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本书是国内目前唯一的一本关于innodb的著作,由资深mysql专家亲自执笔,中外数据库专家联袂推荐,权威性毋庸置疑。 内容深入,从源代码的角度深度解析了innodb的体系结构、实现原理、工作机制,并给出了大量最佳实践,能帮助你系统而深入地掌握innodb,更重要的是,它能为你设计和管理高性能、高可用的数据库系统提供绝佳的指导。注重实战,全书辅有大量的案例,可操作性极强。 全书首先全景式地介绍了mysql独有的插件式存储引擎,分析了mysql的各种存储引擎的优势和应用环境;接着以innodb的内部实现为切入点,逐一详细讲解了innodb存储引擎内部的各个功能模块,包括innodb存储引擎的体系结构、内存中的数据结构、基于innodb存储引擎的表和页的物理存储、索引与算法、文件、锁、事务、备份,以及innodb的性能调优等重要的知识;最后深入解析了innodb存储引擎的源代码结构,对大家阅读和理解innodb的源代码有重要的指导意义。 本书适合所有希望构建和管理高性能、高可用性的mysql数据库系统的开发者和dba阅读。





高级网络分析技术——《Advanced Network Analysis Techniques》

Linux网络高级编程的经典著作。 免责声明:此资源来源于网络,其著作权属于与本书相关的单位或个人。在此仅供学习和交流使用,请在下载后24小时内删除。如果因此而引起相关法律问题,本人概不负责,谢谢合作。


The Linux TCP IP Stack Networking for Embedded Systems



永恒的经典——A Practical Guide to Linux® Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming》_Prentice Hall\A Practical Guide to Linux Commands Editors and Shell Programming.chm



难得的经典——《Defensive Programming for RedHat Enterprise Linux》



每个系统程序员必读的书——《C For Dummies, 2nd Edition》

Table of Contents &lt;br&gt; C For Dummies, 2nd Edition &lt;br&gt; Introduction &lt;br&gt; Part I - Introduction to C Programming &lt;br&gt; Chapter 1 - Up from the Primordial C &lt;br&gt; Chapter 2 - C of Sorrow, C of Woe &lt;br&gt; Chapter 3 - C Straight &lt;br&gt; Chapter 4 - C What I/O &lt;br&gt; Chapter 5 - To C or Not to C &lt;br&gt; Chapter 6 - C More I/O with gets() and puts() &lt;br&gt; Part II - Run and Scream from Variables and Math &lt;br&gt; Chapter 7 - A + B = C &lt;br&gt; Chapter 8 - Charting Unknown Cs with Variables &lt;br&gt; Chapter 9 - How to C Numbers &lt;br&gt; Chapter 10 - Cook That C Variable Charred, Please &lt;br&gt; Part III - Giving Your Programs the Ability to Run Amok &lt;br&gt; Chapter 11 - C More Math and the Sacred Order of Precedence &lt;br&gt; Chapter 12 - C the Mighty if Command &lt;br&gt; Chapter 13 - What If C==C ? &lt;br&gt; Chapter 14 - Iffy C Logic &lt;br&gt; Chapter 15 - C You Again &lt;br&gt; Chapter 16 - C the Loop, C the Loop++ &lt;br&gt; Chapter 17 - C You in a While Loop &lt;br&gt; Chapter 18 - Do C While You Sleep &lt;br&gt; Chapter 19 - Switch Case, or, From ‘C’ to Shining ‘c’ &lt;br&gt; Part IV - C Level &lt;br&gt; Chapter 20 - Writing That First Function &lt;br&gt; Chapter 21 - Contending with Variables in Functions &lt;br&gt; Chapter 22 - Functions That Actually Funct &lt;br&gt; Chapter 23 - The Stuff That Comes First &lt;br&gt; Chapter 24 - The printf() Chapter &lt;br&gt; Chapter 25 - Math Madness! &lt;br&gt; Chapter 26 - The Old Random-Number Function &lt;br&gt; Part V - The Part of Tens &lt;br&gt; Chapter 27 - Ten More Things You Need to Know about the C Language &lt;br&gt; Chapter 28 - Ten Tips for the Budding Programmer &lt;br&gt; Chapter 29 - Ten Ways to Solve Your Own Programming Problems &lt;br&gt; Appendix A - The Stuff You Need to Know before You Read All the Other Stuff in This Book &lt;br&gt; Appendix B - ASCII Table &lt;br&gt; Index &lt;br&gt; List of Figures &lt;br&gt; List of Tables &lt;br&gt; List of Code Examples &lt;br&gt; List of Sidebars &lt;br&gt;


