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原创 Asking The Right Questions--Fallacies In Reasoning.

If a reason has fallacies, it cannot be relied on.The point is we should learn to find fallacies even though we can't name them. Pay attention to reasons and conclusion and check if the reasons real

2017-05-05 09:01:18 749

原创 打包好的apk放到手机上可以跑起来,但一尝试登陆就挂了。


2017-05-02 10:19:51 1085

原创 No rule to make target cocos2d/cocos/editor-support/cocostudio/CCActionFrame.cpp

No rule to make target cocos2d/cocos/editor-support/cocostudio/CCActionFrame.cpperror: undefined reference to 'curl_easy_init'error: undefined reference to 'curl_easy_perform'error: undefined reference to 'curl_easy_cleanup'

2017-05-02 10:07:19 922

原创 Shaders to regulate image lightness like in PhotoShop(shader实现Photoshop的亮度调节效果,按钮变暗效果)

We can regulate image lightness in photoshop like this (Ctrl+U):I find it results in different end lightness for different original lightness and for different lighness offset you want to regulate

2017-04-26 11:15:21 559

原创 HSV to RGB and RGB to HSV

Sometimes we need to transform between color spaces in shaders.There 2 ways to transform between HSV and RGB.The shorter one, which is not compatible on some IOS devices like iPhone6 Plus:vec3 rgb

2017-04-26 10:19:05 842

原创 Photoshop Lightness Regulation Formula

l is the current lightness.x is the offset that will be regulated.L is the new lightness after regulation.Two formulas are equal to each other.\begin{array}{l}\text{$l$ is the current lightness.}\\\

2017-04-26 01:52:20 596

原创 Asking The Right Questions -- Note Two: Find reasons and clarify ambiguities

Before we decide to accept a writer's or a speaker's argument, we must find the reasons that support their conclusion, and those ambiguous terms in the issues, conclusions or reasons must be clarifi

2017-04-23 17:53:43 425

原创 Candy Crush Soda 赏析

赏析目的: 发现优秀游戏的优点,学习和模仿他们好的地方,但不能止于模仿,更重要的是多思考别人是怎么想到这些点的。分析这些设计的本质,找到统一的规律,多按照这些规律去思考,或许也能想出一些能给人小惊喜的设计。整体感觉: 很不错的一款游戏,很好玩,停不下来,每次玩都是把体力用光。细节非常丰富,并且动感十足,到处都能点,都会有反应,非常人性化。游戏关卡不同玩法交替出现,不会感觉无聊,

2017-04-22 19:03:59 1225

原创 Asking The Right Questions -- Note One: Find the issue and conclusion.

Q: Why do I start taking notes?A: there are several reasons that I start taking notes. 1. My past learning experience tells me to do that If I what to learn better. 2. Many advices about taking note

2017-04-22 16:42:39 575

原创 Use BlueStacks in Command Line

Bluestacks, Command Line, Workflow, Android

2017-03-04 19:47:26 2508

转载 WinRAR SFX Commands

Original Article link:http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/34343-winrar-sfx-commands/Basic SFX Info :(Windows 95, 98, NT and so on). [These modules can not be controlled under Windows 3.1 or

2017-02-28 14:55:55 1915

原创 mshta usage

mshta is short for MicroSoft Html Application. It could run html file or html string as a parameter. what is interesting is you can use it in a window batch command or batch file and you can use some

2017-02-26 20:27:35 1219

原创 Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Cannot load library

when I tried to package an old cocos2dx NDK project, I encountered this problem, apk could be exported but crashed when start running it.Here is the log I get from eclipse logcat:FATAL EXCEPTION

2017-02-23 15:33:44 3333

原创 SDUT3371 解题报告


2017-02-10 16:10:57 445

转载 cocos2dx之如何优化内存使用


2014-05-05 13:35:28 6070

转载 西游记中景点

车迟国那集的破庙是位于 北京市海淀区的七王坟,七王即醇贤亲王乌鸡国那集唐僧他们要投宿的那座庙宇是位于 北京香山的碧云寺 无底洞那集的大寺院是 北京卧佛寺 唐王送唐僧喝酒的那个地方是位于 河北省易县的清西陵,泰陵(雍正帝陵寝)正门大红门前 唐王接唐僧的皇宫是清西陵的泰陵或昌陵(嘉庆帝陵寝)陵宫 西天是在 泰国大王宫 女儿国那集是在 苏州狮子林黄袍怪那集是在 云南石林宝象国是在 昆明昙

