hack 81. Validate the httpd.conf after making changes * Hack 82. Display the httpd build parameters * Hack 83. Load a specific module only on demand Chapter 11: Bash Scripting * Hack 84. Execution Sequence of .bash_* files * Hack 85. How to generate random number in bash shell * Hack 86. Debug a shell script * Hack 87. Quoting * Hack 88. Read data file fields inside a shell script Chapter 12: System Monitoring and Performance * Hack 89. Free command * Hack 90. Top Command * Hack 91. Ps Command * Hack 92. Df Command * Hack 93. Kill Command * Hack 94. Du Command * Hack 95. lsof commands. * Hack 96. Sar Command * Hack 97. vmstat Command * Hack 98. Netstat Command * Hack 99. Sysctl Command * Hack 100. Nice Command * Hack 101. Renice Command


简化DirectShow中graph build的类库libgraph(含源代码和例程)

封装了一个类,利用它可以方便的创建graph builder,查找filter,连接filter,断开filter等等。






O'Reilly出版,英文版。 很强大的一本书,讲述了很多很全面的定制方法,如键盘映射,恢复MBR,设置开机启动画面等等。绝对是系统管理员和Linux发烧友的必备手册。



作者: Bram Moolenaar 翻译: ZhaoRuFei1 版本: 603.0 非常简单实用的vim使用手册。特别适合查阅。


O'Reilly - Learning Debian GNU Linux.pdf

目录: 1. Why Run linux? 2. preparing to install linux 3. installing linux 4. issuing linux commands 5. installing and configuring the X window system 6. using the X window system 7. configuring and administering linux 8. using linux application and clients 9 playing linux games 10 setting up a linux-based LAN 11. getting connected to the internet 12 setting up a linux-based WAN 13 conquering the bash shell


cedet configure file for emacs

Alex Ott的cedet配置文件,通过这个,可以在emacs下支持代码自动补全等VC Assist之类的功能。


OpenCV 1.0.0 patch for ffmpeg errors

这是一个OpenCV 1.0.0的补丁文件。OpenCV 1.0.0在较新的linux机器上,如果选择支持ffmpeg的话,会出现找不到ffmpeg头文件和img_convert()定义等编译错误。这个补丁解决了上述问题。





Java programming on Linux.pdf

Introduction to Java programming on Linux. The author is Nathan Meyers. This book is neither a course in Java programming nor a manual for the Linux OS. While the well-written text provides overviews of both Java and Linux, it's really a compendium of information you'll want on hand once you've chosen Java-on-Linux. Coverage includes: configuring your Linux desktop, a list of the Java core classes, a rundown of compilers, the Kaffe cleanroom, tidbits about Linus Torvalds and Richard Stallman, the Open Source movement, when JIT compilers are a benefit, threads, GNU, what's supported where, decompilers and obfuscators, and improved graphical rendering.



斯坦福大学C193P iPhone Application Programming教程文档打包。第11-13课。



斯坦福大学C193P iPhone Application Programming教程文档打包。第14课。



斯坦福大学C193P iPhone Application Programming教程文档打包。第11-13课。



斯坦福大学iPhone application program教程文档打包,第0课到第10课。该教程地址是 http://www.stanford.edu/class/cs193p/cgi-bin/index.php



介绍嵌入式版OpenGL ES 2.0的使用。 作者:Aaftab Munshi,Dan Ginsburg,Dave Shreiner



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