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原创 Leetcode 3123. Find Edges in Shortest Paths

Leetcode 3123. Find Edges in Shortest Paths

2024-04-21 17:38:41 279

原创 Leetcode 3121. Count the Number of Special Characters II

Leetcode 3121. Count the Number of Special Characters II

2024-04-21 17:37:04 281

原创 Leetcode 3122. Minimum Number of Operations to Satisfy Conditions

Leetcode 3122. Minimum Number of Operations to Satisfy Conditions

2024-04-21 17:36:31 211

原创 文献阅读:LESS: Selecting Influential Data for Targeted Instruction Tuning

文献阅读:LESS: Selecting Influential Data for Targeted Instruction Tuning

2024-04-14 19:28:27 1177

原创 Leetcode 3117. Minimum Sum of Values by Dividing Array

Leetcode 3117. Minimum Sum of Values by Dividing Array

2024-04-14 19:25:03 215

原创 Leetcode 3116. Kth Smallest Amount With Single Denomination Combination

Leetcode 3116. Kth Smallest Amount With Single Denomination Combination

2024-04-14 19:23:54 643

原创 Leetcode 3115. Maximum Prime Difference

Leetcode 3115. Maximum Prime Difference

2024-04-14 19:22:43 235

原创 Leetcode 3113. Find the Number of Subarrays Where Boundary Elements Are Maximum

Leetcode 3113. Find the Number of Subarrays Where Boundary Elements Are Maximum

2024-04-14 19:21:17 454

原创 Leetcode 3112. Minimum Time to Visit Disappearing Nodes

Leetcode 3112. Minimum Time to Visit Disappearing Nodes

2024-04-14 19:20:02 340

原创 Leetcode 3111. Minimum Rectangles to Cover Points

Leetcode 3111. Minimum Rectangles to Cover Points

2024-04-14 19:17:48 300

原创 Leetcode 3108. Minimum Cost Walk in Weighted Graph

Leetcode 3108. Minimum Cost Walk in Weighted Graph

2024-04-14 19:16:34 251

原创 Leetcode 3107. Minimum Operations to Make Median of Array Equal to K

Leetcode 3107. Minimum Operations to Make Median of Array Equal to K

2024-04-14 19:15:07 212

原创 Leetcode 3106. Lexicographically Smallest String After Operations With Constraint

Leetcode 3106. Lexicographically Smallest String After Operations With Constraint

2024-04-14 19:13:30 249

原创 Leetcode 3102. Minimize Manhattan Distances

Leetcode 3102. Minimize Manhattan Distances

2024-03-31 19:03:54 352

原创 Leetcode 3101. Count Alternating Subarrays

Leetcode 3101. Count Alternating Subarrays

2024-03-31 19:02:43 338

原创 Leetcode 3100. Water Bottles II

Leetcode 3100. Water Bottles II

2024-03-31 19:01:33 480

原创 Leetcode 3098. Find the Sum of Subsequence Powers

Leetcode 3098. Find the Sum of Subsequence Powers

2024-03-31 19:00:35 858

原创 Leetcode 3097. Shortest Subarray With OR at Least K II

Leetcode 3097. Shortest Subarray With OR at Least K II

2024-03-31 18:59:14 428

原创 Leetcode 3096. Minimum Levels to Gain More Points

Leetcode 3096. Minimum Levels to Gain More Points

2024-03-31 18:58:10 340

原创 文献阅读:APAR: LLMs Can Do Auto-Parallel Auto-Regressive Decoding

文献阅读:APAR: LLMs Can Do Auto-Parallel Auto-Regressive Decoding

2024-03-24 17:04:29 812

原创 Leetcode 3093. Longest Common Suffix Queries

Leetcode 3093. Longest Common Suffix Queries

2024-03-24 17:01:32 240

原创 Leetcode 3092. Most Frequent IDs

Leetcode 3092. Most Frequent IDs

2024-03-24 17:00:21 271

原创 Leetcode 3091. Apply Operations to Make Sum of Array Greater Than or Equal to k

Leetcode 3091. Apply Operations to Make Sum of Array Greater Than or Equal to k

2024-03-24 16:59:18 886

原创 文献阅读:Mixtral of Experts

文献阅读:Mixtral of Experts

2024-03-17 18:59:50 887

原创 Leetcode 3085. Minimum Deletions to Make String K-Special

Leetcode 3085. Minimum Deletions to Make String K-Special

2024-03-17 18:54:35 497

原创 Leetcode 3084. Count Substrings Starting and Ending with Given Character

Leetcode 3084. Count Substrings Starting and Ending with Given Character

2024-03-17 18:53:29 360

原创 Leetcode 3082. Find the Sum of the Power of All Subsequences

Leetcode 3082. Find the Sum of the Power of All Subsequences

2024-03-17 18:52:36 354

原创 Leetcode 3081. Replace Question Marks in String to Minimize Its Value

Leetcode 3081. Replace Question Marks in String to Minimize Its Value

2024-03-17 18:51:21 446

原创 Leetcode 3080. Mark Elements on Array by Performing Queries

Leetcode 3080. Mark Elements on Array by Performing Queries

2024-03-17 18:50:06 529

原创 文献阅读:Mistral 7B

文献阅读:Mistral 7B

2024-03-10 20:44:23 862

原创 Leetcode 3077. Maximum Strength of K Disjoint Subarrays

Leetcode 3077. Maximum Strength of K Disjoint Subarrays

2024-03-10 20:39:30 849

原创 Leetcode 3076. Shortest Uncommon Substring in an Array

Leetcode 3076. Shortest Uncommon Substring in an Array

2024-03-10 20:37:45 414

原创 Leetcode 3075. Maximize Happiness of Selected Children

Leetcode 3075. Maximize Happiness of Selected Children

2024-03-10 20:36:44 393

原创 文献阅读:The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Easy Training Data for Hard Tasks

文献阅读:The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Easy Training Data for Hard Tasks

2024-03-03 14:59:17 847

原创 Leetcode 3072. Distribute Elements Into Two Arrays II

Leetcode 3072. Distribute Elements Into Two Arrays II

2024-03-03 14:54:22 477

原创 Leetcode 3071. Minimum Operations to Write the Letter Y on a Grid

Leetcode 3071. Minimum Operations to Write the Letter Y on a Grid

2024-03-03 14:53:03 458

原创 Leetcode 3070. Count Submatrices with Top-Left Element and Sum Less Than k

Leetcode 3070. Count Submatrices with Top-Left Element and Sum Less Than k

2024-03-03 14:51:39 693

原创 Leetcode 3068. Find the Maximum Sum of Node Values

Leetcode 3068. Find the Maximum Sum of Node Values

2024-03-03 14:50:11 511

原创 Leetcode 3067. Count Pairs of Connectable Servers in a Weighted Tree Network

Leetcode 3067. Count Pairs of Connectable Servers in a Weighted Tree Network

2024-03-03 14:48:39 1024

原创 Leetcode 3066. Minimum Operations to Exceed Threshold Value II

Leetcode 3066. Minimum Operations to Exceed Threshold Value II

2024-03-03 14:47:01 407



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