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原创 亚马逊AWS linux 定时任务 crontab

crontab -l 查看定时任务 crontab -e 编辑定时任务 service crond start启动定时任务 service crond stop停止定时任务重点在于写正确的定时任务,下面是每分钟执行一次,先到/usr/local/nodeMai路径下,再执行task.sh脚本。多条命令用; 分隔* * * * * cd /usr/local/nodeMail;sh...

2018-05-19 13:34:34 2872 1

原创 nodejs 读写 mongodb


2023-04-09 16:14:49 155

原创 MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Unknown column

Error updating database. Cause: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Unknown column ‘give_card_id’ in ‘field list’The error may involve com.usercard.dao.TransferRecordDao.add-I...

2018-11-02 17:53:59 2069

转载 mybatis integer 类型0传值问题

 <if test="status!=null and status!=''">and status = '${status}'</if>当我status 传入参数为0的时候(Integer status ),到if 条件时,就不执行,被识别成 空字符串 了。and status != '' 这句去掉。最近又遇到这个问题了,然后就再去百度了一下,还可以这...

2018-07-29 12:43:05 871

原创 chrome断开网络测试及移除所有断点etc

1.断网调试:点击network,勾选offline即可断开网络。点击后面的online也可以选择不同的网络连接状况,来模拟不同的网络情况。2.一次移除所有的断点,点击sources,在右边的breakpoints下拉的断点上右键,选择remove all breakpoints即可一次性移除所有的断点。...

2018-07-17 20:10:48 6968

原创 微信错误: 请求数据格式化错误 errcode=47001-微信卡券修改时报错

最近项目里一个微信券修改调微信接口时一直报错:微信错误: 请求数据格式化错误 errcode=47001, errmsg=data format error hint: [QHfFxa04050725] Error before ":""}}json:{"errcode":47001,"errmsg":"data format error hint: [QHfFxa04050725] Error...

2018-06-15 09:59:47 16927

原创 java maven war包项目部署到tomcat

1.web项目先用maven install命令打包(会把所有资源包括依赖的jar包打成war包放到本地仓库)2.把生成的war包拷贝到tomcat 的 webapps下,删除版本号。linux下如果用ftp拷贝失败可能需要 chmod 777 文件夹名 赋予文件写入权限3.到bin目录下双击startup.bat可以启动tomcat,但是访问需要加上war包的包名,需要再配置路径如下。要注意,必...

2018-06-03 16:17:55 361 1

原创 linux 下 安装Gdrive来实现谷歌云盘同步文件ps 可能出现 Error 404: File not found

http://ju.outofmemory.cn/entry/329941网上教程都差不多,我是参考上面的文章装的gdrive。目的是用国外的vps clone github代码,上传到google drive,再下载到本地,从而避免github下载慢,最后容易失败的问题。但是都有个问题,其实下载时用到的命令应该是gdrive download -r fileId。用的是通过gdrive list...

2018-06-02 17:51:18 1338

转载 腾讯云mysql重新设置密码解决办法

为了更好的练习,相信很多小伙伴都买了自己的云服务器了,本人在用腾讯云时安装MySQL后出现了登陆不进去的问题。几天后有个同学遇到同样的问题,所以在这里说一下怎么处理这个问题。  安装mysql后,一般来说默认root用户的密码是空的,但是由于某种原因(本人暂时还不知道为什么)导致密码并不为空,所以登陆不了(登陆不了还有可能没有启动mysql服务)解决办法:  先登陆服务器,找到自己的my.cnf文...

2018-05-18 14:47:26 2242

翻译 Amazon AWS Linux安装nodejs(官网文档翻译)

https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-javascript/v2/developer-guide/setting-up-node-on-ec2-instance.htmlConnect to your Linux instance as ec2-user using SSH.Install the current version of node version m...

2018-05-18 13:20:08 1661

原创 Error scanning entry module-info.class from jar file,Jetty启动失败

Failed startup of context o.e.j.m.p.JettyWebAppContext@6687c7af{/,file:/C:/Users/...web-new/src/main/webapp/,STARTING}{file:/...web-new/src/main/webapp/}MultiException[java.lang.RuntimeException: Erro...

2018-04-30 21:02:31 10969 1

原创 判断日期是否重叠

可以转成判断是否不重叠判断start end 是否和 a b重叠必须保证 start < end 和 a < b在start > b 或者 end < a时就不重叠,取反即得到是否重叠在MySQL里就是  AND not (start_time >= #{end} or end_time <= #{start})而另外这个命题等价的命...

2018-04-27 17:16:21 1110

翻译 idea “cannot find declaration to go to” java文件左下角红色J解决办法

I had the same problem, here is what fixed it for me:close the project in intellij.close intellij.go to the project folder and delete the .idea folderrestart intellij and open the project (wait for th...

