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原创 常用sql语句

1. 查看数据库的版本 select @@version 2. 查看数据库所在机器操作系统参数 exec master..xp_msver 3. 查看数据库启动的参数 sp_configure 4. 查看数据库启动时间 select convert(varchar(30),login_time,120) from master..sysprocesses where spid=1

2007-01-11 10:08:00 571 1

原创 取得第二大数

using System;public class SecMax...{    //record the second max number    private static int secMax = Int32.MinValue;    //does the list has second max number    private static bool HasSecMax(int[] 

2007-01-11 10:05:00 695

转载 开发人员的洞房花烛夜

开发人员的洞房花烛夜(1)关闭window、预览(preview)、浏览器(browser)、黑屏; (2)面向对象(object-oriented)、跨平台操作,查找(find)用户程序接口API(application program interface,API); (3)变量(varible)、枚举(enumeration)、调试(debug)、对象嵌入与连接(object embeding

2007-01-05 11:26:00 677

原创 Lesson Fifty-Three

Lesson Fifty-Three

2006-12-30 15:21:00 485

原创 Lesson Fifty-One


2006-12-29 16:08:00 477

原创 Lesson Forty-Nine At the butcher's. 在肉店.

Do you want any meat today,Mrs. Bird?你今天想要卖点肉吗,Mrs. Bird?Yes,please.是的,我卖点.Do you want beef or lamb?你想要牛肉还是羔羊肉?Beef please.请给我牛肉.This lambs very good.这羔羊肉很好的.I like lamb,but my hu

2006-12-29 16:07:00 574

原创 Lesson Forty-Seven A cup of coffee. 一杯咖啡.

Do you like coffee,Ann?你喜欢咖啡吗?Yes,I do.是的,我喜欢.Do you want a cup?你想要来一杯吗?Yes,please.Christine.好的,请给我来一杯,Christine.Do you want any sugar?你要放点糖吗?Yes,please.好的,请放点.Do you want any

2006-12-29 16:06:00 604

原创 Lesson Forty-Five The boss's letter. 老板的信.

Can you come here a minute please,Bob?请你到这来一会好吗,Bob?Yes,sir?什么事,先生?Wheres Pamela?Pamela在哪?She is next door.She is in her office,sir.她在隔壁,她在她的办公室里,先生.Can she type this letter for me?As

2006-12-28 17:12:00 816

原创 Lesson Forty-Three Hurry up! 快点!

Can you make the tea,Sam?你会沏茶吗,Sam?Yes,of course I can,Penny.会,我当然会了,Penny.Is there any water in this kettle?这个水壶里有水吗?Yes, there is.有的.Wheres the tea?茶叶在哪?Its over there,behind t

2006-12-28 17:11:00 924

原创 Lesson Forty-One Penny's bag. 彭妮的提包.

Is that bag heavy,Penny?彭妮,那个包重吗?Not very.不是很重.Here,put it on this chair.Whats in it?来这,把它放在这个椅子上.包里是什么东西?A piece of cheese.一块乳酪.A loaf of bread.一个面包.A bar of soap.一块肥皂.A bar

2006-12-28 17:07:00 1196

原创 Lesson Thirty-Nine Don't drop it. 别掉了.

What are going to do with that vase,Penny?你打算怎么处理那个花瓶,Penny.Im going to put it on this table,Sam.我打算把它放在这张桌子上,Sam.Dont do that.Give it to me.不要那样做,把它给我.What are you going to do with it?

2006-12-28 16:57:00 827

原创 Lesson Thirty-Five Our village. 我们的村庄.

This is a photograph of our village.这是一张我们村庄的照片.Our village is in a valley.我们的村庄在一个山谷里.It is between two hills.它在两座山之间.The village is on a river.村庄靠近一条河.Heres another photograph of th

2006-12-26 18:56:00 908

原创 Lesson Thirty-Seven Making a bookcase. 做一个书架.

You are working hard,George.What are you doing?你干得真辛苦,乔治.你在干什么呢?Im making a bookcase.Give me that hammer please,Dan.我在做一个书架.请把那个锤子拿给我,丹.Which hammer?This one?哪个锤子?这个吗?No,not that one,the

2006-12-26 18:56:00 917

原创 Lesson Thirty-Three A fine day. 晴天.

Its a fine day today.今天是一个好天气.There are some clouds in the sky,but the sun is shining.虽然天上有些云,但太阳很明耀.Mr. Jones is with his family.They are walking over the bridge.Jones先生和他的家人在一起.他们正在路过桥.

2006-12-25 16:49:00 733

原创 Lesson Thirty-One Where is Sally? 萨莉在哪里?