Linux类经典著作——《Advanced Programming In The Unix Environment,2Ed》

免责声明:此资源来源于网络,其著作权属于与本书相关的单位或个人。在此仅供学习和交流使用,请在下载后24小时内删除。如果因此而引起相关法律问题,本人概不负责,谢谢合作。<br><br> Copyright <br> Praise for Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment, Second Edition <br> Praise for the First Edition <br> Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series <br> Foreword <br> Preface <br> Introduction <br> Changes from the First Edition <br> Acknowledgments <br> Preface to the First Edition <br> Introduction <br> Unix Standards <br> Organization of the Book <br> Examples in the Text <br> Systems Used to Test the Examples <br> Acknowledgments <br> Chapter 1. UNIX System Overview <br> Section 1.1. Introduction <br> Section 1.2. UNIX Architecture <br> Section 1.3. Logging In <br> Section 1.4. Files and Directories <br> Section 1.5. Input and Output <br> Section 1.6. Programs and Processes <br> Section 1.7. Error Handling <br> Section 1.8. User Identification <br> Section 1.9. Signals <br> Section 1.10. Time Values <br> Section 1.11. System Calls and Library Functions <br> Section 1.12. Summary <br> Exercises <br> Chapter 2. UNIX Standardization and Implementations <br> Section 2.1. Introduction <br> Section 2.2. UNIX Standardization <br> Section 2.3. UNIX System Implementations <br> Section 2.4. Relationship of Standards and Implementations <br> Section 2.5. Limits <br> Section 2.6. Options <br> Section 2.7. Feature Test Macros <br> Section 2.8. Primitive System Data Types <br> Section 2.9. Conflicts Between Standards <br> Section 2.10. Summary <br> Exercises <br> Chapter 3. File I/O <br> Section 3.1. Introduction <br> Section 3.2. File Descriptors <br> Section 3.3. open Function <br> Section 3.4. creat Function <br> Section 3.5. close Function <br> Section 3.6. lseek Function <br> Section 3.7. read Function <br> Section 3.8. write Function <br> Section 3.9. I/O Efficiency <br> Section 3.10. File Sharing <br> Section 3.11. Atomic Operations <br> Section 3.12. dup and dup2 Functions <br> Section 3.13. sync, fsync, and fdatasync Functions <br> Section 3.14. fcntl Function <br> Section 3.15. ioctl Function <br> Section 3.16. /dev/fd <br> Section 3.17. Summary <br> Exercises <br> Chapter 4. Files and Directories <br> Section 4.1. Introduction <br> Section 4.2. stat, fstat, and lstat Functions <br> Section 4.3. File Types <br> Section 4.4. Set-User-ID and Set-Group-ID <br> Section 4.5. File Access Permissions <br> Section 4.6. Ownership of New Files and Directories <br> Section 4.7. access Function <br> Section 4.8. umask Function <br> Section 4.9. chmod and fchmod Functions <br> Section 4.10. Sticky Bit <br> Section 4.11. chown, fchown, and lchown Functions <br> Section 4.12. File Size <br> Section 4.13. File Truncation <br> Section 4.14. File Systems <br> Section 4.15. link, unlink, remove, and rename Functions <br> Section 4.16. Symbolic Links <br> Section 4.17. symlink and readlink Functions <br> Section 4.18. File Times <br> Section 4.19. utime Function <br> Section 4.20. mkdir and rmdir Functions <br> Section 4.21. Reading Directories <br> Section 4.22. chdir, fchdir, and getcwd Functions <br> Section 4.23. Device Special Files <br> Section 4.24. Summary of File Access Permission Bits <br> Section 4.25. Summary <br> Exercises <br> Chapter 5. Standard I/O Library <br> Section 5.1. Introduction <br> Section 5.2. Streams and FILE Objects <br> Section 5.3. Standard Input, Standard Output, and Standard Error <br> Section 5.4. Buffering <br> Section 5.5. Opening a Stream <br> Section 5.6. Reading and Writing a Stream <br> Section 5.7. Line-at-a-Time I/O <br> Section 5.8. Standard I/O Efficiency <br> Section 5.9. Binary I/O <br> Section 5.10. Positioning a Stream <br> Section 5.11. Formatted I/O <br> Section 5.12. Implementation Details <br> Section 5.13. Temporary Files <br> Section 5.14. Alternatives to Standard I/O <br> Section 5.15. Summary <br> Exercises <br> Chapter 6. System Data Files and Information <br> Section 6.1. Introduction <br> Section 6.2. Password File <br> Section 6.3. Shadow Passwords <br> Section 6.4. Group File <br> Section 6.5. Supplementary Group IDs <br> Section 6.6. Implementation Differences <br> Section 6.7. Other Data Files <br> Section 6.8. Login Accounting <br> Section 6.9. System Identification <br> Section 6.10. Time and Date Routines <br> Section 6.11. Summary <br> Exercises <br> Chapter 7. Process Environment <br> Section 7.1. Introduction <br> Section 7.2. main Function <br> Section 7.3. Process Termination <br> Section 7.4. Command-Line Arguments <br> Section 7.5. Environment List <br> Section 7.6. Memory Layout of a C Program <br> Section 7.7. Shared Libraries <br> Section 7.8. Memory Allocation <br> Section 7.9. Environment Variables <br> Section 7.10. setjmp and longjmp Functions <br> Section 7.11. getrlimit and setrlimit Functions <br> Section 7.12. Summary <br> Exercises <br> Chapter 8. Process Control <br> Section 8.1. Introduction <br> Section 8.2. Process Identifiers <br> Section 8.3. fork Function <br> Section 8.4. vfork Function <br> Section 8.5. exit Functions <br> Section 8.6. wait and waitpid Functions <br> Section 8.7. waitid Function <br> Section 8.8. wait3 and wait4 Functions <br> Section 8.9. Race Conditions <br> Section 8.10. exec Functions <br> Section 8.11. Changing User IDs and Group IDs <br> Section 8.12. Interpreter Files <br> Section 8.13. system Function <br> Section 8.14. Process Accounting <br> Section 8.15. User Identification <br> Section 8.16. Process Times <br> Section 8.17. Summary <br> Exercises <br> Chapter 9. Process Relationships <br> Section 9.1. Introduction <br> Section 9.2. Terminal Logins <br> Section 9.3. Network Logins <br> Section 9.4. Process Groups <br> Section 9.5. Sessions <br> Section 9.6. Controlling Terminal <br> Section 9.7. tcgetpgrp, tcsetpgrp, and tcgetsid Functions <br> Section 9.8. Job Control <br> Section 9.9. Shell Execution of Programs <br> Section 9.10. Orphaned Process Groups <br> Section 9.11. FreeBSD Implementation <br> Section 9.12. Summary <br> Exercises <br> Chapter 10. Signals <br> Section 10.1. Introduction <br> Section 10.2. Signal Concepts <br> Section 10.3. signal Function <br> Section 10.4. Unreliable Signals <br> Section 10.5. Interrupted System Calls <br> Section 10.6. Reentrant Functions <br> Section 10.7. SIGCLD Semantics <br> Section 10.8. Reliable-Signal Terminology and Semantics <br> Section 10.9. kill and raise Functions <br> Section 10.10. alarm and pause Functions <br> Section 10.11. Signal Sets <br> Section 10.12. sigprocmask Function <br> Section 10.13. sigpending Function <br> Section 10.14. sigaction Function <br> Section 10.15. sigsetjmp and siglongjmp Functions <br> Section 10.16. sigsuspend Function <br> Section 10.17. abort Function <br> Section 10.18. system Function <br> Section 10.19. sleep Function <br> Section 10.20. Job-Control Signals <br> Section 10.21. Additional Features <br> Section 10.22. Summary <br> Exercises <br> Chapter 11. Threads <br> Section 11.1. Introduction <br> Section 11.2. Thread Concepts <br> Section 11.3. Thread Identification <br> Section 11.4. Thread Creation <br> Section 11.5. Thread Termination <br> Section 11.6. Thread Synchronization <br> Section 11.7. Summary <br> Exercises <br> Chapter 12. Thread Control <br> Section 12.1. Introduction <br> Section 12.2. Thread Limits <br> Section 12.3. Thread Attributes <br> Section 12.4. Synchronization Attributes <br> Section 12.5. Reentrancy <br> Section 12.6. Thread-Specific Data <br> Section 12.7. Cancel Options <br> Section 12.8. Threads and Signals <br> Section 12.9. Threads and fork <br> Section 12.10. Threads and I/O <br> Section 12.11. Summary <br> Exercises <br> Chapter 13. Daemon Processes <br> Section 13.1. Introduction <br> Section 13.2. Daemon Characteristics <br> Section 