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转载 PostgreSQL与MySQL:最佳开源数据库之争

2011年08月18日01:00 it168网站原创 作者:sebastine 编辑:王玉圆 评论:0条  【IT168 专稿】为企业选择一个适合的数据库,需要做一个相当长远的打算,因为如果日后改变选择,将付出非常艰难又昂贵的代价。所以必须第一次就做出正确的选择。MySQL和

2011-08-21 16:49:17 649

转载 细说Java GUI:AWT,SWT,Swing

原文:http://blogs.sun.com/Swing/entry/awt_swt_swing_java_gui译者:Matthew ChenOverview概述     Java GUI 工具包一直是一个倍受争议的话题。同样的争论也发生在其他编程语言

2011-08-07 13:06:31 626

转载 OGRE Intermediate Tutorial 4 Volume Selection and Basic Manual Objects Print

/* Intermediate Tutorial 4 * Volume Selection and Basic Manual Objects */#ifndef OGREWIDGET12_H#define OGREWIDGET12_H#include #include #include "selectionbox.h"class OgreWidget12 : pub

2011-06-15 17:57:00 483

原创 OGRE Mouse Picking (3D Object Selection) and SceneQuery Masks

/* Intermediate Tutorial 3 * Mouse Picking (3D Object Selection) and SceneQuery Masks (Part 2 of 2) */#ifndef OGREWIDGET11_H#define OGREWIDGET11_H#include #include class OgreWidget11 : p

2011-06-11 22:02:00 837

转载 GCC-Inline-Assembly-HOWTO

<br /><br /><br /><br />GCC-Inline-Assembly-HOWTO<br />http://www.ibiblio.org/gferg/ldp/GCC-Inline-Assembly-HOWTO.htmlSandeep.S<br />v0.1, 01 March 2003. <br /> <br />This HOWTO explains the use and usage of the inline assembly feature provided by GC

2011-05-07 20:08:00 451

原创 QtCreator Bug: No valid Qt versions found / Failed to detect the ABI (only Static compile)

DetailsType: Bug Status: Resolved Priority: P2: Important Resolution: Done Affects Version/s:Qt Creator 2.

2011-05-07 02:23:00 2099

转载 Qt Creator 2.2 released

<br />We are happy to announce the release of Qt Creator 2.2.<br />Even if this release is following the previous release after not even ten weeks it contains a whole lot of new features as well as bug fixes and enhancements making an update worthwhile.<

2011-05-06 23:18:00 542

转载 Qt的插件机制

<br />Qt有两种与插件有关的API。一种用来扩展Qt本身的功能,如自定义数据库驱动,图像格式,文本编解码,自定义分格,等等,称为Higher-Level API。另一种用于应用程序的功能扩展,称为Lower-Level API。前一种是建立在后一种的基础之上的。这里讨论的是后一种,即用来扩展应用程序的Lower-level API。<br /><br /><br />让应用程序支持插件扩展的步骤:<br />  1. 定义一个接口集(只有纯虚函数的类),用来与插件交流。<br />  2.

2011-05-06 19:29:00 570

转载 How to statically link Qt 4

<br />Make your entire Qt application work entirely from a single file.<br /><br /><br />I was downloading Ubuntu Netbook Remix for my EeePC 900A and found that it’s installer is not a CD image, but a raw image meant to be written to a USB FLASH driv

2011-05-06 09:47:00 634

转载 Building Qt Static (and Dynamic) and Making it Small with GCC, Microsoft Visual Studio, and the Intel Compiler

<br />This article will show you how to build Qt, the popular C++ framework from Nokia, so that it is both small and, if you prefer, available for static linking. Your Qt applications will be smaller, possibly faster, and can be distributable as a sing

2011-05-06 09:46:00 615

原创 Ogre射线场景查询

#ifndef OGREWIDGET10_H#define OGREWIDGET10_H#include #include class OgreWidget10 : public QWidget{ Q_OBJECTpublic: explicit OgreWidget10(QWidget *parent = 0); ~OgreWidget10(); QPaintEngine *paintEngine() const;signals:pu

2011-05-04 19:47:00 680

转载 NASM Examples

<br /> NASM ExamplesGetting Started<br />Here is a very short NASM program that displays "Hello, World" on a line then exits. Like most programs on this page, you link it with a C library:helloworld.asm;----------------------------------------------------

2011-05-02 12:21:00 517

转载 线程、事件与QObject

线程、事件与QObject<br />敬告:测试版本<br />本译文接近定稿,但还须一些加工和更好的例子。欢迎任何评阅和贡献。有关本文的讨论参见如下“链接”:http://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewthread/2423/<br />介绍<br />You’re doing it wrong. — Bradley T. Hughes<br />线程是qt channel里最流行的讨论话题之一。许多人加入了讨论并询问如何解决他们在运行跨线程编程时所遇到的问题。<br

2011-05-01 18:40:00 1108

转载 Threads, Events and QObjects

Threads, Events and QObjects<br />Warning: Beta Version<br />The article is almost done, but it needs a bit of polishing and some good examples. Any review or contribution is welcome! Discussion about this article happens in this thread[developer.qt.nokia.