2014-04-27 23:53:46 1350

转载 界面层与逻辑层分离

转自:http://bbs.csdn.net/topics/260019609问题:如何将 界面层 与 复杂的业务逻辑层 分离开来呢?或者是 分离开到一个什么样的程度算是不耦合? 谈一下我的观点:首先,对你的问题,我觉得是两个问题搅在一起了,还是分开来讲比较好。一个问题是软件分层和耦合的问题。另一个问题是如何划分业务逻辑和界面的问题。首先,软件设计为

2014-04-19 22:04:31 8114

转载 ubuntu12.04设置wifi热点给Android设备

As many of you know, most of our android(not only android) devices can't connect to ad hoc hotspots. There's a solution for win7/8 users to set up infrastructure hotspot on their laptop using software

2014-01-04 20:02:35 2503

原创 Linux下dota2启动失败解决办法

前段时间听说dota2有linux版本,果断下载安装了一个,当时搞驱动什么的把电脑搞挂了好几次,最后总算能跑了,然后换工作就好久没玩,这两天更新了好多东西之后,发现起不来了,不知道什么原因,尝试了很多次关掉重开或改启动参数什么的都不ok。    解决方法:我在控制台启动steam,然后启动dota2,发现dota2启动失败会有些log打出来,这真是极好的.发现自己访问dota.sh

2014-01-01 23:54:39 7174 1

转载 ubuntu 12.04系统黑屏,登录界面黑屏

原文链接:http://www.2cto.com/os/201305/213737.htmlubuntu 12.04系统黑屏,登录界面黑屏   1.硬件环境    Intel® Core™ i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz × 4   2.显卡     Intel 集成显卡   3.系统版本   ubuntu12

2013-10-12 12:19:37 10000

原创 Cocos2dx内的坐标系(Coordinate Systems In Cocos2dx)

窗口坐标系:即openGL坐标系,左下角为原点,向右是x正方向,向上是y正方向。纹理坐标系:左上角为原点,向右是x正方向,向下是y正方向。在使用图集时,例如截取其中的某个矩形块来创建一个sprite会用到此坐标系。Window Coordinate System: which uses the openGL coordinate system, has an origin at t

2013-08-23 09:05:38 1393

原创 Makefile的call函数

写了个例子来研究Makefile的call函数:#define a multiline variabledefine target echo $@ echo $@endef#define the target which is the first target, so default targetall: $(call target,all)#define the s

2013-07-13 00:38:57 20412

原创 Eclipse添加builder自动执行bat复制脚本

比如Eclipse里面有个android工程,在编译制作apk之前总希望能够把最新的资源拷贝到assert目录下,手动的话很费力,即使手动去执行个脚本,因为这很容易忘记,即使记得也很麻烦。更简便的方法是为工程添加一个builder来执行我们的复制脚本:工程》属性》Builders》New》Program ,得到一个builder。Location里面配置脚本的路径,通过浏览找到

2013-07-03 20:35:59 7341

原创 Eclipse配置NDK编译Android工程


2013-07-03 20:07:10 1043

转载 制作用U盘引导安装Ubuntu12.04

原文:http://nigelzeng.iteye.com/blog/1507573由于之前刻了两次碟,均在安装完一次系统之后就损坏了。。。所以打算用U盘来安装Ubuntu-12.04系统。我的镜像文件是:ubuntu-12.04-dvd-i386.iso 整个一早上都在弄如何如何装,试验了好多个方法都不成功。 不成功的方法:

2013-06-07 13:53:51 2277

原创 Android: call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread)

When I open a WebView in one thread and want to draw somehting in another thread, maybe they conflict when use the opengl. I googled a lot and found many developers accountered with this problem but I

2013-04-16 20:41:51 12339 3

原创 Win7+Eclipse+Android+NDK+Cocos2dx

Feature:A. do not need cygwin.B. we could set breakpoint and debug the native C++ part code in Eclipse. System and Software Version:Laptop: ASUSOS:win7 64bit ultimateJDK:jdk-7u15-windows

2013-04-14 21:28:14 5299

原创 HDU 1148

还没提交。。。#include#include#include#include#include#include#include#include#include#include#include#include#include#include#include using namespace std;const int N=105;int player[N][2

2012-09-08 11:53:37 845

原创 HDU1144 Prerequisites?