13.3. Coding Rules <br> Section 13.4. Error Logging <br> Section 13.5. Single-Instance Daemons <br> Section 13.6. Daemon Conventions <br> Section 13.7. ClientServer Model <br> Section 13.8. Summary <br> Exercises <br> Chapter 14. Advanced I/O <br> Section 14.1. Introduction <br> Section 14.2. Nonblocking I/O <br> Section 14.3. Record Locking <br> Section 14.4. STREAMS <br> Section 14.5. I/O Multiplexing <br> Section 14.6. Asynchronous I/O <br> Section 14.7. readv and writev Functions <br> Section 14.8. readn and writen Functions <br> Section 14.9. Memory-Mapped I/O <br> Section 14.10. Summary <br> Exercises <br> Chapter 15. Interprocess Communication <br> Section 15.1. Introduction <br> Section 15.2. Pipes <br> Section 15.3. popen and pclose Functions <br> Section 15.4. Coprocesses <br> Section 15.5. FIFOs <br> Section 15.6. XSI IPC <br> Section 15.7. Message Queues <br> Section 15.8. Semaphores <br> Section 15.9. Shared Memory <br> Section 15.10. ClientServer Properties <br> Section 15.11. Summary <br> Exercises <br> Chapter 16. Network IPC: Sockets <br> Section 16.1. Introduction <br> Section 16.2. Socket Descriptors <br> Section 16.3. Addressing <br> Section 16.4. Connection Establishment <br> Section 16.5. Data Transfer <br> Section 16.6. Socket Options <br> Section 16.7. Out-of-Band Data <br> Section 16.8. Nonblocking and Asynchronous I/O <br> Section 16.9. Summary <br> Exercises <br> Chapter 17. Advanced IPC <br> Section 17.1. Introduction <br> Section 17.2. STREAMS-Based Pipes <br> Section 17.3. UNIX Domain Sockets <br> Section 17.4. Passing File Descriptors <br> Section 17.5. An Open Server, Version 1 <br> Section 17.6. An Open Server, Version 2 <br> Section 17.7. Summary <br> Exercises <br> Chapter 18. Terminal I/O <br> Section 18.1. Introduction <br> Section 18.2. Overview <br> Section 18.3. Special Input Characters <br> Section 18.4. Getting and Setting Terminal Attributes <br> Section 18.5. Terminal Option Flags <br> Section 18.6. stty Command <br> Section 18.7. Baud Rate Functions <br> Section 18.8. Line Control Functions <br> Section 18.9. Terminal Identification <br> Section 18.10. Canonical Mode <br> Section 18.11. Noncanonical Mode <br> Section 18.12. Terminal Window Size <br> Section 18.13. termcap, terminfo, and curses <br> Section 18.14. Summary <br> Exercises <br> Chapter 19. Pseudo Terminals <br> Section 19.1. Introduction <br> Section 19.2. Overview <br> Section 19.3. Opening Pseudo-Terminal Devices <br> Section 19.4. pty_fork Function <br> Section 19.5. pty Program <br> Section 19.6. Using the pty Program <br> Section 19.7. Advanced Features <br> Section 19.8. Summary <br> Exercises <br> Chapter 20. A Database Library <br> Section 20.1. Introduction <br> Section 20.2. History <br> Section 20.3. The Library <br> Section 20.4. Implementation Overview <br> Section 20.5. Centralized or Decentralized? <br> Section 20.6. Concurrency <br> Section 20.7. Building the Library <br> Section 20.8. Source Code <br> Section 20.9. Performance <br> Section 20.10. Summary <br> Exercises <br> Chapter 21. Communicating with a Network Printer <br> Section 21.1. Introduction <br> Section 21.2. The Internet Printing Protocol <br> Section 21.3. The Hypertext Transfer Protocol <br> Section 21.4. Printer Spooling <br> Section 21.5. Source Code <br> Section 21.6. Summary <br> Exercises <br> Appendix A. Function Prototypes <br> Appendix B. Miscellaneous Source Code <br> Section B.1. Our Header File <br> B.2 Standard Error Routines <br> Appendix C. Solutions to Selected Exercises <br> Chapter 1 <br> Chapter 2 <br> Chapter 3 <br> Chapter 4 <br> Chapter 5 <br> Chapter 6 <br> Chapter 7 <br> Chapter 8 <br> Chapter 9 <br> Chapter 10 <br> Chapter 11 <br> Chapter 12 <br> Chapter 13 <br> Chapter 14 <br> Chapter 15 <br> Chapter 16 <br> Chapter 17 <br> Chapter 18 <br> Chapter 19 <br> Chapter 20 <br> Chapter 21 <br> Bibliography <br> Index <br><br>