2018-04-13 11:51:49 2097

转载 尚硅谷-Maven学习笔记

转自 https://blog.csdn.net/zxm1306192988/article/details/76209062目录(?)[+]1、目前掌握的技术2、目前的技术在开发中存在的问题[why]一个项目就是一个工程 如果项目非常庞大,就不适合继续使用package来划分模块。最好是每一个模块对应一个项目,利于分工协作。 借助于maven就可以将一个项目拆分成多个工程。项目中需要的jar包必...

2018-04-06 22:43:01 783

原创 java io的相对路径 - jvm 启动路径

按照上面jdk文档上讲的这个相对路径是”相对当前用户目录”也就是”java虚拟机的调用目录”.更明白的说这个路径其实是我们在哪里调用jvm的路径通过tomcat运行的默认是在tomcat的bin目录下。idea通过main方法启动的 jvm是在项目根目录上启动的。通过控制台运行的,在哪执行就是哪个路径。...

2018-04-01 19:23:54 1567

转载 通过添加filter过滤器 彻底解决ajax 跨域问题(Java)

转自  https://www.cnblogs.com/laoqing/p/7192473.html?utm_source=itdadao&utm_medium=referral1、在web.xml添加filter<filter><filter-name>contextfilter</filter-name><filter-class>com...

2018-03-31 14:29:28 1851

原创 git Sourcetree TortoiseGit常用命令

git branch: 显示所有分支名称,有星号的是当前分支git branch xxx: 创建分支xxxgit checkout xxx: 切换到指定分支git branch base: 创建一个分支,当前分支还是之前的分支tortoiseGit合并分支到release: 拉代码,切到release分支,fetch pull更新代码 右键点击merge,branch选择被合并的分支名称 点击OK...

2018-03-25 00:49:51 712

转载 chrome浏览器开发者模式禁用缓存的设置方法

以前js写到html/jsp里,修改后,只要idea的设置是Update classes and resources再刷新页面就能同步更新。但是页面通过<script>标签引入的外部js就不能同步更新,改了以后死活更新不了,换了个浏览器才发现是缓存的问题。然后照下面的设置,在打开了开发者模式后,就能禁用缓存,同步更新了!chrome浏览器,只要F12打开开发者工具,点击右下角的齿轮“设...

2018-03-02 09:40:25 15166 1

转载 数据库事务的四大特性

事务(transaction)是由一系列操作序列构成的程序执行单元,这些操作要么都做,要么都不做,是一个不可分割的工作单位。数据库事务的四个基本性质(ACID)1. 原子性(Atomicity)事务的原子性是指事务中包含的所有操作要么全做,要么全不做(all or none)。2. 一致性(Consistency)在事务开始以前,数据库处于一致性的状态,事务结束后,数据库也必须处于一致性状态。...

2018-03-01 13:39:13 671

原创 idea和eclipse常用快捷键对比

eclipseidea描述ctrl shit Rctrl shift N根据文件名查找文件ctrl H(File search)ctrl shift R在文件内容中查找syso alt+/sout + tabSystem.out.printlin()快捷键alt + /alt + enter自动导包

2018-01-31 11:01:57 1989

转载 Bluebird小例子 promise chain example

Promise = require('bluebird')var A = function() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var result = 'A is done' console.log(result) resolve(result); })}

2018-01-18 13:34:09 232

翻译 ACTIVEMQ 里Queue和Topic的区别

TopicsIn JMS a Topic implements publish and subscribe semantics. When you publish a message it goes to all the subscribers who are interested - so zero to many subscribers will receive a copy of t

2018-01-10 17:23:40 1033

原创 postgresql 循环插入数据

plsql直接循环插数据当然比代码里循环插要快很多,只是PL/SQL的语法不怎么统一,不同的数据库语法上有些细微的差异,很头疼-------  postgresql 循环插入数据  -------------do $$declarev_idx integer := 1;begin  while v_idx   v_idx = v_idx+1;insert into

2018-01-09 22:43:28 18706 6

原创 ER_PARSE_ERROR: You have an error in your SQL syntax check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL

update job_info set require = 'XXXX' where id= 123在mysql执行上面的代码一直报下面的异常:throw err; // Rethrow non-MySQL errors        ^Error: ER_PARSE_ERROR: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the

2018-01-07 19:12:48 84215 1

转载 node.js通过QQ发送邮件

github:https://github.com/amor520/nodemailer-nodemailer-smtp-transpor博客地址 :http://amor.ninja/2016/07/12/nodejs邮件发送就是这么简单/调用方法:sendMail('[email protected]','这是测试邮件', 'Hi Amor,这是一封测试邮件');

