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原创 C# 协变逆变(泛型修饰符in和out)

in和out用在范型interface和delegate中, 用来支持逆变和协变(in是逆变,out是协变)。协变保留赋值兼容性,逆变与之相反。下例中,泛型接口类型参数T有out修饰符,所以 a) 支持协变,ITest b = new D(); 可以编译通过,而ITest d = new B();出错;b) T类型只能用过函数返回值,故 T GetInstance(); 编译通

2015-08-04 10:02:27 9407

原创 使用DataContractJsonSerializer进行序列化和反序列化


2015-07-02 13:53:17 1884

转载 C# Linq: Join两个DataTable

方案一:当能够确定DtAll表的字段,并且字段不是很多的情况下,可以显式写出:var query1 = from rHead in dtHead.AsEnumerable() from rTail in dtTail.AsEnumerable() where rHead.Field('GoodID') == rTail.Field('GoodID') s

2015-06-15 22:37:18 5942

转载 DataTable.AcceptChanges方法有何用处

提交自上次调用 AcceptChanges 以来对该表进行的所有更改。调用 AcceptChanges 后,再用 DataAdapter.Update() 不会有任何新数据被更新到数据库中。那……那它有什么用处呢?Fill –> Edit –> Update –> AcceptChanges –> Edit –> Update –> AcceptChanges –> Edit –>

2015-06-15 22:18:49 456

原创 log4net 使用方法

1、下载http://mirror.bit.edu.cn/apache//logging/log4net/binaries/log4net-1.2.13-bin-newkey.zip, 解压,复制log4net.dll到项目目录,添加引用;2、在项目中添加应用程序配置文件 app.config:

2015-06-14 17:46:14 516

转载 log4net - Write log to WinForm TextBox

转载,测试可用,http://www.cnblogs.com/mrfangzheng/archive/2012/11/29/2795133.html。using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using log4net.Appender;using System.

2015-06-14 17:42:27 1209

原创 WCF4.0 –- RESTful WCF Services

WCF 很好的支持了 REST 的开发, 而 RESTful 的服务通常是架构层面上的考虑。 因为它天生就具有很好的跨平台跨语言的集成能力,几乎所有的语言和网络平台都支持 HTTP 请求,无需去实现复杂的客户端代理,无需使用复杂的数据通讯方式既可以将我们的服务暴露给任何需要的人,无论他使用 VB、Ruby、JavaScript,甚至是 HTML FORM,或者直接在浏览器地址栏输入。 WCF

2015-05-29 18:22:39 761

转载 .net的强引用和弱引用

转自http://www.cnblogs.com/Jessy/p/3594114.html 一:什么是弱引用      了解弱引用之前,先了解一下什么是强引用  例如 : Object obj=new Object();     就是一个强引用,内存分配一份空间给用以存储Object数据,这块内存有一个首地址,也就是obj所保存的数据,内存分配的空间中不仅仅保存

2015-05-29 18:18:19 416

转载 标准Http协议的请求方法

标准Http协议的请求方法标准Http协议支持六种请求方法, 即: 0,GET  1,HEAD  2,PUT  3,DELETE  4,POST  5,OPTIONS但其实我们大部分情况下只用到了GET和POST。如果想设计一个符合RESTful规范的web应用程序,则这六种方法都会用到。不过即使暂时不想涉及REST,了解这六种方法的本质仍然是很有作

2015-05-29 17:06:01 546

原创 What are RESTful Web Service?