2011-05-01 18:36:00 740

转载 揭开Shellcode的神秘面纱


2011-04-30 23:47:00 569

原创 Linux TCP网络编程示例

<br />#include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/socket.h>#include <arpa/inet.h>#include <netinet/in.h>#include <strings.h>#include <string.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <errno.h>#include <unistd.h>int main(int argc, char *ar

2011-04-30 22:46:00 408

转载 Linux下缓冲区溢出攻击的原理及对策

<br />前言<br />从逻辑上讲进程的堆栈是由多个堆栈帧构成的,其中每个堆栈帧都对应一个函数调用。当函数调用发生时,新的堆栈帧被压入堆栈;当函数返回时,相应的堆栈帧从堆栈中弹出。尽管堆栈帧结构的引入为在高级语言中实现函数或过程这样的概念提供了直接的硬件支持,但是由于将函数返回地址这样的重要数据保存在程序员可见的堆栈中,因此也给系统安全带来了极大的隐患。<br />历史上最著名的缓冲区溢出攻击可能要算是1988年11月2日的Morris Worm所携带的攻击代码了。这个因特网蠕虫利用了fin

2011-04-30 20:41:00 345

转载 C语言函数调用详细解析[转]

<br />  这是从别处看到的一篇文章,感觉写的非常深入细致,是作者学习汇编语言的笔记,但是我觉得这篇文章对理解C函数调用非常有帮助,于是参考作者的步骤在自己的linux机器上实现了一下, 并对文章做了一些细小的更改,在此对原作者致谢,如果作者觉得这样有些冒犯的话,请通知我我会立即撤掉。<br />X86汇编语言学习手记(1)<br />作者: Badcoffee<br />Email: [email protected]<br />2004年10月<br />原文出处: ht

2011-04-30 13:11:00 602

转载 Smashing The Stack For Fun And Profit

.oO Phrack 49 Oo. Volume Seven, Issue Forty-Nine File 14 of 16 BugTraq, r00t, and Underground.Org

2011-04-30 00:18:00 1322

原创 OGRE骨骼动画

#ifndef OGREWIDGET9_H#define OGREWIDGET9_H#include #include #include using namespace std;class OgreWidget9 : public QWidget, public Ogre::FrameListener, public Ogre::WindowEventListener{ Q_OBJECTpublic: explicit OgreWidget9(QWidge

2011-04-28 23:23:00 588

转载 不可思议的Qt GrahpicView演示-重返德军总部(有视频哦)

<br />没有看过的同学可以先看一下这个video:<br />http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzkzNjc4MDQ=.html<br /><br />源代码可以在这里下载<br /> 这个不可思议的demo演示了如何使用Qt中的GrahphicView来创造3d世界,在利用QTransform创建出3d世界之后,你可以任意的将任何Qt的widget放入其中,不论是简单的button,还是复杂的Webview和MediaPlayer,甚至是另外一个Grah

2011-04-26 11:34:00 2413 6

转载 Accelerate your Widgets with OpenGL

<br /> by Samuel Rødal<br />Qt 4.4 introduced a powerful feature to allow any QWidget subclass tobe put into QGraphicsView. It is now possible to embed ordinary widgets in aQGLWidget, a feature that has been missing in Qt's OpenGL support forsom

2011-04-25 23:47:00 690

转载 Qt Paint System

<br />http://doc.trolltech.com/4.5/paintsystem.html#creating-a-paint-device<br /> <br />Qt's paint system enables painting on screen and print devices using the same API, and is primarily based on the QPainter, QPaintDevice, and QPaintEngine classes.<br />

2011-04-23 21:22:00 535

原创 Ogre Basic Tutorial 8 : Multiple and Dual SceneManagers

<br />#ifndef OGREWIDGET8_H#define OGREWIDGET8_H#include <QWidget>#include <Ogre.h>#include <OISEvents.h>#include <OISInputManager.h>#include <OISKeyboard.h>#include <OISMouse.h>#include <SdkTrays.h>#include <SdkCameraMan.h>class OgreWi

2011-04-22 18:47:00 428

转载 Boost Breadth First Search Example

<br />//=======================================================================// Copyright 2001 Jeremy G. Siek, Andrew Lumsdaine, Lie-Quan Lee, //// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.tx

2011-04-18 19:48:00 429

原创 使用原始套接字编写ping程序

<br />#ifndef IPHEADER_H#define IPHEADER_H// 定义TCP头结构struct TcpHeader{ unsigned short int th_sport; // 16位源端口 unsigned short int th_dport; // 16位目的端口 unsigned int th_seq; // 32位序列号 unsigned int th_ack; // 32位确认号 unsigned ch

2011-04-17 23:31:00 717

转载 Qt Ogre Integration


2011-04-16 17:30:00 1040

转载 Trolls, Ogres and….Frappers?

<br />Animators and filmmakers are matching Qt with open source 3D rendering engine OGRE to create pioneering animations.<br />Qt is frequently the application framework of choice for developers using the OGRE toolset, with the two used in tandem to build

2011-04-16 17:02:00 333

转载 Ogre Basic Tutorial 1: SceneManager, SceneNode, and Entity objects.