Where is Sally,jack?杰克,萨莉在哪里?She is in the garden,Jean.琼斯,她在花园.Whats she doing?她在干什么?She is sitting under the tree.她证坐在树下面.Is Tim in the garden too?蒂姆也在花园吗?Yes,he is.He is climbin

2006-12-25 16:42:00 1071

原创 Lesson Twenty-nine Come in, Amy. 进来,艾米.

Come in Amy.进来,艾米.Shut the door please.请关上门.This bedrooms very untidy.这件卧室太不整洁了.What must I do, Mrs. Jones.我该做些什么呢,Jones太太.Open the window and air the room.打开窗户给房间通通气.Then put the

2006-12-21 13:57:00 859

原创 Lesson Twenty-seven Mrs. Smith's living room. 史密斯太太的客厅.

Mrs. Smiths living room is large.史密斯女士的客房很大.There is a television in the room.房间里有一台电视.The television is near the window.这个电视靠近窗户.There are some magazines on the television.电视上有一些杂志.T

2006-12-21 13:56:00 1100

原创 Lesson Twenty-five Mrs. Smith's kitchen. 史密斯太太的厨房.

Mrs. Smiths kitchen is small.史密斯女士的厨房很小.There is a refrigerator in the kitchen.厨房里有一个电冰箱.The refrigerator is white.这个电冰箱是白色的.It is on the right.它在右边.There is an electric cooker in the

2006-12-21 13:55:00 960

原创 Lesson Twenty-One Which book? 哪一本书?

Give me a book please, Jane.请拿一本书给我,Jane.Which book?那一本?This one?这本吗?No, not that one. The red one.不,不是那本.红的那本.This one?这本?Yes, please.是的,请拿给我.Here you are.给你.Thank you. 

2006-12-21 13:52:00 776

原创 Lesson Twenty-three Which glasses? 哪些玻璃杯?

Give me some glasses please, Jane.请拿一些玻璃杯给我,Jane.Which glasses?哪些玻璃杯?These glasses?这些?No, not those. The ones on the shelf.不,不是那些.在架子上的那些.These?这些?Yes, please.是的,请拿给我.Here you

2006-12-21 13:52:00 584

原创 Lesson Nineteen Tired and thirsty. 又累又渴

What is the matter, children?孩子们,怎么了?We are tired. And thirsty, Mum.我们很累.还很渴,妈妈.Sit down here, children.坐下来,孩子们.Are you all right now?你们现在好了吗?No, we arent.不,我们没有好.Look. Theres an

2006-12-21 13:19:00 596

原创 Lesson Seventeen How do you do? 你好.

Come and meet our employees, Mr. Richards.来见见我们的员工,Richards先生.Thank you, Mr. Jackson.谢谢,Jackson先生.This is  Nicola Grey, and this is Claire Taylor.这是Nicola Grey和Claire Taylor.How do you do?

2006-12-21 13:14:00 565

原创 Lesson Fifteen Your passports,please. 请出示你们的护照.

Are you Swedish?你们是瑞典人吗?No,we are not. We are Danish.不,我们不是,我们是丹麦人.Are your friends Danish too?你们的朋友也是丹麦人吗?No,they arent. They are Norwegian.不,他们不是,他们是挪威人.Your passports, please.请出示

2006-12-20 18:17:00 789

原创 Lesson Thirteen A new dress. 一件新连衣裙.

What colours your new dress?你的新连衣裙是什么颜色的?Its green. Come upstairs and see it.是绿色的,到楼上来看看.Thank you.谢谢.Look,Here it is.看,这就是.Thats a nice dress. Its very smart.那是件很好的连衣裙.非常时髦.My

2006-12-20 18:12:00 762

原创 Lesson Eleven Is this your shirt? 这是你的衬衫吗?

Whose shirt is that?那件衬衫是谁的?Is this your shirt? Dave.Dave,这是你的衬衫吗?No, sir. Its not my shirt.不是的,先生.那不是我的衬衫.This is my shirt. My shirt is blue.这是我的衬衫.我的衬衫是蓝色的. Is this shirt Tims?这是

2006-12-20 18:08:00 1011

原创 Lesson Nine How are you today? 你今天好吗?

Hello,Helen.你好,海伦.Hi,Steven.你好,史蒂文.How are you today?你今天好吗?Im very well, thank you, and you ?我很好,谢谢,你好吗?Im fine, thanks.我很好,谢谢.How is Tony?托尼好吗?He is fine,too. Thanks. How is

2006-12-20 17:57:00 751

原创 Lesson Seven Are you a teacher? 你是教师吗?