What are RESTful Web Service?RESTful web services are built to work best on the Web. Representational State Transfer (REST) is an architectural style that specifies constraints, such as the unif

2015-05-29 16:53:13 401

原创 JAX-RS基础 for RESTful Web Service

JAX-RS是JAVA EE6 引入的一个新技术(JavaEE6在2009年发布)。 JAX-RS即Java API for RESTful Web Services (JSR311, https://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=311),是一个Java 编程语言的应用程序接口,支持按照表述性状态转移(REST)架构风格创建Web服务。JAX-RS使用了Java SE5引入的

2015-05-29 16:23:45 401

原创 PL\SQL基础

PL\SQL基础PL\SQL(Procedural Language/SQL)结合了结构化查询和Oracle自身的过程控制,支持更多数据类型,拥有自身的变量声明、赋值语句,而且还有条件、循环等流程控制语句。PL/SQL块发送给服务器后,先被编译然后执行,对于有名称的PL/SQL块(如子程序)可以单独编译,永久的存储在数据库中,随时准备执行。PL/SQL的优点还

2015-05-29 11:08:39 452

原创 Oracle经典入门教程


2015-05-27 18:14:42 484

转载 Oracle表空间

Oracle表空间表空间只是一个逻辑概念,若干操作系统文件(文件可以不是很大)可以组成一个表空间。表空间统一管理空间中的数据文件,一个数据文件只能属于一个表空间。一个数据库空间由若干个表空间组成。Oracle中所有的数据(包括系统数据),全部保存在表空间中,常见的表空间有: 系统表空间:存放系统数据,系统表空间在数据库创建时创建。表空间名称为 SYSTEM。

2015-05-27 18:13:10 466

原创 Oracle入门基础知识

Oracle入门基础知识是基于对象的关系数据库,Oracle产品免费,服务收费;客户端工具有默认的sql*Plus, 第三方工具PL/SQL Developer,还有企业管理器,从Oracle 10g开始支持B/S的企业管理器;开始工作前,Oracle服务器需要启动监听服务,客户端需要配置本地网络服务名;startup/shutdown 启动和关闭数据库;权限分为系统权

2015-05-27 17:50:28 482

原创 Perforce: p4 commands

Perforce: p4 commandsP4: add a folder/multiple files recursively to depotUsing 2012.1 or laterp4 reconcile -aUsing a release earlier than 2012.1On UNIX, run: find

2015-02-09 14:29:45 997

转载 VC++ data type: wchar_t v.s. unsigned short and compiler option /Zc:wchar_t

VC++ data type: wchar_t v.s. unsigned short and compiler option /Zc:wchar_tA variable of __wchar_t designates a wide-character or multibyte character type. By default wchar_t is a typedef for un

2015-02-06 15:03:46 668

转载 register int var v.s. int var

register int var v.s. int varMicrosoft SpecificThe compiler does not accept user requests for register variables; instead, it makes its own register choices when global register-allocation opt

2015-02-06 14:48:19 735

原创 Sybase: get the list of users who have sa_role role

query to logins that have sa_role role:use mastergoselect suser_name(slr.suid) as 'login', ssr.name as 'role'from sysloginroles slr, syssrvroles ssrwhere ssr.na

2015-01-22 23:22:08 849

原创 Sybase: login/user/uid/suid/alias/sysobjects

Sybase: login/user/uid/suid/alias/sysobjectsThe alias mechanism allows you to treat two or more users as the same user inside a database so that they all have the same privileges.check out

2015-01-22 18:16:08 1155

原创 HKEx: Trading Hours for Securities and Derivatives Markets

Trading Hours for Securities and Derivatives Marketshttps://www.hkex.com.hk/eng/market/typhoons/tradinghour.htm

2015-01-20 14:47:40 1328

原创 Powershell: try/catch/finally cannot catch non-terminating error

[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms") try { $cmd = "Stop-Process -Name abc" Write-Warning "$cmd" In

2015-01-15 19:02:16 853

转载 Futures Contract Symbols naming convention

copy from http://www.mrci.com/web/online-explanation-pages/symbols-a-codes.html, Moore Research Center. The contract symbols employed herein are those more widely used in the industry. A few notable

2015-01-14 17:02:33 679

原创 MS Visual Studio VC++: Calling Conventions - __cdecl, __stdcall, __fastcall, __thiscall, __clrcall,

these declaration is Microsoft Specific. __cdecl is the default calling convention for C and C++ programs. Because the stack is cleaned up by the caller, it can do vararg functions. The __cdecl