<br />/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Filename: BaseApplication.h-----------------------------------------------------------------------------This source file is part of the ___

2011-04-12 19:47:00 401

原创 OpenGL画圆

<br />随手写的OpenGL画圆的小程序,很简单,算是代码备忘录吧。<br /> <br />// widget.h#ifndef WIDGET_H#define WIDGET_H#include <QtGui/QWidget>#include <QtOpenGL>class Widget : public QGLWidget{ Q_OBJECTpublic: Widget(QWidget *parent = 0); ~Widget();pr

2011-04-05 19:34:00 1883

原创 关于OpenGL和QPainter的结合

<br />#ifndef VOWELCUBE_H#define VOWELCUBE_H#include <QtCore>#include <QtGui>#include <QtOpenGL>class VowelCube : public QGLWidget{ Q_OBJECTpublic: VowelCube(QWidget *parent = 0); ~VowelCube();protected: void paintEvent(

2011-03-19 11:04:00 1035

转载 OpenGL入门学习之十五——从“绘制一个立方体”来看OpenGL的进化过程

<br />呵呵,绘制一个立方体,简单呀,我们学了第一课第二课,早就会了。<br /> 先别着急,立方体是很简单,但是这里只是拿立方体做一个例子,来说明OpenGL在绘制方法上的改进。 从原始一点的办法开始<br />一个立方体有六个面,每个面是一个正方形,好,绘制六个正方形就可以了。glBegin(GL_QUADS);<br />     glVertex3f(...);<br />     glVertex3f(...);<br /

2011-01-04 21:17:00 376

原创 OpenGL学习笔记--纹理映射

<br />// glwidget6.h<br />#ifndef GLWIDGET6_H<br />#define GLWIDGET6_H<br /><br />#include "../glwidget.h"<br /><br />class GLWidget6 : public GLWidget<br />{    <br />    // Q_OBJECT //! 注意:此处不能有Q_OBJECT    <br />public:<br />    GLWidget6(i

2010-06-18 09:25:00 331

原创 OpenGL学习笔记--旋转的五彩立方体(探索3D编程的奇妙世界)

// glwidget.h#ifndef GLWIDGET_H#define GLWIDGET_H#include #include #include class GLWidget : public QGLWidget{    Q_OBJECTpublic:    GLWidget(int timerInterval = 0, QWidget *parent = 0);protected:    virtual void initializeGL() = 0;

2010-06-17 00:17:00 513

原创 OpenGL学习笔记--旋转

<br />// glwidget.h<br />#ifndef GLWIDGET_H<br />#define GLWIDGET_H<br /><br />#include <QtCore><br />#include <QtGui><br />#include <QtOpenGL><br /><br />class GLWidget : public QGLWidget<br />{<br />    Q_OBJECT<br />public:<br />    GL

2010-06-16 22:24:00 501

原创 OpenGL学习笔记--着色(探索3D编程的奇妙世界)

<br />// glwidget3.h<br />#ifndef GLWIDGET3_H<br />#define GLWIDGET3_H<br /><br />#include "../glwidget.h"<br /><br />class GLWidget3 : public GLWidget<br />{    <br />    // Q_OBJECT //! 注意:此处不能有Q_OBJECT    <br />public:<br />    GLWidget3(i

2010-06-16 21:36:00 287

原创 第一个多边形

<br />// glwidget.h<br /> <br />#ifndef GLWIDGET_H<br />#define GLWIDGET_H<br /><br />#include <QtCore><br />#include <QtGui><br />#include <QtOpenGL><br /><br />class GLWidget : public QGLWidget<br />{<br />    Q_OBJECT<br />public:<br />

2010-06-16 20:02:00 275

原创 Qt访问MySQL代码

<br /><br />#include <QtCore><br />#include <QtGui><br />#include <QtSql><br />#include "widget.h"<br /> <br />int main(int argc, char *argv[])<br />{<br />    QApplication a(argc, argv);<br />    QTextCodec::setCodecForCStrings(QTextCodec::codecForName("U

2010-06-09 20:46:00 413

原创 Qt访问MySQL

<br /><br />#include <QtCore><br />#include <QtGui><br />#include <QtSql><br /> <br />#include "widget.h"<br /> <br />int main(int argc, char *argv[])<br />{<br />    QApplication a(argc, argv);<br />    QTextCodec::setCodecForCStrings(QTextCodec::codecFor

2010-06-09 08:46:00 330

转载 MYSQL 中文乱码 字符集utf8 下插入中文insert,select显示中文

<br />如何使用字符集utf8,在DOS(mysql>)下,能insert中文,select也能看正常的中文?<br /><br />   0. MySQL5.0中文问题解决方案如下:<br />     1.在dos环境下,用mysql --default-character-set=utf8 -u root -p 这句话进入mysql~~<br />     2.mysql> show variables like 'character/_set/_%';<br /><br />

2010-06-06 13:45:00 689

NeHe OpenGL 教程源码Qt版

NeHe OpenGL 教程1-29课的源码。



Qt+OpenGL的一些简单例子 Source code



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