2018-01-05 17:02:31 2153

原创 flv,wmv等视频格式加速播放方法

学习的过程中通常会看一些视频教程,快进播放可以节省很多时间~1.swf格式的可以通过MySpeed这个软件在浏览器播放,调节MySpeed就可以变速播放。2.wmv格式的可以使用windows自带的windows media player,播放页面右键选择增强功能就可以调节。3.安卓手机上,DicePlayer 可以对常规的一些视频格式加速播放。4.还有一些格式比如fbr的不知道如

2018-01-01 23:01:18 12924 1

原创 图片转成base64格式后上传OSS-Java及创建文件夹

String url = OSSUtils.simpleUploadFile2OSS(binaryStream, "testUploadBase64.jpg"); BASE64Decoder decoder = new BASE64Decoder(); byte[] imageByte = decoder.decodeBuffer(imageString); return new SerialBlob(imageByte);

2017-12-29 15:15:57 6702

原创 PL/SQL基础语法 赋值循环游标etc

-- pl/sql语法declare       age number(3);       is_true boolean := false;begin       age := 100;--赋值       dbms_output.put_line('hei呆');       dbms_output.put_line(age);       --dbms_out

2017-12-17 16:35:36 666

原创 [Err] ORA-02289: sequence does not exist序列不存在

公司用的pgsql,获取序列时用的是 select nextval('seq_name'),放在引号里面,所以不会有大小写的问题。晚上用Navicat创建序列时也给了小写的序列名,然后用 seq_name.nextval去获取序列时一直报ORA-02289: sequence does not exist的错误。然后就发现oracle查询序列时大概是自动把序列名转成大写的,自然就提示找不到

2017-12-16 22:44:01 18347

原创 win7 64位安装oracle 11g + Navicat premium连接 + 修改Oracle密码

1.安装oracle 11g及Navicat premium这里有从oracle官网下的11g的安装包:百度网盘链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1bOTj9W 密码:36d3安装很简单,基本上是一路next,注意记住安装的路径以及你要设置的用户密码,我设的amdin2.修改tnsnames.ora文件打开安装路径C:\oraclexe\app\oracle

2017-12-02 14:41:38 1927

原创 eclipse配置tomcat后出现404 The requested resource is not available


2017-10-15 12:24:17 6237 1

转载 Mybatis 中 Mapper XML 文件 的学习详解

目录(?)[+]http://www.xuebuyuan.com/1290837.htmlMyBatis 真正的力量是在映射语句中。这里是奇迹发生的地方。对于所有的力量,SQL 映射的 XML 文件是相当的简单。当然如果你将它们和对等功能的 JDBC 代码来比较,你会发现映射文件节省了大约 95%的代码量。MyBatis 的构建就是聚焦于 SQL 的,使其远离于

2017-04-27 17:54:47 447

转载 PostgreSQL学习手册(常用数据类型)

http://www.cnblogs.com/stephen-liu74/archive/2012/04/30/2293602.html一、数值类型:    下面是PostgreSQL所支持的数值类型的列表和简单说明:名字存储空间描述范围smallint2 字节小范围整数-32768 到 +32767

2017-04-21 15:23:26 418

转载 mysql和oracle不同之处

from: http://www.rapidprogramming.com/questions-answers/What-is-the-difference-between-MySQL-and-Oracle--617Oracle is the leading database management system released by Oracle Corporation. MySQL is

2017-04-08 20:46:28 358

原创 编写一个键盘翻页的Chrome插件

1.新建一个文件夹2.其中bg.js是主要部分,具体代码如下,jquery是引用的文件 $(document).keydown(function(e) { var pagewin = GetPageSize(); var pageHeight = pagewin["PageH"]; var winHeight = pagewin["WinH"

2017-04-04 20:44:54 1366 1

转载 利用Javascript生成txt文本文件

// 将字符串用txt的格式报存 ie中会出现中文乱码的问题var saveAs = saveAs || (function(view) { "use strict"; // IE <10 is explicitly unsupported if (typeof view === "undefined" || typeof navigator !== "undefined" && /MSI

2017-03-29 19:53:19 8430 4

转载 Ubuntu下su:authentication failure的解决办法

$ su - rootPassword: su: Authentication failureSorry.这时候输入$ sudo passwd rootEnter new UNIX password: Retype new UNIX password: passwd: password updated successfully这时候就可以进入根目录了

2017-03-18 22:47:51 436

转载 Linux常用指令

常用指令ls          显示文件或目录     -l           列出文件详细信息l(list)     -a          列出当前目录下所有文件及目录,包括隐藏的a(all)mkdir         创建目录     -p           创建目录,若无父目录,则创建p(parent)cd               切

2017-03-18 20:29:10 251

转载 @RequestMapping 用法详解之地址映射(转)

引言:前段时间项目中用到了RESTful模式来开发程序,但是当用POST、PUT模式提交数据时,发现服务器端接受不到提交的数据(服务器端参数绑定没有加任何注解),查看了提交方式为application/json, 而且服务器端通过request.getReader() 打出的数据里确实存在浏览器提交的数据。为了找出原因,便对参数绑定(@RequestParam、 @RequestBody、