I am a new student .My names Robert.我是一名新生,我叫罗伯特.Nice to meet you. My names Sophie.很高兴见到你!我叫苏菲.Are you French?你是法国人吗?Yes,I am. Are you French too?是的,我是法国人.你也是法国人?No,I am not. 不,我不是

2006-12-20 17:52:00 1026

原创 Lesson Five Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你.

Good morning!早上好Good morning,Mr. Blake.早上好,布莱克先生.This is Miss Sophie Dupont.Sophie is a new student.She is French.这是苏菲.布来特小姐,她是一名新生.她是法国人.Sophie,this is Hans.hee is German.苏菲,这是汉思,他是德国人.

2006-12-20 17:46:00 1153

原创 一个操作线程的类

下面是一个操作线程的类,具体的参数可以修改.可以利用属性来返回值.using System;using System.Threading;using System.IO;namespace IconMes.ReadFile...{    /**////     /// ThreadClass 的摘要说明。    ///     public class ThreadClass    ...

2006-12-20 17:31:00 475

原创 Lesson Three Sorry,sir. 对不起,先生

My coat and my umbrella please.请把我的大衣和伞拿给我.Heres my ticket.这是我的牌子.Thank you,sir.谢谢,先生.Number five.是5号.Heres your umbrella and your coat.这是你的伞和大衣.This is not my umbrella.这不是我的伞.

2006-12-19 17:59:00 613

原创 Lesson One Excuse me. 对不起.

Excuse me.对不起.Yes?什么事?Is this your handbag?这是你的手提包吗?Pardon?对不起,请再说一遍.Is this your handbag?这是你的手提包吗?Yes,it is.是的,是我的.Thank you very much! 非常感谢!

2006-12-19 17:53:00 544

原创 从AssemblyInfo.cs里获得信息

AssemblyInfo.cs文件代码片段: [assembly: AssemblyTitle("")][assembly: AssemblyDescription("")][assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")][assembly: AssemblyCompany("")][assembly: AssemblyProduct("飞鼠工作室")][as

2006-12-19 14:55:00 1273

原创 个人卡通自画像软件


2006-12-15 17:08:00 18392

原创 无法加载oci.dll

最近突然发现运行程序时会出现:无法加载oci.dll 的错误,上网找了好久,总算解决了.具体方法有:1. 打开Ora92的-》属性-》安全,选Authenticated  Users  看下面的属性    将Read  and  Execute  的勾去掉,然后又勾上,确定重新启动机器.2.由于安装oracle时默认没有安装thin驱动,需要重新安装,选择自定义安装,选择thin驱动,安装

2006-12-14 14:04:00 4569

原创 定时器的使用

下面是一段定时器使用的代码://开始读取事件        private void btRead_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)        ...{            btRead.Enabled = false;            btStopRead.Enabled = true;            fileClass

2006-12-14 11:12:00 564

原创 C# 调用oracle存储过程

以下是一段C#中连接Oracle存储过程的代码:        //调用存储过程        private string CallProcdure(string data,DateTime time,string type)        ...{            OracleConnection myconn;            OracleCommand cmd;    

2006-12-14 11:04:00 1003

原创 WinForm中使用配置文件连接数据库

在WinForm中使用配置文件连接Oracle数据库:建立应用程序配置文件:App.config xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>configuration>    appSettings>        add key="DatabaseConnection" value="user id=cmes;data source=SHACIIC

2006-12-14 10:55:00 3637

原创 连接局域网共享目录

第一次连接局域网计算机时,自动填写用户,密码进行登陆,以后就不需在连接了.//连接网络计算机        private void ConnectRemoteMachine(string folder,string userName,string password)        ...{            Process process1 = new Process();     

2006-12-14 10:49:00 700

原创 三只乌龟的故事

某日,龟爸、龟妈、龟儿子三只乌龟,决议去郊游。 带了一个山东大饼,和两罐海底鸡出发到阳明山去。 苦爬十年,终於到了。席地而坐,卸下装备,准备进 食。  ****~~~该死!!没带开罐器! 龟爸说:『龟儿子.....回去拿!!』 龟妈说:『乖儿子...快!爸妈等你回来一起开饭..快去快回』 龟儿子说:『一定要等我回来!不可食言喔!..』 龟儿子踏上归途...  光阴似箭,20年已到,龟儿子尚未出现.

2006-12-06 17:13:00 3731

原创 暴料放屁


2006-12-06 17:01:00 920

jquery easyui

jquery easyui 非常好的web控件库,附件是最新的官方代码





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最新版本的vss 2005微软源代码管理器工具的中文包



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