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FlashBuilder EGit插件

包含了3 5 2 201411120430 r 3 4 3 3 2 0 17 2 1 0 2 3 1 1 3 0版本 以下是安装注意事项 记得选好对应版本 EGit Contained in release train Supported Version of Eclipse 3 5 1 201410131835 r Eclipse 3 8 2 4 2 2 + Juno 3 5 0 201409260305 r Eclipse 3 8 2 4 2 2 + Juno support for 3 8 2 was fixed see bug 438601 3 4 1 201406201815 r Eclipse 4 4 1 Luna SR1 Eclipse 4 2 2 + Juno 3 4 0 201406110918 r Eclipse 4 4 Luna Eclipse 4 2 2 + Juno 3 3 1 201403241930 r Eclipse 3 8 2 4 2 2 + Juno 3 3 0 201403021825 r Eclipse 3 8 2 4 2 2 + Juno 3 2 0 201312181205 r 4 3 2 Kepler SR2 Eclipse 3 8 2 4 2 2 + Juno 3 1 0 201310021548 r Eclipse 3 8 2 4 2 2 + Juno 3 0 3 201309161630 r 4 3 1 Kepler SR1 Eclipse 3 8 2 4 2 2 + Juno 3 0 1 201307141637 r 4 3 0 Kepler Eclipse 3 8 2 4 2 2 + Juno 2 3 1 201302201838 r 3 8 2 4 2 2 Juno SR2 Eclipse 3 7 2+ Indigo except EGit Import Support feature which is optional 2 2 0 201212191850 r 3 8 1 4 2 1 Juno SR1 Eclipse 3 7 2+ Indigo except EGit Import Support feature which is optional 2 1 0 201209190230 r 3 8 1 4 2 1 Juno SR1 Eclipse 3 5 2+ Galileo except EGit Import Support feature which is optional 2 0 0 201206130900 r 3 8 4 2 Juno Eclipse 3 5 2+ Galileo except EGit Import Support feature which is optional 1 3 0 201202151440 r 3 7 2 Indigo SR2 Eclipse 3 5 2+ Galileo 1 2 0 201112221803 r 3 7 2 Indigo SR2 Eclipse 3 5 2+ Galileo 1 1 0 201109151100 r 3 7 1 Indigo SR1 Eclipse 3 5 2+ Galileo 1 0 0 201106090707 r 3 7 0 Indigo Eclipse 3 5 2+ Galileo ">包含了3 5 2 201411120430 r 3 4 3 3 2 0 17 2 1 0 2 3 1 1 3 0版本 以下是安装注意事项 记得选好对应版本 EGit Contained in release train Supported Version of Eclipse 3 5 1 201410131835 r Eclipse 3 8 2 4 2 2 + Juno 3 5 0 201409260305 r Eclipse 3 8 2 4 2 2 + Juno [更多]



ArcGIS API for Flex用于富互联网应用程序RIA(Rich Internet Applications)的开发,通过ArcGIS API for Flex可以将ArcGIS Server提供的地图资源和其它资源(ArcGIS Online)嵌入到Web应用中。 这里搜集了官方提供的apache-flex-sdk3.1.0和arcgis_api_for_flex_3_6,以及官方提供的一个实例。


Flash 图表制作



Action Script V2010

Action Script Viewer2010 破解版 Flash解密反编译工具 适合一般开发者



22 Bunny Girl 可爱女郎(13 motions) 23 Walking and lying down 走路并躺下(6 motions) 24 Sweeping with broom 用扫帚清洗(11 motions) 25 Scrubbing Floor 擦地板(2 motions) 26 Various kneeling and bowing 各种跪和鞠躬(7 motions) 27 Ambient moves 四周移动(35 motions) 28 Picking Things Up 捡东西(9 motions) 29 Opening Doors 开门(16 motions) 30 Standing Conversations, Addresses 站着交谈(9 motions) 31 Office 办公室(3 motions) 32 Dancing 跳舞(6 motions) 33 Sport Moves 运动(15 motions) 34 Driving 驾驶(7 motions) 35 Manual Labor 手工劳动(17 motions) 36 Gym Characters 体育馆项目(12 motions) 37 Throwing and catching 抓和扔(10 motions)



01 Sitting in chair and talking 坐在椅子上谈话(4 motions) 02 Sitting in chair and drinking 坐在椅子上饮水 (3 motions) 03 Sitting to standing 从座着到站立(7 motions) 04 Walk in, sit down 行走,坐下(23 motions) 05 Seated Conversations 坐着交谈(6 motions) 06 Walk and run cycles 走和跑圈(44 motions) 07 Transitions 转变(4 motions) 08 Walking with Large Box 搬大箱子(4 motions) 09 Walking with limp 上坡(13 motions) 10 Walking with hands in pockets 提着袋子走路(21 motions) ......



PS滤镜收录如下:正弦滤镜\照片后期处理\模拟光照\3D_文字\任务磨皮及非主流\Topaz\Flood presets......





Flash ActionScript3.0动画设计课程

这是无锡江南大学教育学院张老师制作的ActionScript3.0教学课件,ppt格式。 张老师给她的学生开设Flash ActionScript3.0动画设计课程,采用的教材是:《Flash ActionScript 3.0编程技术教程》(清华大学出版社出版) 这是课程的前三章的PPT课件,制作十分精细,值得推荐! 另外,请注意\提醒各位:将资源分享目的是学习\交流,希望大家在使用时注意别人的版权及网站收录的版权.












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