2017-03-12 21:44:36 278

转载 Spring mvc中@RequestMapping 6个基本用法小结

Spring mvc中@RequestMapping 6个基本用法小结jackyrong  http://jackyrong.iteye.com/blog/1806326  小结下spring mvc中的@RequestMapping的用法。 1)最基本的,方法级别上应用,例如:    Java代码  @RequestMapping(

2017-03-12 09:50:15 309


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包含每个汉字的, '笔画数', '笔顺', `UNicode` `GB` 等信息,可以用与计算笔画数。


Core Temp CPU测温

enjoy~~~2018年5月12日17:06:00 解压即用,很方便的。





fbr视频播放器 Free FlashBack Player

fbr视频播放器 Free FlashBack Player,视频拖进去就能播放 还是很方便的额


Data Just Right

Data Just RightMaking Big Data Work: Real-World Use Cases and Examples, Practical Code, Detailed Solutions


大数据伦理学OReilly Ethics of Big Data

( OReilly Ethics of Big Data (2012)大数据伦理学OReilly Ethics of Big Data


the Big Data Tidal Wave, Finding Opportunities in Huge Data Streams

( Wiley Taming the Big Data Tidal Wave, Finding Opportunities in Huge Data Streams with Advanced Analytics (2012).pdf )


Big Data Reporting and Development for Operational Intelligence

Packt Publishing Implementing Splunk, Big Data Reporting and Development for Operational Intelligence (2013)





Big Data Glossary By Pete Warden.epub

Big Data Glossary By Pete Warden.epub





Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning






Data Mining Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques

Data Mining Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques


Big Data Retriever

Big Data RetrieverBig Data RetrieverBig Data RetrieverBig Data Retriever


Big Data For Dummies

Big Data For DummiesBig Data For DummiesBig Data For Dummies


金融中的机器学习,Machine Learning for Financial Engineering



Big Data Analytics Using Splunk

Big Data Analytics Using Splunk is a hands-on book showing how to process and derive business value from big data in real time. Examples in the book draw from social media sources such as Twitter (tweets) and Foursquare (check-ins). You also learn to draw from machine data, enabling you to analyze, say, web server log files and patterns of user access in real time, as the access is occurring. Gone are the days when you need be caught out by shifting public opinion or sudden changes in customer behavior. Splunk's easy to use engine helps you recognize and react in real time, as events are occurring. Splunk is a powerful, yet simple analytical tool fast gaining traction in the fields of big data and operational intelligence. Using Splunk, you can monitor data in real time, or mine your data after the fact. Splunk's stunning visualizations aid in locating the needle of value in a haystack of a data. Geolocation support spreads your data across a map, allowing you to drill down to geographic areas of interest. Alerts can run in the background and trigger to warn you of shifts or events as they are taking place. With Splunk you can immediately recognize and react to changing trends and shifting public opinion as expressed through social media, and to new patterns of eCommerce and customer behavior. The ability to immediately recognize and react to changing trends provides a tremendous advantage in today's fast-paced world of Internet business. Big Data Analytics Using Splunk opens the door to an exciting world of real-time operational intelligence.Built around hands-on projects Shows how to mine social media Opens the door to real-time operational intelligence What you'll learn Monitor and mine social media for trends affecting your business Know how you are perceived, and when that perception is rising or falling Detect changing customer behavior from mining your operational data Collect and analyze in real time, or from historical files Apply basic analytical metrics to better understand your data Create compelling visualizations and easily communicate your findings Who this book is for Big Data Analytics Using Splunk is for those who are interested in exploring the heaps of data they have available, but don't know where to start. It is for the people who have knowledge of the data they want to analyze and are developers or SQL programmers at a level anywhere between beginners and intermediate. Expert developers also benefit from learning how to use such a simple and powerful tool as Splunk.


SQL必知必会第三版 数据库数据



PostgreSQL 9.4.4 中文版 陈华军整理 osdba制作



Dr Java,轻量级Java编译器

DrJava is a lightweight development environment for writing Java programs. It is designed primarily for students, providing an intuitive interface and the ability to interactively evaluate Java code. It also includes powerful features for more advanced users. DrJava is available for free under the BSD License, and it is under active development by the JavaPLT group at Rice University.



0. commons-codec-1.9.jar 1. commons-logging-1.2.jar 2. fastjson-1.2.23.jar 3. httpclient-4.5.jar 4. httpcore-4.4.1.jar 5. httpcore-ab-4.2.3.jar 6. httpcore-nio-4.2.3.jar 没分我也很无奈啊。。要是凑够了五个下载就给免费了


Spring in Action.4th.Edition mobi

全英文 文字版 第四版



for task



TA创建的收藏夹 TA关注的收藏夹


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