2015-01-13 18:04:19 954

原创 nmake.exe - builds projects based on commands contained in a description file.

run nmake.exe from VS command line tool.Start Menu --> All Programs --> Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 --> Visual Studio Tools --> Visual Studio Command Prompt (2010)Go to a folder which has a m

2015-01-13 17:05:31 480

原创 C/C++ entry point: main, wmain, WinMain, wWinMain v.s. _UNICODE

Dev Env: In Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2010main() - Console, ANSI;wmain() - Console, UNICODE;WinMain() - GUI, ANSIwWinMain() - GUI, UNICODEBut note that Microsoft Visual studi

2015-01-13 11:05:50 1971

转载 TEXT vs. _TEXT vs. _T, and UNICODE vs. _UNICODE

The plain versions without the underscore affect the character set the Windows header files treat as default. So if you define UNICODE, then GetWindowText will map to GetWindowTextW instead of GetWind

2015-01-13 10:50:06 523

原创 Preprocessor directives: _DEBUG, _MT, _DLL, _WIN32, _WIN64

#ifdef _DEBUGcout #endif  /* _DEBUG */#ifdef _MTcout #endif#ifdef _DLLcout #endif#ifdef _WIN32cout #endif#ifdef _WIN64cout #endifCRT Libra

2015-01-13 10:26:52 705

原创 VC++: Linker options - /VERBOSE[:ICF |:LIB |:REF |:SAFESEH]

VC++: Linker options - /VERBOSE[:ICF |:LIB |:REF |:SAFESEH]Open the project's Property Pages dialog box. For details, see Setting Visual C++ Project Properties.Click the Linker folder.Click

2015-01-08 15:12:36 923

原创 VC++ 2010: /SUBSYSTEM (Specify Subsystem) - Console application or windows GUI application?


2015-01-08 15:10:29 591

原创 Compiler options to choose C Run-Time Libraries (CRT)

Compiler options to choose C Run-Time Libraries (CRT)http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/abx4dbyh.aspx/MD, /MT, /LD (Use Run-Time Library)http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/2kzt

2015-01-08 15:03:58 531

原创 C++ How to tell if a .lib file was compiled with compiler option /MT, /MD, /MTd, /MDd, /clr etc?

Open the .lib file with Notepad.exe and search with keyword CL.exe, you can see similar command like below:C:\ProProjects\RWSourcePro6_1_VS2010\source\tools\15s cl C:\Program Files\Microsoft Vis

2015-01-08 14:56:53 878

原创 Integrated Data Network (IDN) and Thomson Reuters Elektron


2015-01-06 15:52:01 1137

转载 Reuters Market Data System (RMDS)

Reuters Market Data System (RMDS) is an open market data platform provided by Thomson Reuters. RMDS is used to transport, integrate and manage financial data from stock exchanges and other data

2015-01-06 14:35:14 1146


IPE - 伦敦国际石油交易所(International Petroleum Exchange)CEC - ?????

2015-01-06 14:18:57 560

原创 ISO 10383 - Market Identifier Codes


2015-01-05 16:38:33 619

原创 ICE - Intercontinental Exchange Inc (ICE.N)

you know NYS, do you know ICE?

2015-01-05 16:31:29 346

原创 EFS(Exchange for Swap) Volume

Exchange for physicals (EFP) EFS(Exchange for Swap) Volume Exchange of Futures for (Related) Market (EFM)ICE (Intercontinental Exchange Inc)

2015-01-05 16:30:03 742

原创 Powershell: schedule job in Powershell

http://blogs.technet.com/b/heyscriptingguy/archive/2012/09/18/create-a-powershell-scheduled-job.aspx$dailyTrigger = New-JobTrigger -Daily -At "2:00 PM"$option = New-ScheduledJobOption -StartIfOnBat

2015-01-05 14:57:36 1188

原创 Powershell is learning linux now? - Update-Help update help content to latest.

need administrator privilege to do this.

2015-01-05 14:54:00 376



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