我承认我不是故意刷水题的,主要是难题都不会做了,热热身先。。。本题:由于数据不大,加一个flag数组标记是否已选课程。然后,挨个检查每种课程选的课数够不够就可以了。复杂度:O(m*c),10^4。#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using na

2012-09-08 10:45:49 797

原创 Codeforces Round #134 (Div. 2)C. Ice Skating

并查集。这么久没做题了,竟然快速的敲了个并查集出来还是蛮爽的。这个题目我是把能够彼此到达(中间可以通过其他点)的那些点归纳到一个集合中,最后统计集合的数目,需要新加的点就是集合的数目减1。有个地方需要证明,就是不存在添加一个点可以同时连通多个集合的情况。没举出反例,也没证明出来,怀疑是数学上的某个定理之类的。#include #include #include #includ

2012-08-18 20:38:02 1274 1

原创 Codeforces Round #134 (Div. 2)B. Airport

由于人数不多,可以利用优先队列。每次(每个人)选择座位最多或最少的飞机。时间复杂度:O(n*logm)由于当时某个地方少输入了一个分号,导致编译器提出各种error,导致我很长时间以为是自己的优先队列写错了,耽误了很久,导致第二题拿的分数很少,也影响了第三题的分数。不然很有可能那个高一点的名次的,太久没做题了,好搓一个。。。#include #include #include #

2012-08-18 20:25:17 1517

原创 Codeforces Round #134 (Div. 2)A. Mountain Scenery

暴力。#include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std;const int N = 1000;int main(){ int n,k; int a[N]; cin>>n>>k; for(int i=0;i<=2*n;i++) { cin>>a[i]; }

2012-08-18 20:19:41 1037 1

转载 vs2008一个著名的bug:error C2471: cannot update program database vc90.pdb

转自:  http://hi.baidu.com/%BC%C7%C2%BC%B5%C4%BF%D5%BC%E4/blog/item/d9af9b8170d6269bf703a6fb.html把一个VC6的工程转换为VS2008的工程后,编译找不到而且不能升级vc90.pdb文件的问题解决方法问题描述:1>e:\vcomh264net\vcomh\vcomh264net2.0

2012-07-26 14:52:33 888

转载 ANDROID关于亮屏和暗屏还有解锁的监听事件http://blog.csdn.net/muskmelon123/article/details/7522023

转自:http://blog.csdn.net/muskmelon123/article/details/7522023package com.lock.muskmelon;import java.util.Timer;import java.util.TimerTask;import android.app.Activity;import android.content.B

2012-07-23 15:50:22 2796

转载 关于Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views的解决方案

转自:http://www.cnblogs.com/king_dy/archive/2010/11/27/1889444.html        我表示很头疼,碰到这个问题,丝毫不晓得哪里出了问题。但问题必须得解决,硬着头皮一点一点试,总觉得跟线程有关系,不停的换关键词baidu,google各种搜索,最终,发现问题的所在。        我所做的游戏游戏画面用的是GL绘制,而今天我要添加

2012-07-19 16:42:07 704

转载 关于android工程中R.java不自动生成的问题

转自:http://yaoyansen.diandian.com/post/2011-06-30/2527435在eclipse中建的android工程里缺少R.java,在网上找了一圈终于解决了,总结一下奉献给大家。同样的问题,原因可能不同,所以请遇到这个问题的同志按条目依次排错: 1.右击你的工程(项目)——>Android Tools——>Fix Projec

2012-07-19 10:45:40 1279

原创 关于脚本


2012-03-15 21:48:20 1162 2

原创 VS2008下cocos2d-x工程配置

Cocos2dx Project settings in VS2008:First we should build the libcocos2d, because we will use the outputof the libcocos2d building in our own project, so its setting should be finished first.

2012-03-05 20:51:45 4001

原创 Cocos2d-x学习笔记

Cocos2d-x学习笔记A. Severalimportant concepts。Director: run backward, manage the all the scenes in the game like replacescene.Scene: run at forward, contains several layers, control the layers,now a

2012-03-05 20:46:50 2928

原创 使用cocos2d-x编程debug记录

Debug Records1.      Error when read data from xmlfile?Trace it I find:In file CCSAXParser.cpp         intresult= xmlSAXUserParseMemory( &saxHandler, this, pBuffer, size);         if ( resul

2012-03-05 20:43:15 1530



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