经典Linux网络编程著作——《Advanced Linux Networking》

Linux网络高级编程的经典著作。 免责声明:此资源来源于网络,其著作权属于与本书相关的单位或个人。在此仅供学习和交流使用,请在下载后24小时内删除。如果因此而引起相关法律问题,本人概不负责,谢谢合作。


经典Linux内核编程著作——《The Linux Kernel》

免责声明:此资源来源于网络,其著作权属于与本书相关的单位或个人。在此仅供学习和交流使用,请在下载后24小时内删除。如果因此而引起相关法律问题,本人概不负责,谢谢合作。 经典Linux内核著作《The Linux Kernel》,David A Rusling大师亲知执笔,本书是每一位Linuxer必读之书。


《多重引导规范》(英文名:Multiboot Specification)

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Professional Ajax

《Professional Ajax》原版,CHM版本。此文件来源于网络,上传到CSDN仅供大家学习和交流使用。 byNicholas C. Zakas, Jeremy McPeakandJoe Fawcett Wrox Press 2006 (432 pages) ISBN:0471777781 Written for experienced web developers, this authoritative guide shows how to combine tried-and-true CSS, XML, and JavaScript technologies into Ajax to provide web developers with the ability to create more sophisticated and responsive user interfaces.



鉴于目前中国linux的发展水平,90%以上的问题都可以用一句话来回答,这便是本书的初衷。请访问http://www.linuxmine.com 或http://www.chinaunix.net,获取更详细的文档和参与更深入的讨论。<br>本书一共包含6000个以上的与Linux相关的常见问题及其解决方案。



经典著作《The Standards and Implementations of C Programming Language》的中文版《C语言标准和实现》 免责声明:此资源来源于网络,其著作权属于与本书相关的单位或个人。在此仅供学习和交流使用,请在下载后24小时内删除。如果因此而引起相关法律问题,本人概不负责,谢谢合作。



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